Wednesday, December 25, 2019
twelfth night Essay - 952 Words
Twelfth Night Essay While many will agree that Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is critically acclaimed to be one of the most entertaining and well-liked pieces that he has written, there tends to be a discrepancy over how the characters in the play are portrayed when it comes to the importance of gender roles. After reading James C Bulman’s article over the Globe’s more recent performance of Twelfth Night and Shakespeare’s original written version, I realized that there are many ways that this famous piece has been portrayed and each has its own pros and cons. Shakespeares Twelfth Night examines patterns of love and courtship through a twisting of gender roles. The play centers on the lead female role and protagonist, Viola, who†¦show more content†¦I honestly don’t believe that one’s opinion on same-sex couples has any importance when it comes to transvestite versus traditional role-play on stage. An author or director’s utmost g oal is to successfully present his/her work in a way that makes the audience members feel as if they are apart of the show like they were one of the characters themselves. In other words, it is all about believability. If the play calls for a young female character then I am more likely to follow along when a female actor is playing that role. On the contrary, I would be distracted focusing on the male actor trying to portray a female role. In all versions of Twelfth Night, however, the roles are so convoluted that it is difficult to say which would be more believable: Viola/Cesario played by a female actress or male actor. For example, in Nunn’s film, the scene where Orsino is in the tub and asks young Cesario to help him bathe, it wouldn’t make any difference in believability whether the actor was male or female since our minds have already had to entertain the thought of Viola representing both a man and a woman. Others may disagree and say that the sex of the actor /actresses would not have an effect on their acceptance of the play. As previously stated, it is entirely a personal matter. If it were up to me to direct this play I would do traditional casting, like Nunn had done, with men playing male characters and women playing femaleShow MoreRelatedTwelfth Night Essay1134 Words  | 5 PagesTwelfth Night Essay Twelfth Night is a comedy and a marvel. This play conveys many messages that are seen by the audience, but not seen by the characters in the play. There are many points involving love, friendship, conflicts and confusion. Twelfth Night displays characters that are mad, in love, and desperate for love. Twelfth Night has many conflicts that occur because characters fail to listen to messages. 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In this eccentric production, comedy and music take center stage, supported by technical factors such as set, lighting, and sound, but brought to life by brilliant costuming, wondrous music, and the superb acting and singing abilities of the cast. Rice takes several liberties with the original structure and text of the play, manipulatingRead MoreViola in The Twelfth Night580 Words  | 2 PagesWho is Viola? Who REALLY is Viola? Viola is a very cunning, smart, and interesting character. This is shown in Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night, this book is about three different lovers. The Duke loves Olivia, Olivia loves Cesario/Viola, and Cesario/Viola loves the Duke. Viola is trying to set up a new life after surviving a shipwreck in which her brother â€Å"died.†Viola is a cunning lady with lots of attitude. Viola influences almost every other character as well. She unintentionally tricks both theRead MoreTwelfth Night Love Essay1610 Words  | 7 Pages William Shakespeare has written a number of romantic comedies. Twelfth Night is one of the finest comedies of the author. Shakespeare is driven by Viola’s decision to voluntarily conceal her identity and go to work as a servant for the lovesick Orsino.This disguise and gender confusion a re there in the beginning of the play and finishes with happy ending. This paper tries to ascertain how Viola in Twelfth Night perform her disguise and become an ideal woman of Shakespeare’s own concept. There mayRead MoreTwelfth Night And Brokeback Mountain1338 Words  | 6 PagesAfter reading literary works such as Twelfth Night and â€Å"Brokeback Mountain,†it appears they share numerous themes with the novel Never Let Me Go. One theme particularly interesting regarding the novel Twelfth Night is that of identity. The theme of identity in Twelfth Night influenced me to think differently about Ishiguro’s text, Never Let Me Go, because it allows for a deeper understanding of the difficulty the clones faced in finding their identity. After reading Never Let Me Go, one can perceiveRead MoreGender Roles in Twelfth Night2204 Words  | 9 PagesStratford-upon-Avon, England, William Shakespeare is considered by many to have been the greatest writer the English language has ever known. His literary legacy included 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and five major poems. Among his many plays is the notable, Twelfth Night, a romantic comedy, placed in a festive atmosphere in which three couples are brought together happily. The play opens with Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, expressing his deep love for the Countess Olivia. Meanwhile, the shipwrecked Viola disguises
Monday, December 16, 2019
A Fictional Technological Company Named Decisiontech, Inc.
