Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Environmental effects of intensive dairy farming (esp impacts on Essay
Natural impacts of concentrated dairy cultivating (esp impacts on water) in NZ - Essay Example I will at that point investigate sites particularly those consummation in â€Å"nz†as they are all from New Zealand. I will at that point look more into these and by perusing through every one of them, I can some way or another get a thought regarding what to compose with respect to the natural impacts of serious dairy cultivating. I am really expecting that there will be an assortment of subjects to talk about yet I was resolved to concentrate on the negative or hurtful impacts of serious dairy cultivating, particularly on how it influences the waters and the water gracefully. In any case, beside utilizing those sites which end in â€Å"nz,†I will likewise take a stab at investigating every one of those with â€Å"edu†or â€Å"org†or even those whose endings are â€Å"com†and â€Å"net†as long as they especially allude to the natural impacts of escalated dairy cultivating. Additionally, I likewise need to scan Google Scholar for any conceivable diary articles identified with New Zealand and the concentrated dairy cultivating issue there. I will utilize the catchphrases â€Å"New Zealand†and â€Å"intensive dairy farming,†and I will at that point make my pursuit fundamentally on the part of the difficult that manages water and simultaneously not leaving different parts. For the diary articles, I should take care not to consider those distributed before 2000 as they could really be too out of date as of now. In addition, it would be better for me to pick diary articles that have been distributed in New Zealand contrasted with those that have been distributed in different nations as the previous are increasingly identified with the natural issue that I need to research. Beside Google Scholar, I will likewise evaluate different databases. Besides, I will choose just those diary articles that have a total or full report, regardless of whethe r in doc, html or pdf position. I won't select those with just a theoretical in light of the fact that those will never clarify the explanations for the discoveries. Besides, I won't
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Critical examination of leaders create organizational culture
A Critical assessment of pioneers make hierarchical culture Presentation In territory of Management and authority, one of the most vital and viable components that decide the exhibition and position of an association in open division is the authoritative culture. Authoritative culture has been read widely for as far back as at least 30 years (Schein E. H., 1985). Bunches of books have been composed and much research has been done about it, and furthermore wide scope of words applied to depict this thought. Albeit very different definitions have been introduced on this catchphrase, the majority of them place their accentuation on normal key perspectives. Three complete definitions have been accumulated in table underneath: Meanings of hierarchical culture The example of shared convictions and qualities that give individuals from an establishment meaning and give them the standards for conduct in their associations. (Davis, 1984, p. 1). The arrangement of significant understandings (regularly implicit) that individuals from a network share in like manner. (Sathe, 1985, p. 6) A lot of understandings or implications shared by a gathering of individuals. The implications are generally inferred among the individuals, are unmistakably applicable to a specific gathering and are particular to the gathering (Louis, 1985, p. 74) As indicated by these definitions, two highlights of hierarchical culture appear to be bolder; first shared implications and qualities among association individuals and second presenting clear guidelines and practices in association. Albeit, some contends that culture can't be overseen (Rabin, T Wachhaus. A, 2008, p. 1) , a connection among's way of life and initiative has been distinguished (Frontiera, 2010). Schein declared this reality in his well known book-Organizational culture and authority (2004): Culture is a powerful wonder that encompasses us consistently, being continually instituted and made by our responses with others and molded by initiative conduct. Thus, considerations have been paid to culture meaning to oversee and improve it so as to accomplish characterized objectives. Pioneers as people who have urgent job in improving execution thought that it was essential in hierarchical talk. Schein presented the common connection and impact among initiative and culture by the term interweaved (1992) .While culture can be influenced by different elements, Senge brought up that pioneers have the most effect on authoritative culture (2002, p. 24) : Building an associations culture and forming its development is the one of a kind and basic capacity of initiative In this paper the emphasis is because of administration on hierarchical culture to look at to what degree the view that pioneers make authoritative culture is valid. The methodology that has been applied in this paper is considering the ways and channels through which pioneer makes and influences the way of life of association. Four significant states have been concentrated here; model pioneer, specialist pioneer, administering pioneer, and execution evolving. Additionally, different variables that make culture have been considered and the impact of culture on initiative has been examined. The end shows the backhanded job of pioneer in making society aside from through getting model. Likewise, different variables have conclusive job in molding society. Prior to the beginning of this investigation, freeing the idea from initiative is required. What is administration? Who is a pioneer? The idea of administration has been characterized in different manners. Some expressed it as a procedure, for example Northouse accept that it is a procedure whereby an individual impacts a gathering of people to accomplish a shared objective (2007, p. 3). Likewise, Stogdill investigated it as affecting the exercises of a composed gathering in its endeavors toward objective defining and objective accomplishment (1974). By these two sorts of definitions, pioneer can be known as an individual who decides, sets headings, gets things going and frequently He is unmistakable at the highest point of association. Pioneer completes this procedure by applying their initiative information and aptitudes. (Jago, 1982) Thus pioneer is put at top of association and explains systems and bearings, effectsly affects the way of life of associations. In following next parts a few different ways by which pioneer influences culture have been inspected. Pioneer; as a model In an association the administration and the practices of pioneer become a perfect example for supporters, and a surge of authoritative deportment would spill out of top (pioneer) to down (adherents). This case regularly occurs in transformational sort of initiative in which pioneer has alluring highlights (Harms, p Crede, M, 2010). Bass and Avolio portrayed transformational pioneer as ready to inspire others to accomplish more than they initially proposed and frequently more than they suspected conceivable (1993). As the authoritative culture is made of practices and habits, charming pioneer develops a specific strategy for comportment in atmosphere. Culture of an association comprises of various zones; intensity, social obligation, development, soundness, execution direction, and strength. Thus, the way of pioneer influences each region of hierarchical culture and this top-down impact can prompt agreed or mortal results in execution (Sarros, J. Dark, J and Densten, I, 2002). By method of delineation, this can be concentrated in domain of Innovation and change; Fishman and Kavanaugh asserted that the way of life of an association and how individuals react to change and advancement is molded generously by the practices of the pioneer (1989). Smith uncovered that pioneers practices can be trailed by representatives (2010); Pioneers are the good examples and when they walk the discussion sufficiently long, reasonably soon these qualities become standard technique. Pioneers are loaned urgent and definitive situation by which they impact the way of life of association through driving inspiration, participation and demeanor of supporters in authoritative activity. This can be found in Amabile recommendation (1998): By impacting the idea of the workplace and authoritative culture, pioneers can influence hierarchical individuals demeanor to business related change and inspiration. Schein accepted culture starts from pioneers who force their own qualities and suspicions on a gathering (2004, p. 2). Pioneer as a ruler Pioneers externalize their own suspicions and install them into structures, crucial, and working techniques step by step and reliably (Schein E. H., 2004, p. 406). In one hand, a pioneer settle on choices and decide rules, and in the other hand authoritative culture is depicted as a lot of structures, schedules, decides and standards that manage the oblige conduct (Schein E. H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2004). Along these lines, initiative controls hierarchical culture through decision in association. Dull mirrored this reality in the other manner (2010): Open segment pioneers endeavor to develop hierarchical culture as a methods for controlling authoritative conduct and building hierarchical fitness, characterized as the ability and ability to achieve important errands Here the way of life depicted as an apparatus for improving systems to encourage accomplishing objective. This case can be inspected when pioneer feels secure with a needful advancement in association. For advancing change, close to different necessities, pioneer needs to give a firm ground to actualizing development; this ground is formal strategies and activities. As Armenakis et al. guaranteed pioneers can change formal structures, systems, and human asset the executives rehearses (1999). In this way, pioneer starts change and explains direction of association; he shows up to adjust continues for arriving at closes. As a general rule, changing systems deciphered as evolving society. Pioneer as specialist Stewart pronounced that the technique of an association gives it character dependent on its capacities, Also it explains what an association is and what it is doing (2004). Procedure structures culture of through featuring assignments, bearings, positions and practices . The change the executives system or approach chose by pioneers will bring about movements in hierarchical culture. (Kavanagh, H Ashkanasy, N, 2006) By understanding the significance of procedure and its connection with culture, pioneer enters this connection and impact culture in two different ways; first remaining among technique and culture, second utilize the methodology as an apparatus for changing society. Fernandez and Rainey deciphered technique as a game-plan for executing changes (2006). In spite of procedure assumes a vital job in association, this is the job of pioneer to make an interpretation of it into a course of activities. Goldsmith discloses to (CEO) how pioneers are expected to impart and execute an association s technique. (2009) At the point when pioneers and their official groups play a functioning job in executing methodologies, this is a promise to guarantee the thoughts or systems become some portion of the association. Adroit pioneers understand that for techniques to be effectively incorporated into their associations, they should adjust, measure, market and bundle the methodology to their business, clients and venture network as they would with any promoting effort. While system presents bearing of an association, it is simply on the paper. The best-arranged procedure is close to unrealistic reasoning in the event that it can't be made an interpretation of from idea to the real world (Hsieh, T and Yik, S, 2005) .Here it is pioneer who deciphers it from language of paper to a course of activities. Speculand has contemplated the definitive job of administration and set his uncommon accentuation on pioneers in progress and disappointment of actualizing methodologies (2009). In this way, pioneer as a middle deciphers methodology into association system, job, and conviction. This activity frames the way of life; around there culture is set of practices and systems that are characterized by technique. In this procedure chief infuses methodology into the assemblage of association. As a general rule, pioneer makes system plausible, and simultaneously frames culture. In any case, it is no
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Art of D????ti?n Top T?n Secrets of Eff??tiv? Li?r?
