Thursday, January 2, 2020
Communication And Relational Closeness Between A Parent...
aaaaaaaThe purpose of this literature review is to gain a better understanding about the way that families communicate during and after a divorce. Moreover, this study will focus on the two communication variables of communication competence and relational closeness to further understand the role of communication in a divorce and its ability to affect the family unit. Ambiguity and Relational Closeness Divorces happen at high rates and, many times, divorces often affect marriages with children (McManus Nussbaum, 2011, p. 501). During the divorce, it is common to find that parents are less committed to particular stances and may rely on ambiguity more often in their comments (McManus Nussbaum, 2011, p. 501). Communication privacy†¦show more content†¦Ambiguity related to communication within a divorce can be a significant problem because it will threaten the strength of the familial bond. During a divorce, a child is seeing their world becoming significantly altered by the severing of their parent’s relationship. If the parent then chooses to use ambiguity as a communicative strategy during the divorce, it is likely that the child will feel even more distanced from the parent. They will feel unsure of their place within the family now that their parent’s relationship has ended. This uncertainty regarding the stature of their relationship will affect the chil d’s perception on other issues because their overall relational closeness will be affected. Ambiguity is not the appropriate approach towards family communication during a divorce because it is likely that relational closeness will be damaged. Divorces are not only significant events for the parents undergoing the dissolution of their marriage, but they are also significant for their child because they will likely question the world as they know it. To avoid the problem of ambiguity rearing its negative head during an already stressing time within the family, parents should actively look to have conversations about divorce related issues with their children (Afifi McManus, 2010, p.85). The ability to have open conversations about the struggles of the marriage willShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Divorce On A Family1489 Words  | 6 Pagesdivorce, communication is a central component of minimizing the stress associated with a divorce taking place within a family. Divorce is often linked to negativity and downgraded relationships throughout the family unit- particularly with respect to children (Thomas, Booth†Butterfield, M., Booth†Butterfield, S., 1995, p. 229). However, research indicates that communication can minimize the negative effects on a family during a divorce. 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