Patrick Lenciono wrote about a fictional technological company named DecisionTech, Inc. to illustrate how dysfunctional teams hinder the growth in every faucet of a business operation. The story focuses on Kathryn, the new CEO, and her journey to fix the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the executive staff. Kathryn’s primary task is to establish a system of trust and teamwork within the executive team by destroying the five dysfunctions, absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results that cripple the potential of any team. Within two years, DecisionTech, Inc. had built a reputation as the top technology company in the country. They had a strong business plan that would lead them into the next stages of new technology and investors were lining up to get a piece. Furthermore, they had young qualified engineers submitting resume’s regularly in hopes of employment. However, after a while, their executive team developed internal conflict and was unable to lead this bright and promising company to the next stage. Word of these actions had circulated and the company had now become known for having personal political agendas and backstabbing; therefore, the Chairman of the board demanded change. Change came in the form of replacing the formal CEO and co-founder, Jeff, who remained within the company as the head of business development. His replacement, Kathryn, lacked knowledge in the technology field, butShow MoreRelatedThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team a Leadership Fable46009 Words  | 185 Pageswritten permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the Web at Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, 201-748-6011, fax 201-748-6008, or online at Limit of Liability/Disclaimer
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Alexander Graham Bell Essay Example For Students
Alexander Graham Bell Essay Alexander Graham BellAlexander Graham Bell was born in 1847. As a child He took after hisgrandfather who was an actor who entertained people with his voice. Alexandersmother, who was deaf, would have people talk to her through her ear tube, whichamplifies speech by talking through a object that looked like a horn. Alexanderchoose to talk to his mother by speaking in low tones very close to herforehead. Alexander thought that his mother would be able to hear him by thevibrations his voice put on her forehead. Alexander at about the age of 14 andhis brother, Melville, created a contraption that had a fake mouth, tongue, andlungs that you could force air out of. This contraption could make human-likesounds. After this Alexander manipulated his dogs vocal cords and mouth tochange growls to words. By the time Alexander was sixteen he was teaching musicat a boys boarding school. Alexander Bell meet Thomas Watson at an electrical machine shop, Watson andAlexander formed a friendship after Alexander told him of his idea abouttransmitting speech over a wire. On June 2,1875, when working in thetransmitting room Watson produced a twang when trying to loosen up a wire. Alexander working on the transmitter was able to send sounds that resembled thatof a human voice. Next, Alexander discovered that a wire vibrated by speechwhen placed in a conducting liquid, like mercury and would produce a current. Basically speech could be transmitted by wire. On March 10,1876 Alexander andWatson were working on the machine when Alexander knocked over battery acid. Heshouted, Mr. Watson, come here. I need you! and Watson working in thereceiver room heard his voice coming through the wire. Later, the Bell Company was formed, which is now ATT. Before Alexander diedin 1922, he had invented an electric probe for locating metal objects in bodies,and the artificial respirator. Science
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Should Abortions Be Made Illegal In The U.K Essay Example Essay Example
Should Abortions Be Made Illegal In The U.K Essay Example Paper Should Abortions Be Made Illegal In The U.K Essay Introduction I am sure you need no reminding at how controversial the topic of abortion is, there have been endless debates for decades on the subject and to be elected president of the United States, you must have a view on abortion. It really is a very important issue in modern day society.The abortion law was passed in 1967, brought about by an MP, David Steel. Which is still the law governing abortions in England, Scotland and Wales. The primary objective of the law was to eliminate illegal, backstreet clinics which were open to women who wished to have an abortion. However, procedures in these took place under filthy conditions since they did not have to abide any rules or regulations regarding hygiene. This unfortunately led to the deaths of many women. However, the law succeeded, nearly all of these clinics were shut down but which has led to a surge in the number of abortions taking place.Nowadays abortion is permitted if some conditions are met, such as, whether the pregnancy