Art of D????ti?n Top T?n Secrets of Eff??tiv? Li?r? S?v?r?l studies h?v? ?h?wn th?t th? average person li?? a ??u?l? of tim?? a d??.S?m? ?f these lies ?r? biggies lik? “I’v? ?lw??? b??n in l?v? with ??u,†but m?r? ?ft?n, they are little whit? li?? like “Of ??ur?? that ?h?? looks g??d ?n you!â€S?m? f?rm? of d????ti?n ?r?n’t ?x??tl? li??, they are more lik? comb ?v?r? ?r n?dding when ??u’r? not really li?t?ning.And th?n th?r? are li?? w? t?ll ?ur??lv?? f?r r????n? th?t run the g?mut: fr?m healthy m?int?n?n?? of ??lf-??t??m t? ??ri?u? delusions beyond ?ur ??ntr?l.Th??? thing? h????n.The question is why?“Ju?t because ??m?thing isnt a lie d??? n?t m??n th?t it i?nt d????tiv?. A li?r kn?w? that h? is a li?r, but ?n? wh? speaks mere ??rti?n? of truth in ?rd?r t? deceive i? a ?r?ft?m?n ?f d??tru?ti?n.†? Criss JamiTh? m??t widely accepted d?finiti?n of l?ing is: “A li? is a statement m?d? b? ?n? wh? d??? n?t b?li?v? what he or she is saying, but says it non the less with th? int?nti?n th?t ??m??n? ?l?? ?h?ll b? l?d t? beli eve it. Lying is m?king a statement believed t? b? false, with th? intention ?f g?tting ?n?th?r to accept it ?? tru?â€D????ti?n ?n th? other h?nd i? the act ?f ?r???g?ting a b?li?f th?t i? n?t tru?, or i? n?t th? whole truth; ?? in h?lf-truth? or ?mi??i?n.D????ti?n can inv?lv? dissimulation, ?r???g?nd?, and ?l?ight ?f h?nd, as well ?? di?tr??ti?n, camouflage, ?r ??n???lm?nt.Th?r? is ?l?? ??lf-d????ti?n; as in bad faith. It ??n ?l?? b? ??ll?d, with v?r?ing subjective im?li??ti?n?, beguilement, d???it, bluff, m??tifi??ti?n, ruse, or ?ubt?rfug?.D????ti?n is a m?j?r relational tr?n?gr???i?n that ?ft?n leads t? feelings ?f b?tr???l ?nd di?tru?t between partners.D????ti?n violates r?l?ti?n?l rul?? ?nd is considered t? b? a n?g?tiv? vi?l?ti?n ?f ?x???t?ti?n?.Most ????l? expect friends, ??rtn?r?, ?nd even ?tr?ng?r? to b? truthful to them most times.But ????l? are li?d t? as m?n? as 200 tim?? a d??.Social psychologist Jerald J?lli??n ?f th? University ?f S?uth?rn C?lif?rni? published thi? f igur? in hi? 1977 b??k, “I’m S?rr?, I Didn’t M??n To, ?nd Oth?r Li?? We Love t? T?ll.†Th? h?rd-t?-b?li?v? figur?, which of course in?lud?? th? m?n? inn???nt “white lies†w? hear ???h d??, was given further ?r?d?n?? in a 2002 study by Robert F?ldm?n ?f the Univ?r?it? ?f M?????hu??tt?, who f?und that ?n ?v?r?g?, people t?ld tw? to thr?? lies in a t?n-minut? conversation.M??t ????l? li? in ?v?r?d?? ??nv?r??ti?n when they are tr?ing t? ?????r likable and ??m??t?nt, r????r?h t?ll? us.P???l? t?ll a ??n?id?r?bl? numb?r of li?? in everyday ??nv?r??ti?n. It w?? a v?r? surprising r??ult. We didnt expect lying t? b? ?u?h a common ??rt ?f d?il? life, F?ldm?nDeception includes ??v?r?l t???? of ??mmuni??ti?n? or omissions that ??rv? t? di?t?rt ?r ?mit the ??m?l?t? truth.Ex?m?l?? ?f d????ti?n r?ng? from f?l?? ?t?t?m?nt? to mi?l??ding ?l?im? in which r?l?v?nt inf?rm?ti?n is ?mitt?d, l??ding th? r???iv?r t? infer f?l?? ??n?lu?i?n?.For example, a ?l?im th?t ?unfl?w?r ?il i? b?n?fi?i?l to brain health du? t? the presence ?f omega-3 fatty ??id? may be mi?l??ding, as it leads th? r???iv?r t? believe ?unfl?w?r ?il will benefit br?in h??lth more ?? than other foods when in f??t, sunflower ?il i? r?l?tiv?l? low in ?m?g?-3 f?tt? ??id? and i? not ??rti?ul?rl? g??d f?r brain h??lth, so while thi? ?l?im is technically tru?, it l??d? th? r???iv?r to inf?r f?l?? inf?rm?ti?n.Intent i? critical with r?g?rd t? deception. Int?nt differentiates b?tw??n deception ?nd ?n honest mi?t?k?.SOME F?RM? ?F D????TI?N INCLUDELi??: making up inf?rm?ti?n ?r giving information that is the ?????it? ?r v?r? different from th? truth.Equivocations: m?king ?n indir??t, ambiguous, ?r ??ntr?di?t?r? statement.C?n???lm?nt?: omitting inf?rm?ti?n th?t is important ?r relevant t? th? giv?n ??nt?xt, ?r ?ng?ging in b?h?vi?ur th?t h?l?? hid? r?l?v?nt inf?rm?ti?n.Ex?gg?r?ti?n?: overstatement ?r ?tr?t?hing th? truth to a degree.Und?r?t?t?m?nt?: minimiz?ti?n or downplaying ?????t? ?f th? truth.A ?tud? published i n Developmental P???h?l?g? examined lying in two ?nd thr??-???r-?ld ?hildr?n and ??m? ?f the ??gnitiv? ?kill? involved with d????ti?n; conducted b? Ang?l? Evans of Br??k University and K?ng L?? of the University ?f Toronto.Th? ?tud? u??d a series ?f ?x??utiv? functioning ?nd verbal t??k? as w?ll ?? two d????ti?n t??k? t? m???ur? lying b?h?vi?ur.The ?tud? inv??tig?t?d th? emergence ?f lying in very ??ung ?hildr?n. Sixt?-fiv? 2- to 3-year-olds w?r? ??k?d n?t to ???k ?t a t?? when the ?x??rim?nt?r was n?t l??king. The m?j?rit? of ?hildr?n (80%) tr?n?gr????d and ???k?d ?t th? toy. Wh?n asked whether th?? h?d ???k?d ?t th? toy, most 2-???r-?ld peekers w?r? h?n??t and ??nf????d to th?ir ???king, but with increased age, more ???k?r? d?ni?d peeking ?nd thu? li?d. Th??? finding? ?ugg??t that ?hildr?n begin t? tell lies ?t a v?r? ??ung ?g?.New R????r?h ?l?? ?h?w? th?t inf?nt? ?t?rt mi?l??ding th?ir ??r?nt? v?r? ??rl? in lif?. Inf?nt? mislead th?ir ??r?nt? through fake ?ri??, concealing mi?t?k ??, ?nd pretending t? b? injur?d, ju?t to n?m? a few.Th? first deception t??k inv?lv?d children b?ing invit?d t? ?l?? a gu???ing g?m? in whi?h a toy was ?l???d behind th?m ?nd th?? w?r? ??k?d to gu??? th?? t?? fr?m a characteristic sound (such ?? ?u??king if it w?? a toy du?k).Aft?r ?hildr?n ?u?????full? gu????d tw? t???, the experimenter ?r?t?nd?d t? g?t a ?t?r?b??k and the children were asked n?t to ???k ?t a t?? th?t h?d b??n ?l???d b?hind th?m (? hidden ??m?r? monitored their b?h?vi?ur).Wh?n th? ?x??rim?nt?r r?turn?d with th? b??k, ?hildr?n w?uld th?n ??k if they had ???k?d.Th? ????nd deception task involved a Gift D?l?? in which ?hildr?n were ?r???nt?d with a gift b?g ?nd ??k?d not to peek while th? ?x??rim?nt?r l?ft the r??m t? get a b?w.Hidd?n ??m?r?? m?nit?r?d wh?t the ?hild did while th? ?x??rim?nt?r w?? absent.Aft?r three minut?? (or ???n?r if th? child ???k?d), th? ?x??rim?nt?r r?turn?d to th? room ?nd ??k?d if th?r? w?? any peeking.On ?v?r?g?, ?ight? ??r??nt ?f all ?hild r?n ???k?d whil? f?rt? percent li?d ?b?ut it ?ft?rw?rd.While the ??ung??t ?hildr?n (?g?d tw?nt?-fiv? t? tw?nt? eight m?nth?) w?r? th? m??t lik?l? t? ???k (94.7 percent), th?? w?r? ?l?? the l???t lik?l? t? lie when ?u??ti?n?d (33 percent).C?nv?r??l?, ?ld?r children (aged f?rt?-thr?? to f?rt?-?ight m?nth?) w?r? least lik?l? to ???k (62.5 percent) ?nd m??t lik?l? t? li? when questioned (90 percent).T??t? ?f ?x??utiv? functioning and w?rking m?m?r? ?l?? ?h?w?d th?t children with b?tt?r cognitive ?kill? w?r? m?r? lik?l? t? t?ll li??.Based ?n their results, the ?uth?r? ?ugg??t?d th?t children as young ?? tw? years ?ld w?r? ????bl? ?f ???nt?n??u? l?ing ?nd that l?ing b?h?vi?ur r??? dr?m?ti??ll? by th? tim? th?? were thr?? ???r? ?ld.Th? ?uth?r? ?l?? ?ugg??t?d that thi? w?? not b???u?? younger ?hildr?n w?r? more honest but that th?? w?r? l??? ?bl? t? carry ?ut th? ??m?l?x ??gnitiv? t??k? th?t w?nt int? t?lling li??.In ?th?r words, ?hildr?n with better ??gnitiv? ability are capable of telling b?tt?r li??.All ?f whi?h im?li?? th?t l?ing is ?? mu?h a d?v?l??m?nt?l mil??t?n? ?? ?n? other ??gnitiv? task (if n?t th? ??rt that ??r?nt? are likely t? brag ?b?ut).S? WHAT ?R? TH? DIFF?R?N??? B?TW??N L?ING ?ND DECEPTION? “Dont t?ll m? ?f deception; a lie is a li?, wh?th?r it be a li? t? th? ??? ?r a li? t? th? ??r.†S?mu?l J?hn??nOur ?ultur? makes a ?tr?ng? distinction when it ??m?? t? lying ?nd deception.As a r??ult, we h?v? ?ur?ri?ingl? diff?r?nt f??ling? ?b?ut ???h ?r??ti??.On? i? m?r? ?r less univ?r??ll? thought of ?? “wr?ngâ€, whil? the ?th?r i? ??m? w?rth t?l?r?t?d.T? lie, M?rri?m-W?b?t?r t?ll? us it i? “to make ?n untru? ?t?t?m?nt with int?nt t? deceive.â€In ?th?r w?rd?, lying is kn?wingl? ????king ??m?thing that isn’t tru?. T? d???iv?, ?n th? ?th?r hand, is “t? ??u?? t? ?????t ?? tru? ?r v?lid wh?t is f?l?? ?r inv?lid.â€The end result is th? sameâ€"the vi?tim believes ??m?thing th?t i?n’t tru?. Onl? th? action on the ??rt of th? schemer i? different.L?in g is a f?rm ?f d????ti?n. D????ti?n, h?w?v?r, does not always inv?lv? lying. Of ??ur??, th??’r? b??i??ll? th? ??m? thing. Th? diff?r?n??, th? only r??l diff?r?n??, i? a technicality.Did ??u actually say ??m?thing th?t i?n’t tru??W?ll, th?n, ??u lied. But if ??u ?nl? im?li?d something that wasn’t true, th?n ??u didn’t li?.As l?ng ?? it i?n’t ?n outright li?, it i? more ?????t?bl? th?n l?ing.I? ??m?thing ?b?ut that m????d up? Sh?uld w? be in?lin?d t? think of the two ?? ?r??ti??ll? the ??m? thing?I? it a ?ign that ??m?thing i? br?k?n in our ??mmuni??ti?n m?th?d? that we ?ll?w f?r d???it, but w? m?k? ?ft?r ??h??l ????i?l? about wh? it’s b?d t? li??In R. A. Salvatore‘s f?nt??? b??k, H?m?l?nd, h? d???rib?? a race of ?lv?? wh? ?r? ruthl???l? cutthroat with ?n? ?n?th?r.Th? un???k?n rule ?f th?ir ?ultur? i? th?t it’s ??rf??tl? ?k?? t? ?t?b ?th?r? in th? b??k, ?r?vid?d th?t ??u ?t least make ?n ?ff?rt to ??v?r it u?.A? long as you allow f?r th? ?????r?n?? ?f ?ivilit?, ??u can be ?? b?rb?ri? and ?ru?l ?? ??u lik?.The end result i? a ???i?t? that i? steeped in ???i?l rules and v?r? devoted t? th? id?? of b?ing ?r???r, but r?tt?n t? th? ??r? b?n??th th? ?urf???. It’? a brutal ?l??? to liv?.In diff?r?nti?ting dr?m?ti??ll? between l?ing ?nd ?th?r f?rm? ?f d????ti?n, ?r?n’t w? in d?ng?r ?f creating a ?imil?r dynamic?It’s ?lm??t lik? w?’r? teaching the next g?n?r?ti?n th?t if ??u’r? ?l?v?r ?n?ugh t? b? ?r??tiv? in th? w?? ??u deceive instead of l?zil? telling ?n outright lie, that’s ?k??.A? l?ng ?? ??u keep u? ?????r?n??? ?nd d?n’t get ??ught, you’re fine.Ex???t, th?t i?, in and ?f it??lf, a li?.D????ti?n hurt? people just lik? l?ing does.W??n’t that th? ??int ?f ?ll th??? ?ft?r ??h??l ????i?l??That l?ing ends u? hurting th? li?r and th??? wh?’v? b??n li?d to? Th?t it ?r??t?? a bigg?r mess in the end?Pr??ti?ing d????tiv? ??mmuni??ti?n d??? th? ??m? thing.WH? DO PEOPLE EVEN LI?, SINCE IT HURT? ?TH?R??“All deception in th? course ?f life i? indeed nothing ?l?? but a lie r?du??d t? practice, ?nd f?l??h??d passing from w?rd? into thing?.†R?b?rt SoutheyL?ing, it turns out, i? something th?t m??t of us ?r? very ?kilful ?t.W? lie with ????, in ways big and ?m?ll, t? ?tr?ng?r?, ??-w?rk?r?, fri?nd?, ?nd l?v?d ones.Our capacity f?r dishonesty is as fundamental t? us ?? ?ur n??d t? tru?t others, whi?h ir?ni??ll? makes u? t?rribl? ?t detecting li??.P???l? detect li?? with ?nl? 54% ???ur???.Our ?h??kingl? ???r ??rf?rm?n?? ?t li? d?t??ti?n i? just slightly b?tt?r th?n if we were t? blindly gu???.In all ?f th? ?ggr?g?t?d ?tudi?? ?b?ut h?w w?ll w? detect li?? v?. truths, w? have never fared b?tt?r th?n 57% ???ur???.Th? l?rg??t r?vi?w, encompassing results fr?m 206 ???d?mi? ?tudi?? th?t inv?lv?d 24,483 individu?l judgments of li?? ?nd truth?, f?und our m??n ??rf?rm?n?? to be 54%.N?t ?v?n w??th?r f?r????t?r? ?r? th?t bad. B?ing d???itful i? w?v?n int? ?ur v?r? fabric, ?? mu?h so th?t it would be truthful to ??? that t? li? is huma n.A? l?ing has ??m? to b? r???gniz?d ?? a d???l? ingr?in?d hum?n tr?it, ???i?l science r????r?h?r? and neuroscientists h?v? sought to illumin?t? th? n?tur? ?nd r??t? of the b?h?vi?ur.How ?nd when d? w? learn to li??A???rding to a d?v?l??m?nt?l model ?f l?ing fir?t ?r?????d by Vi?t?ri? Talwar ?nd Kang L??, children ?r?und th? age ?f tw? to thr?? ???r? b?gin b? t?lling primary li?? whi?h ?r? d??ign?d to ??n???l tr?n?gr???i?n? but fail t? take th? m?nt?l ?t?t? ?f th? li?t?n?r int? ??n?id?r?ti?n.Around th? age ?f four, ?hildr?n l??rn t? tell ????nd?r? li?? which ?r? m?r? ?l?u?ibl? ?nd g??r?d t? the listeners m?nt?l d?v?l??m?nt.B? age ??v?n or ?ight, ?hildr?n l??rn t? t?ll tertiary li?? which ?r? m?r? ??n?i?t?nt with kn?wn f??t? ?nd f?ll?w-u? ?t?t?m?nt?.Most children can’t r??i?t peeking, Lee ?nd his researchers h?v? found by monitoring hidd?n ??m?r??.Th? percentage ?f th? ?hildr?n wh? ???k and then li? about it d???nd? on th?ir ?g?. Among tw?-???r-?ld tr?n?gr????r?, ?nl? 30 percent ?r ? untruthful. Am?ng three-year-olds, 50 ??r??nt li?. And b? eight, ?b?ut 80 ??r??nt ?l?im th?? didn’t ???k.Kid? ?l?? g?t b?tt?r ?t lying ?? they get older.In gu???ing th? toy th?t they secretly looked at, thr??- ?nd f?ur-???r-?ld? t??i??ll? blurt out th? right answer, without r??lizing th?t thi? r?v??l? th?ir tr?n?gr???i?n and lying.At ??v?n ?r ?ight, kids l??rn t? mask th?ir l?ing by d?lib?r?t?l? giving a wrong answer ?r trying to m?k? th?ir ?n?w?r seem lik? a r????n?d guess.What are the ????h?l?gi??l ?nd neurobiological underpinnings ?f di?h?n??t??Wh?r? d? m??t ?f u? draw th? lin??Researchers are l??rning th?t we’re ?r?n? to b?li?v? ??m? li?? ?v?n wh?n they’re un?mbigu?u?l? ??ntr?di?t?d b? ?l??r ?vid?n??, in extreme ????? ??n b? ??ll?d self-deception.Some ?th?r? lie in the n?m? ?f the gr??t?r good whi?h i? m??t ??mm?n in ?dult?.These in?ight? ?ugg??t th?t ?ur ?r??livit? f?r d???iving ?th?r?, and our vulnerability t? being d???iv?d, ?r? especially consequential in th? ?g? ?f ???i?l m?di?.P???l? li? all th? tim? even to th?m??lv?? ?nd ?ur?ri?ingl?, it does w?rk! Thi? i? the finding of th? Quattrone ?nd Tversky ???i?l ????h?l?g? ?x??rim?nt that w?? ?ubli?h?d in th? J?urn?l of P?r??n?lit? ?nd P???h?l?g?.Th? greatest d????ti?n m?n ?uff?r i? from th?ir own opinions. Leonardo d? Vin?iH?r? ?r? A F?w R????n? Why People Lie They Want It To Be True: the liar might w?nt th?ir li? t? b? tru? ?? b?dl? that th?ir desire and n??d? ?v?rwh?lm th?ir instinct t? t?ll th? truth. “B? th? change ??u w?nt to ??? in th? w?rld,†G?ndhi n?v?r ??tu?ll? ??id. But ??m?tim??, li?r? hope th?t they can m?k? ??m?thing come true by saying it over ?nd over, ?nd b? b?li?ving it ?? hard as they ??n. In t?d??’