will pose a risk to the life of the mother or whether there is a strong chance that the child may suffer from serious mental or physical abnormalities. However it is very difficult to define for example, serious abnormalities, a reason why the topic of abortion produces a wide variety of attitudes. Nevertheless, it is still rather easy for women to obtain an abortion in the U.K and many â€Å"pro-life†campaigners want the law on abortion to be made much stricter. On the other hand supporters of abortion believe that the law does not go far enough and that abortion should be made more readily available.Although abortion is easily available within Great Britain, it is not obtainable in Northern Ireland unless serious complications may arise. Supporters of abortion feel that the situation is inadequate since it is out of step with the rest of the U.K. Yet many women from Northern Ireland travel over to Britain in order to receive an abortion, some even say this discriminates those who can not afford to travel. I do agree that the situation in Northern Ireland penalises women living here and although I am not eagerly in favour of abortion I feel that more women in Northern Ireland should be given the chance to terminate their pregnancy without travelling to mainland Britain.Other people’s views on abortion vary dramatically with endless debates sparked over a single question, is abortion morally wrong? Some people think that abortion is morally wrong, but that having an abortion may be the best alternative, although others would argue that abortions are not morally wrong and that the choice should be given to the women. Such a view would be considered as being â€Å"pro-choice.†Many of whom do not support the concept of abortion but admit that it is required in modern day society. I personally agree that abortions are a vital part in society today, however I do feel that more should be done by authorities to reduce the number of abortions currently taki ng place.At present it is rather difficult for an individual, unfamiliar with the concept on abortion to take a strong opinion on the matter, since most of the arguments for and against often contradict each other. The abortion figures are startling, last year over 195,000 terminations took place in England and Wales, a substantial 3.2 percent increase from the previous year and since the 1967 Abortion Act, over 6 million abortions have taken place. It is of little surprise that most of these cases were in women under the age of 21. A reason that â€Å"pro-life†supporters would argue against abortion, saying that nowadays abortion is treated as being an easy way out with little thinking over the matter. Yet it also shows how common abortions actually are in the U.K, a reason why many are insisting that they should be banned.At present there are even some extreme groups in the U.S that try to force people into taking the opinion that abortion is morally wrong through the use shocking pictures and illegal signs. There have been numerous documentaries following such demonstrators and how they attempt to change people’s views using this method. However, in my opinion I feel that people should be allowed to take their own view on a subject and should definitely not be forced in taking a particular side, yet demonstrators insist that abortion is killing and should be addressed by provocative means.Such extremists would take the view that life begins at the point of conception, therefore placing abortion as killing. However, there are a variety of views which can be taken. For example, it could begin at the point of conception right up to the time when the baby is born. Those in favour of abortion would often view the birth as the point when life begins and therefore would not see abortion as murder.Another concern that some individuals take is the fact of how abortions carried out in Britain are costing the National Health Service a substantial sum of money, of which in this economic crisis the nation can simply not afford. Since the total sum accumulated in 2009 was in excess of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20 million, and those would argue that abortions should either be prohibited altogether or a fee should be introduced for each procedure. However an action such as introducing a charge could cause tremendous uproar, as in theory it would be discriminating those who may be in great financial difficulty, who would be left unable to shift the bill. Nevertheless I feel that this is an extremely weak argument to use against abortion, since it would cost the state much more money to fund each child born rather than each procedure. I also feel that it is deeply insensitive to argue on matters of life and death on the bases of economical implications.On the other hand a ban in abortion would most likely lead to a surge in population and many would ask whether the U.K could face such a change. Currently the population stands at just under 65 million and one would ask if abortion