? ?nvir?nm?nt of “?lt?rn?tiv? f??t?,†it’s h?rd not t? ??? thi? ?? ??m?wh?t ju?tifi?d.Some People Ju?t Can’t H?l? It: some people, sad to ???, li? ?lm??t ?ll th? time. Th?? r??ll? ??n’t h?l? it. P???h?l?gi?t? ??ll th??? people compulsive or ????h???thi? liars. They t?l l li?? ?v?n when they d?n’t h?v? to. Ev?n th? youngest ?f ?hildr?n will lie, ?????i?ll? if they think by doing it th?? won’t g?t ?uni?h?d f?r ??m?thing. Wh?n ?hildr?n fir?t learn h?w l?ing w?rk?, th?? l??k the m?r?l und?r?t?nding ?f wh?n t? r?fr?in from doing it.Manipulation: Lies ?r? t??i??ll? motivated by a d??ir? t? get ?th?r ????l? to ?ith?r do ??m?thing ?r n?t do ??m?thing, ?r t? m?k? a d??i?i?n in th? f?v?ur of the person d?ing th? l?ing. Someone might lie t? get something th?? desire ?u?h ?? ??x, m?n??, ?t?tu?, power, love, ?t?. Pr?b?bl? th? w?rd l?v? i? u??d in more li?? th?n any ?th?r. How often a guy will ??? t? a girl (?r vi?? versa), “I love youâ€, simply t? g?t the ?th?r ??r??n ?m?ti?n?ll? ?tirr?d-u?, so they ??n b? more easily m?ni?ul?t?d.Telling Th? Truth Feels Like Giving U? ??ntr?l: Oft?n, people t?ll li?? b???u?? th?? ?r? tr?ing to ??ntr?l a ?itu?ti?n and ?x?rt influence t?w?rd g?tting the decisions or reactions they w?nt. Th? truth can b? “in??nv?ni?nt†b???u?? it might not ??nf?rm to th?ir n?rr?tiv?.Th?? D?n’t W?nt T? Di?????int A L?v?d ?n?: It m?? not f??l lik? it to ??u, but people who t?ll li? after li? are often worried about losing the r?????t ?f th??? ?r?und th?m. Th?? w?nt ??u t? lik? th?m, be im?r????d, and v?lu? them and th??’r? w?rri?d that th? truth might lead ??u t? r?j??t or shame them.Li?? ?n?wb?ll: We t?ll a little bitt? li?, but then t? cover th?t li?, w? have t? tell another ?n?, th?n ?n?th?r, ?nd another â€" ???h g?t? bigg?r ?nd bigg?r. Fin?ll?, we’re ?rguing about th? colour ?f th? ?k?, b???u?? t? admit ?n?thing ?r??t?? th? ??t?nti?l of th? ?ntir? h?u?? of ??rd? tumbling. If a ?hr?ni? li?r ?dmit? t? ?n? single li?, they feel like th??’r? ?dmitting to being a liar, ?nd then ??u’ll h?v? reason to di?tru?t th?m.Pride: Many tim??, a ??r??n will lie b???u?? ?f pride. Th?? u?? it f?r n?thing m?r? th?n a t??l t? ?r??t? a f?v?ur?bl? im?g? of themselves. This l??d? t? exaggeration, which is af?rm ?f l?ing. Oft ?n ????l? will ?r??t? fascinating, ??t ??m?l?t?l? false, stories t? im?r?v? th?ir im?g?.Th? Thought ?f ?r?t??ti?n: Thi? comes in two f?rm?, ?r?t??ti?n f?r others ?nd ?r?t??ti?n f?r ?n???lf. Pr?t??ti?n f?r ?th?r? is probably the numb?r one r????n why people lie. Th?? b?li?v? if th?? t?ll th? individu?l the truth it will hurt th?ir f??ling? or will in some way b? detrimental. H?w?v?r, thi? m?? be one ?f th? m??t in?ulting li??. It m?k?? th? person who i? on the receiving ?nd ?f the li? f??l ?? th?ugh th?? mu?t be vi?w?d ?? ??m??n? wh? is weak. Th? ????nd f?rm, ?r?t??ti?n ?f ?n???lf, i? driven b? fear ?f judgm?nt, loss of r?????t or loss of love. In some ?????, ?????i?ll? with children, it can b? driv?n b? a f??r ?f ?uni?hm?nt.Personal Gain: Thi? in?lud?? ?tt?m?ting to attain financial g?in, making ?th?r? f??l sorry for th?m, ?r ??m?tim?? ?l??ing a false vi?tim r?l?. At the ??r? ?f the r????n i? greedâ€"something th?t has b??n ?nd will ??ntinu? t? b? the fu?l to m?n? li??.Littl? Whit? Lies: Littl? li?? ?r? ?ft?n ?v?rl??k?d. Our ???i?t? t?ll? so many whit? lies th?? hardly recognize th?m??lv?? doing it ?t ?ll. F?r example, this in?lud?? t?lling ??m??n? they are fin? (wh?n they are not), th?t th?? lik? ??m??n?’? h?ir (wh?n th?? truthfully do not), ?t?. Th??? lies build u?, ?n? ?n t?? of th? other, creating a ?li???r? ?l???: Once w? t?ll ourselves th??? li?? are harmless, telling l?rg?r li?? b???m?? ???i?r.T?? T?N S??R?T? ?F EFF??TIV? LIARS1. Th?? Think ?ut Th?ir Li?? B?f?r?h?ndG??d li?r? m?k? ?ur? t? plan ?ut their lie beforehand.Th?? d? n?t ??r?mbl? f?r inf?rm?ti?n t? b??k u? their li??.In 1990, psychologist Bill Flanagan f?und that li?r? who h?d thought thr?ugh the d?t?il? ?f their ?t?ri?? in ?dv?n??, h?d m?r? success in ??nvin?ing their interlocutor th?n those who h?dn’t.A???rding t? psychologist Dr. Cynthia C?h?n, “it is ???i?r t? catch ??m??n? in a lie wh?n it is th? first tim? th?? t?ll itâ€.2. Th?? First Present Th? Truth In Such A W?? ?? If It W?r? L i??T??hni?u? that ?ll?w? t? confuse ?n?’? int?rl??ut?r.Thu?, a person ??nfirm? the allegations against him, but with a smile and ir?n? ?? th?t a ??ri?u? ?h?rg? l??k? like a j?k?, tr?ing to make th? ??r??n wh? m?d? th? question l??k ?ill?.The purpose of thi? technique i? t? ?v?id m?r? ?u??ti?n?.In 1990 the ?tud? ?f ??th?l?gi??l li?r? in N?w Y?rk showed that those wh? m?n?g?d to ?v?id furth?r ?u??ti?n? w?r? mu?h m?r? ?u?????ful in th?ir d????ti?n.3. Th?? Get Th?ir Facts Right “Hi? li?? w?r? ?? exquisite I almost wept.†D?v? Egg?r?, What Is th? Wh?t Ju?t like in the r??t ?f real lif?, ??u have t? d? ??ur ???ignm?nt fir?t in ?th?r to b? successful.One ?f the problems ?f ?u?????ful lying i? th?t it? hard w?rk, ???? psychologist Mi?h??l L?wi?. Y?u have to be very ??n?i?t?nt in doing it.Th?t m??n? n?iling down th? d?t?il?. Write d?wn n?t?? if ??u h?v? to.On? of the things th?t tri?? ????l? u? is that th?? giv? different inf?rm?ti?n t? diff?r?nt ????l?, wh? then ?t?rt t?lking ?b?ut i t ?nd comparing n?t??, ???? Dr. Gini Graham S??tt, ?uth?r of Th? Truth about L?ing.4. They U?u?ll? ?nl? Li? When They H?v? A R????nPri??n? ?r? filled with bad li?r?, ???? psychologist Charles Ford, ?uth?r ?f th? book Li??! Lies! Li??!So wh?t? th? big difference?B??i??ll?, ???? F?rd, th? tri?k is t? lie ?? littl? as ????ibl?, ?nl? when ??u actually h?v? something t? g?in.Pathological li?r? ??nt stop th?m??lv?? fr?m lying, ?? th?? tell a lot ?f littl? li?? ?nd wind u? getting ??ught, h? ????.Trul? expert fabricators, on the ?th?r h?nd, ??v? their ?mmuniti?n they d?nt bother to lie unl??? its going to get th?m ??m?thing they really w?nt.M?r??v?r, if ??u li? a l?t, ????l? w?uldn’t believe you ?ft?n, ?v?n wh?n you ?r? t?lling th? truth.Basically, li? as littl? ?? possible ?? th?t wh?n?v?r ??u li?, it still ???m? ??u ?r? telling th? truth.5. When L?ing, Th?? Stay FocusedN?rm?ll?, wh?n tr?ing t? ??t?h a li?r, w?t?h t? ??? how committed they ?r? t? wh?t th??r? t?lling ??u ?b?ut.John Y?rb r?ugh, int?rr?g?ti?n expert with the LA Sh?riff Departments homicide bur??u said th?t if h? ???u??? someone ?f l?ing, and th??r? n?t v?r? ??mmitt?d t? th? ?t?t?m?nt they ju?t made, a r?d fl?g goes up.One of th? reasons m??t ????l? make b?d li?r? i? th?t th?? find lying a deeply un?l????nt ??tivit?.Fear ?nd guilt?r? ?vid?nt in th?ir f??i?l expressions.Th?? w?nt t? g?t th? ?r????? ?v?r as ?ui?kl? ?? possible, ?? they ?h?w relief wh?n th?ir int?rr?g?t?r ?h?ng?? th? t??i?.Th?t? a dead giv??w??.Really g??d liars, ?n th? ?th?r h?nd, ??tu?ll? ?nj?? th? process ?f deceiving ?th?r people.Th? best li?r? d?nt show ?n? ?h?m? ?r r?m?r?? b???u?? th?? d?nt feel it. They g?t a thrill out ?f ??tiv?l? misleading ?th?r?. Theyre good ?t it, ?nd th?? enjoy th? challenge.6. Th?? Turn Up Th? ?r???ur?If your t?rg?t has clearly become ?u??i?i?u?, it? tim? t? r?i?? th? emotional ?t?k??.The best li?r? are n?tur?l m?ni?ul?t?r?, ???? Sgt. Y?rbr?ugh. H? ?it?? ?? a perfect example th? ???n? in B??i? In?tin?t wh?r ? Sh?r?n St?n? i? br?ught t? th? ??? ?t?ti?n for questioning ?nd winds up fl??hing everyone a glimpse of her L????r Antill??.Sh? w?? turning th?m ?n, Y?rbr?ugh ?x?l?in?, ?nd thats a f?rm ?f manipulation u?ing ??xu?l ?r emotional ?r?u??l t? di?tr??t th? int?rvi?w?r.7. Th?? Counter-AttackTh? f??t i?, just as m??t ?f u? ?r? un??mf?rt?bl? telling lies, m??t ?r? uncomfortable ???u?ing ?th?r?.Thi? di???mf?rt ??n b? u??d in the li?r? f?v?ur. Y?ull ?ft?n see politicians r????nd t? accusations with ?ggr???i?n, says Stan W?lt?r?, ?uth?r ?f Th? Truth ?b?ut L?ing: Ev?r?d?? Techniques f?r Dealing with Deception. Wh?t theyll do i? driv? critics ?w?? fr?m th? i??u?, ?? theyre f?r??d t? g?th?r up th?ir r???ur??? to fight ?n?th?r ??rimm?g?.8. Th?? Always K??? Tr??k ?f All Th? Facts Concerning Th?ir Li??“If ??u t?ll th? truth, ??u d?nt h?v? t? r?m?mb?r ?n?thing.†M?rk Tw?in“On? ?f th? ?r?bl?m? ?f an effective li? i? that it is a h?rd w?rk,†claims psychologist Mi?h??l L?wi?.Y?u need to b? v?r? ??n?i?t?nt in ??ur ??ti?n?. Just lik? puzzle pieces m?k? u? an image, a big li? ??n?i?t? of ???u?nti?l ?t???. Making n?t?? ?b?ut all the f??t? of ??ur li?? to ?th?r? m?? b? very u??ful.As M?r?u? F?biu? Quintili?nu? said: “A li?r ?h?uld have a good memory.â€Wh?n you li? to diff?r?nt ????l? ??u have t? r?m?mb?r about the possibility ?f exchanging inf?rm?ti?n between th?m.Eventually ????l? ??n ??ll?t? the inf?rm?ti?n received fr?m you ?nd find ??nfli?ting details, which will l??d t? the f??t th?t ??ur lies will b? ?x????d.9. They ?r? Loyal T? Whatever They ???, No ?x?u??? ?t ?llP???l? often b???m? b?d liars, b???u?? they ?x??ri?n?? fear ?r guilt wr?ngl? when it ??m?? to th? d?t?il? th?? d?n’t lik?.R?m?mb?r that f??r ?nd guilt ?r? evident in your v?i??, g??tur?? ?nd f??i?l expressions. B?d li?r? u?u?ll? tr? t? ?t?? th? unpleasant ??nv?r??ti?n?, whi?h inevitably leads t? th? ?x???ur? ?f th?ir lies.Effective li?r? enjoy th? ?r????? ?f telling li??, whi?h i? a g?m? f?r them. The b??t liars do not show shame or r?m?r?? because th?? just do n?t feel it.All th?t said, ?x?u??? r?r?l? h?l? wh?n ??u ?ff?r them u?. St??ing ??lm ?nd keeping it ?im?l? is ??ur b??t bet.Whil? you d?nt w?nt t? hid? fr?m the ?r?bl?m, ??u ?l?? d? not want to launch into a d?t?il?d ?x?l?n?ti?n of what happened in f??r of b?ing caught.H?v? a d?t?il?d lie planned ?ut, but ?nl? u?? th? ?i???? ??u n??d.N?rm?l hum?n int?r??ti?n d???nt involve l??ing ?ut every d?t?il. When ??u t?lk ?b?ut ??m?thing in m??t ?itu?ti?n?, ??u ??? what ??u need t? say ?nd m?v? ?n.Li?? ?h?uld follow that ??m? strategy ?f n?rm?l behaviour.Its hard to ?r?v? someones a li?r, in m??t ?????, because evidence isnt conveniently ?v?il?bl? to the t?rg?t ?f th? lie.Li?r? ?r? m?r? ?ft?n discovered because they ?xhibit abnormal b?h?vi?ur wh?n l?ing. Su?h a shift fr?m n?rm?l behaviour makes ????l? v?r? ?u??i?i?u?.10. D? Things Li?r? Don’t D?L?ing i? easy, but acting lik? ??ur? honest is a bit m?r? diffi?ult.Honest ????l? ?r? res ponsible.They ?dmit t? th?ir mistakes ?nd b?d b?h?vi?ur.Th?? apologize.Y?u need t? ??t like ?n h?n??t ??r??n if youre g?ing t? li? ?ff??tiv?l? lik? a pro. S?m?tim??, ??u can ?x?r??? guilt.Th? f??t th?t youre ?x?r???ing guilt f?r ??m?thing ??ur? ?l?iming ??u didnt d? often engenders sympathy and will h?l? th? target ?f the li? ??m? t? the ??n?lu?i?n that it w??nt ??ur doing.As ?n added b?nu?, if you really ?r? f??ling guilt? it giv?? you ?n opportunity t? g?nuin?l? ?x?r??? th?tâ€"?v?n if it? wrapped in a thi?k l???r ?f BS.S??TTING LIARS Wouldn’t it be nice t? kn?w h?w t? tell if ??m??n? i? l?ing?A meta-analysis ?f ??m? 253 studies ?f ????l? di?tingui?hing b?tw??n truth ?nd lies f?und th?t ????l? ?r? ???ur?t? b?r?l? ?v?r h?lf (53 percent) of the time.We rebel wh?n w? ??t?h someone in a li? b???u?? their behaviour calls int? ?u??ti?n how ???ur?t? w?v? b??n in th? ???t, making us f??l f??li?h and incompetent.But if you kn?w what to w?t?h f?r, ??ur? l??? likely to g?t du??d. F?rm?r CIA ?ffi??r? Philip H?u?t?n, Mi?h??l Fl??d and Su??n C?rni??r? id?ntif? the following ?? tipoffs to di?h?n??t?:Behavioural pause ?r delay wh?n ?n imm?di?t? response would b? expectedV?rb?l/n?n-v?rb?l di???nn??t (?.g., n?dding whil? ???ing n? in a n?rr?tiv? response)Hiding th? m?uth ?r eyes (lit?r?ll? ?hi?lding th?m??lv?? from th? r???ti?n that might ??m? fr?m the li?, ??v?ring u? th? f?l??h??d)Clearing th? thr??t ?ri?r to responseH?nd-t?-f??? ??tivit? (th? ?ut?n?mi? n?rv?u? ???t?m tries to address the ??ik? in ?nxi?t? fr?m th? l?ing, dr?ining bl??d fr?m the f???, ??r? ?nd ?xtr?miti?? and producing f??ling? of ??ld ?r itchiness)Grooming or tid?ing behaviours (?.g., ?tr?ight?ning a tie ?r skirt, ?udd?nl? r????iti?ning ????rw?rk on th? d??k; th??? distractions can ?ll?vi?t? th? ?nxi?t? ?f l?ing)A m?t?-?n?l??i? ?f 253 studies ?f ????l? di?tingui?hing truths fr?m lies r?v??l?d ?v?r?ll ???ur??? w?? ju?t 53 percentnot much b?tt?r than fli??ing a coin.Spotting a lie ??n b? t?ugh. P?l?gr??h tes ts- so-called li? detectorsare t??i??ll? b???d on detecting autonomic r???ti?n? and are considered unreliable. Thats wh? ????h?l?gi?t? h?v? b??n ??t?l?ging ?lu?? to d????ti?n?u?h as facial ?x?r???i?n?, b?d? language and linguisticsto h?l? h??k the di?h?n??t.P???h?l?gi?t? ?r? d?v?l??ing n?w d?t??ti?n t??l? such ?? softwares t? ?n?l?z? facial expressions ?nd writing ?t?l?.S?M? LI?R? ?R? SO G??D TH?T THEIR T?LL ?IGN? DON’T SHOW MU?H, ?? H?W D? YOU T?LL IF THEY ?R? LYING?1. Use “c?gnitiv? loadâ€Telling li?? i? tri?k?. Y?u need t? b?l?n?? th? truth, the falsehood and tr? not t? g?t caught. That m??n? your br?in h?? t? w?rk overtime.L?ing can be cognitively d?m?nding. You mu?t ?u??r??? the truth ?nd ??n?tru?t a f?l??h??d that i? plausible on it? f??? ?nd d??? n?t ??ntr?di?t ?n?thing known by th? li?t?n?r, n?r lik?l? t? b? kn?wn. Y?u mu?t t?ll it in a ??nvin?ing w?? ?nd ??u mu?t r?m?mb?r the ?t?r?. Thi? u?u?ll? takes