was to be made illegal would a population increase be likely. There is a range in opinions however the majority of experts agree that there is increased chance of a rise in population. Mixed with the current rate of immigration, such an increase would be very unsustainable and could severe consequences.Although anti-abortionists would disagree that a ban in abortions would have much of an effect on overall population. However it is hard to believe such a statement when viewing current statistics of the growth in the U.K. It would be a massive understatement to say it would be easy to the government to place a ban.Although it is part of their everyday job, even doctors still do not agree with the overall concept of abortions, with some who even want a ban altogether. Still, 75 percent of doctors believe that women should have the choice on whether to have an abortion or not. However, nearly all medical professionals of those surveyed agreed that the time limit to have an abortion should be halved, from the current 24 weeks to 12 weeks. Although late abortions account for only 1 percent of the overall total, nevertheless carrying out a late abortion can be extremely unpleasant. Since it is pictures of such procedures that anti-abortionists use as deterrents for others.I also coincide with the widespread opinion that the cap on late abortions should be reduced to 12 weeks. Late abortions are not only much more distressing for the patient but can also affect the doctors who carry them out. Some doctors have even been mentally scared, which really does show exactly how unpleasant they are.Regarding abortion for medical reasons for instance; where the mother’s life is in jeopardy, I feel the decision should be up to the mother, family, or doctor. It’s true, the mother and the unborn baby are still two separate individuals but under these difficult circumstances it should be a personal decision for those directly involved. This is the most widely accepted reason in society to have an abortion since many would prefer the mother not to be put through danger, than for the child to grow up with possibly no mother. This situation differs so fundamentally from abortion on demand, which is to have an abortion for convenience, as opposed to choosing which life will be saved. A very difficult situation where the woman has become pregnant is in serious cases such as rape. In such a scenario I believe that the decision should be dependant entirely on the woman. Since it will be her responsibility to raise the child if she chooses to have it.Although these are very hard decisions for those involved, many anti-abortionists insist that it is an easy decision not to have an abortion as the baby can be offered for adoption. However I disagree, I feel that it would be much harder for a woman to put her child up for adoption and possibly try to forget than to have an early abortion. A ban in abortion would lead to a ri se in children being put up for adoption, and in my opinion it will leave a lot more women possibly feeling guilty. Yet there is no doubt that having an abortion will have some sort of an impact on the person involved.Although not much of an issue in the U.K in Africa around 35,000 women die each year due to unsafe and illegal clinics, since abortion is not legal in Africa. This figure is over 40 percent of the global total which is extremely alarming. Critics warn that if abortion is banned in the U.K many similar clinics will open illegally and pose a threat to women willing to take the chance, which would simply not be acceptable.I also feel that many women would choose not to have an abortion if there is better financial and social support for mothers. These include simple things such as more flexible working hours and inexpensive, readily available childcare. However such a move would also have consequences, a lot of money would be spent by government and at present such a chan ge may not be possible.In conclusion, I feel that although abortion is a very sensitive issue in society I also feel it is also very beneficial as a whole. Though, currently the rules are much too relaxed since many women see it as an easy way out of a difficult situation, when in fact it may be the completely wrong decision. At present I feel that the number carried of abortions carried out is much too high and that the time limit should be reduced to 12 weeks. Yet in my opinion I feel that the choice should be solely down to the woman, she will be the one that needs to care for the child and nobody else should have a say whether that is right or wrong. Furthermore, if abortion is made illegal in Britain it will not succeed in preventing it from occurring. The doors of numerous illegal clinics will open, like before the abortion law was passed, which may well result in preventable deaths and even the spread of disease. Should Abortions Be Made Illegal In The U.K Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!
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