time ?nd ??n??ntr?ti?n, both ?f whi?h m?? give off ????nd?r? ?u?? an d r?du?? performance ?n ?imult?n??u? t??k?.S? if ??u w?nt to m?k? a liar r?v??l th?m??lv??, you want to increase th?ir ??gnitiv? l??d. The m?r? th?? have t? think, the m?r? lik?l? they are t? make a mistake.How ??n ??u do thi??P?li?? d?t??tiv?? ??k open-ended questions that make th?m keep t?lking. Un?x???t?d ?u??ti?n? th??’r? n?t prepared for ?r? th? b??t.An?thing th?t m?nt?ll? exhausts ??m??n? i? g??d.Psychologists also suggests tr?ing th? reverse ?f this: d??r???? ??ur own ??gnitiv? l??d. G??d liars will attempt t? di?tr??t ??u fr?m th? f??t?.Our ??gnitiv? l??d ?ff??t? ?ur ?bilit? to spot d????ti?n, ?? wh?n w? h?v? a l?t of thing? g?ing on, w? stop b?ing ?bl? to n?ti?? ?? much.What w? can do is tr? t? avoid th? ??gnitiv? l??d ?ur??lv?? because they’re g?ing t? tr? t? cause ??gnitiv? l??d f?r u?.They’re g?ing to ?t?rt saying ?ll of th??? thing? th?t di??ri?nt u? ?nd so w? b???m? m?r? r?li?nt ?n ?m?ti?n r?th?r th?n r?ti?n?l r????ning.Increasing ??gnitiv? l??d i?n’t ?lw??? ?? ?? in ?n inf?rm?l ?itu?ti?n. And this m?th?d ?l?? h?? a bigger ?r?bl?m â€" it doesn’t work ?n ?r?f???i?n?l li?r? lik? con men and psychopaths unf?rtun?t?l?.When d??ling with ??n ?rti?t?, you ?r? d??ling with those t???? ?f people f?r wh?m th?r? is no cognitive load because they live th? li?. Thi? is who they are. Th??’r? n?t l?ing t? ??u. Th??’r? n?t trying to juggl? ?n?thing.S? reducing ??ur ??gnitiv? l??d and increasing theirs ??n h?l? ??u d?t??t li?? with amateurs.2. St?rt By ??king Neutral Qu??ti?n?By asking ??m??n? b??i?, nonthreatening ?u??ti?n?, ??u ?r? ?bl? t? observe a r????n?? b???lin?.A?k th?m ?b?ut th? weather, th?ir plans f?r th? weekend, or ?n?thing th?t w?uld elicit a normal, comfortable r????n??.Wh?n th?? r????nd, observe th?ir b?d? l?ngu?g? and ??? m?v?m?ntâ€"??u w?nt t? know how they ??t when th?? ?r? t?lling the truth.D? they ?hift ?t?n???Gl?n?? in ?n? dir??ti?n ?r th? ?th?r?Or l??k ??u d??d in th? ????M?k? ?ur? ??u ??k ?n?ugh questions t? ?b??rv? a ??tt?rn. 3. Listen M?r? Th?n You ????kLiars t?nd to ????k more th?n truthful ????l? in ?n attempt t? ??und legitimate ?nd win over their audience.Th?? will also u?? more ??m?l?x ??nt?n??? t? hid? th? truth.B? wary ?f th? f?ll?wing:Str??? usually m?k?? ????l? ????k faster.Str????d persons ?ft?n talk l?ud?r.Cr??king in th? n?tur?l tone ?f voice usually ???ur? ?t the ??int ?f deception.R???titiv? coughing ?nd clearing the thr??t ?r? signs ?f t?n?i?n.Thi? i?nt t? say th?t a ??nv?r??ti?n ??rtn?r wh? does ?n? or m?r? of th? above i? l?ing t? ??u.But if ??u witness th??? ??ti?n?, ?r????d with caution.4. W?t?h Y?ur Em?ti?n?Wh?n w?’r? emotional, w? ??? l??? attention. Our br?in? t?k? ?h?rt?ut?. W? g?t r???d in.F??u? a little more ?n ?t??ing ?bj??tiv? ?nd not b?ing swept ?w?? by ?m?ti?n?.Emotions ?r? the ?ingl? most ??w?rful driv?r ?f ?ur behaviour, b???u?? when w? ?r? in ?n ?m?ti?n?ll? ?r?u??d ?t?t?, we ?t?rt t?king mental ?h?rt?ut? th?t we wouldn’t ?th?rwi?? t?k? ?nd w? don’t even realize w?†™r? t?king th?m. Y?u ?t?? seeing r?d flags.We’ll question facts. W?’ll question l?gi?. But w? r?r?l? ?u??ti?n ?ur f??ling?.And wh?n w? start trusting our feelings wh?n ??m??n? i? d?lib?r?t?l? manipulating th?m, whi?h ??n lead to bad decisions.Wh??B???u?? w? ?ll ???r?tl? b?li?v? th?t w? d???rv? t? have g??d thing? happen to u?.And wh?n ????l? giv? ?n emotional ?r???nt?ti?n that might be a littl? t?? good t? b? true, we w?nt t? b?li?v?S? k??? a ???l h??d.D?n’t g?t ?w??t up b? big ?r?mi??? ?nd ?t?rt f?nt??izing b?f?r? you’ve ?x?min?d th? facts.Okay, wh?n ??u think ??m??n? might b? messing with ??u, l?t l?gi? rule. Great. But wh?t f?rm are th? most h?rd-t?-r??i?t li?? g?ing to take?5. A?k F?r The Story BackwardTruthful ????l? t?nd t? ?dd d?t?il? and r?m?mb?r m?r? facts as th?? r????t their ?t?r?.Li?r?, ?n th? ?th?r h?nd, m?m?riz? their stories ?nd tr? to k??? th?m th? ??m?. (If they add d?t?il?, they often d?nt add up.)If you suspect ??m??n? is being d????tiv?, ??k the ??r??n t? recall events b??kw?rd r?th?r than f?rw?rd in tim?.F?r example, ?t?rt ?t th? ?nd of a ?t?r? and ask them to ?x?l?in wh?t happened right b?f?r? that ??int. And th?n, before th?t and so on.F?r truthful ????l?, this m?k?? recall ???i?r. Liars often ?im?lif? th? story t? ?v?id ??ntr?di?ting th?m??lv??.6. Ask F?ll?w U? QuestionsOf ??ur??, n?n? ?f u? w?nt t? be li?d t?. But its im??rt?nt to r?m?mb?r th?t ????l? ?r? un???? with ??rt?in ?u??ti?n? due t? personal ?mb?rr???m?nt, ?r because they ?r? ?xtr?m?l? d???nd?nt ?n th? ?ut??m? of the ??nv?r??ti?n.F?r ?x?m?l?, a j?b int?rvi?w ??ndid?t? might be t?m?t?d t? hid? d?t?il? ?b?ut g?tting fir?d fr?m a previous job. But if the ??r??n i? ?u?lifi?d, h?? a great personality, and w?uld fit great with ??ur ??m??n?, ?h?uldnt you k??? th? ??nv?r??ti?n g?ing?If ??ur? ?uzzl?d b? a r????n??, ?x?l?r? with f?ll?w-u? ?u??ti?n?.In the situation mentioned ?b?v?, ??u might move th? ??nv?r??ti?n forward in this way: Y?u know, I (or a friend/family member) once l??t a job f?r making a r??ll? ?tu?id mi?t?k?. Have ??u ?v?r experienced ?n?thing lik? th?t? H?w do ??u think mistakes ?n th? job should be h?ndl?d?Wh?n in doubt, continue to ask di???rning questions. In tim?, ??ull b? able t? spot d???it like a pro.S? youve found a li?r now wh?t d? ??u d??On?? ??ur? ?ur? that someones b??n ?ting? with th? truth, ??u have f?ur m?in options for how t? h?ndl? it, ?? ????h?l?gi?t, emotional int?llig?n?? expert ?nd ?uth?r Dr. Tr?vi? Br?db?rr? outlines:D? n?thing (??m?tim?? th? ??n? ?f calling the person ?ut outweigh the ?r??).D?fl??t with hum?ur (acknowledges the li? but giv?? the li?r a ?h?n?? to ?dmit the di?h?n??t? with?ut f??ring ??ull retaliate).Play dumb (??king l?t? of ?u??ti?n? to g?t d?t?il? ??n force th? li?r into admitting th? dishonesty without ??u ??lling th?m ?ut).P?int ?ut th? li? (b??t d?n? privately with dir??tn???).Within th??? ??ti?n?, giv?n th? ??lf-?r?t??tiv? purpose ?f l?ing, ??iz? ????rtuniti?? to b? r????uring ?nd ?n??ur?ging in ways th?t g?t t? th? r??t ?f th? b?h?vi?ur.Em??th? g??? a l?ng w??.For in?t?n??, if ??u kn?w th?t someone is ?tr????d f?r cash but they li? and ??? its n? ?r?bl?m ??v?ring your bill at lun?h, ??u can ??? ??m?thing lik?, Gosh, I ???r??i?t? th?t, but n?I cant ??ntribut? to ?n ?m?t? wallet when I remember wh?t broke f??l? lik? m???lf!The more ??u ??n ??nvin?? a liar th?t the thr??t? theyre ??n??i?u?l? ?r subconsciously perceiving ?r?nt ?n i??u?, th? m?r? th??ll probably relax, tru?t ??u ?nd ?ut their two-faced ways b?hind th?m.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
An Argument For Exempting the Severely Mentally Ill from...
Mental illness affects one in four adults every year (NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | Mental Illnesses). Mental illness effects thousands who may not even be aware of it. Many who are aware do not receive treatment until something bad happens in result of not receiving treatment. These illnesses affect all aspects of the person’s life. They often do things without the knowledge of what they are doing. Many people who do have these illness commit crimes without the knowledge of the fact that they are doing wrong. People often do not believe that having a mental illness gives people the right to commit a crime, and it doesn’t. It merely suggests that the person who committed said crime was not aware of their actions therefore†¦show more content†¦Around 77.3% percent of people treated for mental illness had effective results (Kobau and Zack). Minor cases of mental illness tend to recover much more rapidly. Cases of serve mental illness still recover i t just takes a long amount of time and more extensive therapy. Whenever going through these treatments the person needs a good support foundation from their family and friends in order to encourage them know that things will get better if they get treatment. Many people plead insanity in criminal trials because they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. This leaves the people who do have mental illnesses in a â€Å"boy who cried wolf†situation. The people who do suffer mental illnesses end up suffering even more because of their actions instead of getting the treatments they need in order to become normal members of society. All defendants who plead insanity must take a reality test to check whether they are aware of the separation between reality and their imagination. If they pass then they will be deemed mental sane and still must stand trial (Valkin). Kendra Webdale was a victim to a mentally ill episode, when one morning she was pushed in front a subway by An drew Goldstein, a known schizophrenic. The family first believed that it was a mugging gone wrong but then learned of Goldstein’s illness. Her mother Pat was interviewedShow MoreRelatedAbolition Of The Death Penalty1826 Words  | 8 PagesAbolition of the Death Penalty Capital Punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, first dates back to the English Colonies in the 1600s. The people of this time adopted this tradition to punish people who had committed crimes of murder, treason, theft, robbery, rape, or other horrible offenses. In 1776, people already began to see the inefficiency of the death penalty. Benjamin Rush, a physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence, stated that â€Å"the punishment of murder by death is contrary
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Comparative Essay David Hume vs. John Locke - 1050 Words
Comparing John Locke against David Hume : Empiricism John Locke and David Hume, both great empiricist philosophers who radically changed the way people view ideas and how they come about. Although similar in their beliefs, the two have some quite key differences in the way they view empiricism. Locke believed in causality, and used the example of the mental observation of thinking to raise your arm, and then your arm raising, whereas Hume believed that causality is not something that can be known, as a direct experience of cause, cannot be sensed. Locke believed that all knowledge is derived from our senses, which produce impressions on the mind which turn to ideas, whereas Humes believed that all knowledge is derived from experiences,†¦show more content†¦Hume rejected lockes theory of experiencing cause. He argued that you do not feel the connection between your mind and arm, and thus dont sense the cause of the muscles contracting to raise your arm. Cause, in Humes mind, is a synthetic experience used to explain the unobser vable things in reality. To help explain he used the billiard ball experiement. Ball A is hit and put into motion towards ball B.When ball A collides with ball B the cause of ball Bs movement is not experienced, there is no observable connection between the two. This would mean that there is no way to be certain that everytime Ball A collides with ball B that ball B will move, ball A could just as likely bounce off and begin rolling in a random direction. He believd that there is no way of knowing for certain the outcome of an event without being able to perceive the cause. John Lockes theory of knowledge stated that all knowledge is derived from the senses, that are converted into impressions, that are then made into ideas, either simple or complex. Simple ideas are ones that involve only one sense, whereas complex ideas consist of multiple simple ideas being combined to create a vivid one. Ideas have two qualities, primary qualities, and secondary qualities. Primary qualities are things that are perceived the same for everyone, and secondary qualities are the individual perceptions ofShow MoreRelatedCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words  | 37 PagesHistory and Class Consciousness Preface THE collection and publication of these essays in book form is not intended to give them a greater importance as a whole than would be due to each individually. For the most part they are attempts, arising out of actual work for the party, to clarify the theoretical problems of the revolutionary movement in the mind ,of the author and his readers. The exceptions to this are the two essays Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat and Towards a MethodologyRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages(Prentice Hall, 2012) Management, 11th ed. with Mary Coulter (Prentice Hall, 2012) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 10th ed., with David DeCenzo (Wiley, 2010) Prentice Hall’s Self-Assessment Library 3.4 (Prentice Hall, 2010) Fundamentals of Management, 8th ed., with David DeCenzo and Mary Coulter (Prentice Hall, 2013) Supervision Today! 7th ed., with David DeCen zo and Robert Wolter (Prentice Hall, 2013) Training in Interpersonal Skills: TIPS for Managing People at Work, 6th ed., with Phillip
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in NSW Free Essays
‘Evaluate the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in NSW’ The NSW criminal justice system relates to all areas associated with the law and law enforcement, including those who are incarcerated, on probation, or suspected of committing a criminal offence. In evaluating the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in NSW there are three issues which can be considered; alternatives to gaol, charge negotiation and the role of the courts. We will write a custom essay sample on Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in NSW or any similar topic only for you Order Now These issues promote or demote the effectiveness of the NSW criminal justice system, especially when evaluated in terms of equality, accessibility, resource efficiency, and the balance of rights for victims, offenders and society. These issues are also discussed widely in the media, which presents a different perspective for many of these issues, and provides the necessary pressure required to initiate law reform on these issues. One of the most important issues in the NSW criminal justice system is the availability of alternatives in punishment, aside from incarceration. Apart from criminal infringement notices, there are many more serious alternatives to a prison sentence, including home detention. Home detention, created under the Home Detention Act 1996 (NSW), is applicable for certain offenders, who have committed non-violent crimes and have been sentenced to less than 18 months imprisonment. Home detention is likely to be controversial for more serious offences such as murder or sexual assault, as there is possible high risk of reoffending. Community service orders are also available as a means of shaming and punishing offenders, while facilitating rehabilitation by requiring a period of amending their wrongs towards the community. Diversionary programs are used to divert certain offenders from reoffending, through rehabilitation. Over 150 offenders a year complete The Drug Courts diversionary program. According to the NSW Crime Bureau analysis of the effectiveness of the Drug court, they found that; 37% of criminals were less likely to be reconvicted for any offence, 65% were less likely to be reconvicted for offences against the person and 57% were less likely to be reconvicted for a drug offence. The use of these alternatives are effective in terms of the aforementioned criteria as it provides a sense of equality between different members of society tried for the same crimes, as they each have the capacity to be given the same diversionary program, as long as they satisfy the necessary criteria. The diversionary programs are very resource efficient as they typically cost less per day than the $205 necessary for the average prison inmate. It also provides a balance of rights for the victims and the offenders, as well as society as they are all benefiting from these programs. Charge negotiation, including plea bargaining, is where charges are either dropped, or reduced in return for an early guilty plea, as set out in the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999. There are many issues associated with charge negotiation, as shown through ‘True Plea on Justice’, a Daily Telegraph article published on October 11th 2010, which details the plight of victims of crime, who are not told of the charge negotiation taking place, until they attend the trial. Under new guidelines from the state government, prosecutors must now complete a certificate detailing the consultation with victims and their families. This reform of current guidelines shows the inadequacies when regarding the balance of rights for victims, although this issues is being rectified. Charge negotiation is also effective when assessed for resource efficiency, as the cost of a sometimes lengthy trial is avoided. The role of the courts is imperative to having an effective legal system. The role of the courts is to ensure a fair trial ensues. Equality within the court system is a major concept, and is exemplified through the necessary impartiality of magistrates, judges and juries. Once again to ensure equity judges and magistrates are bound to follow precedent, or follow sentencing guidelines according to the Criminal Procedure Amendment (Sentencing Guidelines) Act 1998. Many of the crimes prosecuted are outlined in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which is accessible to all members of the public, under the rule of law. The courts attempt to use resources efficiently by using juries in all matters bar summary offences, and by requiring ‘leave to seek appeal’ when appealing to the Supreme Court to ensure that court resources are not tied up in unsubstantiated appeals. The courts also provide a balance for victims, offenders and society, by providing necessary sentences the magistrate or judge feels is necessary to reflect the standards of society, ensure a fair outcome for victims and also to not be excessive to offenders. The criminal justice system in NSW is effective in the sense that it provides an equal, accessible and resource efficient system in which justice is achieved. It also provides an impartial field for offenders to be tried, and as such come to outcomes that benefit the victim and society as a whole. There have been recent developments to ensure this balance remains, as is the case of victims regarding charge negotiation, showing the development and thus effectiveness of the criminal justice system in reflecting societies beliefs and values. How to cite Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in NSW, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Visible Light Communication
Question: Describe about the Visible Light Communication? Answer: Introduction Visible Light Communication (VLC) falls in the category of the highly developed technology of the optical wireless communication division, in this visible region (0.375um-0.780um) light is utilized as a data transmission medium with enhanced security and higher data rates features in comparison to the predictable technologies similar to Wi -Fi, Wi-max etc., which accomplish the communication by the radio waves. While making use of wireless internet the system bandwidth got bothered at the lower data rate or slow speeds frequently in the case of multiple devices using the same network. To conquer the lack of bandwidth we can make use of light for data transfer and the process is called as ILLUMINATION DATA . The thought at the back is that, infra-red remote is somewhat customized i.e., LED light bulb that bring intensity contrasts which cannot be tracked by normal human perception. It is probable to encode the data in the light by modulating or altering the light to make the LEDs flic ker and make it on and off to provide the binary strings of 1s and 0s.At the same time as using combinations of green, blue and red LEDs to change the frequency of light encoding a dissimilar data channel. System Components It utilizes fast changing light pulses to send out the information wirelessly. The major parts of this system of communication are A high intensity white LED, that is the source of communication A photodiode is made up silicon having high-quality visible wavelength response region which is acting like the receiving element. Amit rawat Switching the LED in the on and off mode is done to produce binary 1s and 0s strings. Encoding of data can be performed in the light to produce a novel stream of data by changing the LED flickering rate. To be precise, through the process is about modulation of the data signal using the LED light, the illumination of the LED light can be utilized like a source of communication. Due to the fast flickering rate, the output at the LED end comes into view like a constant light to the naked eye. Using suitable techniques for multiplexing it is possible to have data rate more than 100 Mbps. In case of parallel data communication the VLC data rate can be augmented. In this each LED transmits a dissimilar data stream and combined forms an array. LED Model Fig. 1 demonstrates the standard demonstrator block diagram. The link contains of two DSP boards first one is transmitter (Tx) and second is the receiver (Rx). In exacting, the evaluation board of TMS320C6000 DSP using Texas Instruments C6713 based on floating-point processor that is structured of VLIW very long instruction word architecture is utilized. Speed of processor is 250MHz. The evaluation boards has 32-bit stereo analogue output and input port with a utmost sampling frequency 96kHz. Fig.1 Visible light data transmission prototype For the function of exhibition, data source of digital image is utilized. The produced D/A (digital/analogue) changed modulation signal from the correspondent DSP is feeder to the circuit of optical transmitter which constrains the white LED. At the end of receiver, a circuit containing a photodiode is utilized to change the signal of optical range to the signal of electrical domain. The converted signal is then conceded through an ADC converter trailed by elimination of cyclic prefix and process of demodulation. These processes are headed by a frame synchronization routine Fig.2 VLC test-bed system using an array of 16 resonated white LEDs. Concept Illustration The VLC transmitter has components like a power supply, an amplifier, a bias-T. The receiver includes a PIN type diode as a photo-detector or APD or Avalanche Photo Diode. LED acting as a source of light from the transmitter side produces visible light radiation and then absorbed by the receiver all the way through free space spread. The signal source and a terminal analyzer component is made up of two-port network analyzer, giving output in form of a small sine wave and calculating the received amplitude too. The LED modulation bandwidth is limited with the frequency of response. Though, the lifetime of the minority carriers in semiconductors have an effect on this reaction frequency. Consequently, there exists a limit on the LEDs theoretical bandwidth upto 2 GHz. at present; the practical LED bandwidth is much lower than this limit of theoretical value. Therefore, the resulting LEDs lower modulation bandwidth influences its function in the communication with the high-speed bandwidth. Results and Discussion For analysis consider the three different LEDs which are further separated into three categories, which were calculated using same intensity of light, and after that the only variable is the current density. Consequently, the consequences can straightly replicate the association of the 3 dB LED bandwidth and current density. In below Figure 3, the Y coordinates gives amplitude, tells that the proportion of power at output and power at input and it reproduces the LEDs 3 dB bandwidth. Since noise is present in the background the curvature in Figure 3 shows big fluctuations. Although, these curves with non-smooth nature does not moving the in general experimental results trends. As given in figure 3 that the LED As 3 dB bandwidth was 10.5MHz if the biasing current is 20 mA and the significance quickly increased to value of 44MHz for the biasing current of 100mA. In adding, the other LEDs B and C also established this regulation and the consequences were revealed in Figures 3(b) and (c), correspondingly. Consequently, the calculated 3dB bandwidth of three dissimilar sizes LEDs were all enhanced considerably with the amplified current density. This occurrence can be established with the probability of bimolecular recombination, that was relative to the carrier density of injected into the dynamic volume. Fig. 3 The normalized frequency response of (a) LED A, (b) LED B and (c) LED C measured under different bias currents Summary and Conclusions In this report, a dimension association of modulation individuality for VLC systems is explained and the dissimilar-sized blue LEDs with different bandwidths have been accounted. The results obviously discloses alike linear association between 3dB bandwidth and its LED current density. This occurrence can be credited to the bimolecular recombination likelihood that is relative to the density of injected carrier into the dynamic volume. Consequently, growing the LED current density is a possible method in VLC systems to improve the rate of data transmission. Furthermore, this experiment demonstrates that series resistance of high value is one main concern that puts restriction on modulation speed of LED. Therefore, additional study will spotlight on optimizing layout of device in addition to dropping material bulk resistance to decrease the resistance. References 1. H.L. Minh, D. OBrien, G. Faulkner, L. Zeng, K. Lee, D. Jung, Y. J. Oh and E. T. Won, 100-Mb/s NRZ Visible Light Communications Using a Postequalized White LED inIEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No.15, August 2009. 2. F. L. Jenq, T. J. Liu and F.Y. Leu, An AC LED Smart Lighting System with Visible Light Time-Division Multiplexing Free Space Optical Communication, 2011 Fifth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing.3. Z. W, J. Chau and T. Little, Modeling and Designing of a New Indoor Free Space Visible Light Communication System, Networks and Optical Communications (NOC) in16th European Conference,July 2011, pp. 72-75. 4. J. Cao, Z. Liang and Z.Ma, White LED Modulation Bandwidth and Modulation Characteristics of the Study Hans Journal of Wireless Communications, 2012. 5. J. VuÄ iĆ¡, C. Kottke, S. Nerreter, K.-D. Langer and W. Waleski, 513 Mbit/s Visible Light Communication Link Based on DMT-Modulation of a White LED, Journal of Light Technology, Vol. 28, No. 24, 2010.6. J. VuÄ iĆ¡, C. Kottke, K. Habel and K.-D. Langer, 803 Mbit/s Visible Light WDM Link based on DMT Modulation of a single RGB LED Luminary, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC/NFOEC), 2011 and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, Conference Publications, March 2011, pp.1-3. 7. Z. Xu, H. Liang, Z. Zhong, L. He and X. Gu, Effect of High-Power LED Spatial Light Intensity on Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics of VLC, Optical Communication Technology, Vol. 35, 2011.8. R. D. Koudelka and J. M. Woodall, Light Emitting Devices with Increased Modulation Bandwidth, Yale University, 2011. 9. P. Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device, Pearson Education, 2003, pp. 216-218.10. K. Ikeda, S. Horiuchi, T. Tanaka and W. Susaki, Design Parameters of Frequency Response of GaAs-(Ga,Al) As double Heterostructure LEDsfor optical communications, IEEE Tansactions on Electron Device s, Vol. ED-24, No. 7, 1977, pp. 1001-1005. 11. J. Grubor, S. C. J. Lee, K.-D. Langer, T. Koonen, and J. W. Walewski, Wireless high-speed data transmission with phosphorescent whitelight LEDs, inProc. Post Deadline Session Eur. Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC 2007), Berlin, Germany, 2007, pp. 12, [06.11].12. S.-B. Park, D. K. Jung, H. S. Shin, D. J. Shin, Y.-J. Hyun, K. Lee, and Y. J. Oh, Information broadcasting system based on visible light signboard, inProc. Wireless Opt. Commun. 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 30Jun. 1, 2007, pp. 311313
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Paul Of Tarsus (Major Outline) Essays - Biblical People In Islam
Paul Of Tarsus (Major Outline) Specific Purpose: Inform my audience why Paul of the Bible still makes an impression on today's preachers and teachers in all walks of life. Thesis Statement: He wrote his most important work in 57 A.D., his epistles are part of the best selling work in the world. Paul of Tarsus was one of the greatest orators that have ever lived, and his writings and speech mannerisms are still practiced to this day by preachers and lay people the world over. Introduction: I. Background information of Paul and what led him to become the ultimate witness of Christ to the Gentiles. Body I. Paul's background A. Paul was born a Jew in Tarsus a) Paul was a Roman citizen by birth b) Paul was a tentmaker by trade B. Paul was Pharisee (A Jewish teacher of the strictest order) He was a persecutor of the Christian faith and openly killed people who professed to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. C. Paul's real name was Saul of Tarsus a) God struck him off his horse on the road to Damascus b) The Lord asks him, Saul of Tarsus, why does thou curse me? c) The Lord made Saul blind with scabs over his eyes d) Saul agreed that Jesus was the true Son of God and said that he would go to the Gentiles (Non-Jews) and preach the word of the Gospel of Christ. II. Paul was a great and influential writer A. Paul wrote 13 books of the New Testament a) The most important was the letter to the Romans that he wrote while he was in Corinth, Greece b) Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge regarded Romans as, The most profound book in existence? c) Commentator Godet called it, The cathedral of the Christian faith? d) Martin Luther wrote, This epistle is the chief part of the New Testament, and the very purest gospel?the more it is dealt with, the more precious it becomes. III. Paul was a great orator of his works and others writings A. Paul defended himself in front of many high ranking Roman and Greek officials and won the most important battles. a) Defended himself before Felix Felix afraid of the wrath of the Jews b) Accused before Festus by Jews c) Appeals to Rome when no guilt is found d) Defends himself before Agrippa e) Agrippa can find no fault, when Paul argues his case B. Paul defends himself and his teachings at the Grecian Areopagus a) Areopagus was the respected Grecian open court forum b) Epicureans and Stoics sought to bring him before the court because of his views of their religion Court met on Mars's hill in Athens c) They were curious about Paul saying they worshipped gods that they did not know c) Paul's defense is still the model for communicating the gospel to a that has no biblical background d) He drew on his surroundings by talking about the Athenians love of religion demonstrated by their many idols e) Was released by court IV. Paul's works live on today A. His works are still read and recited all over the world a) His works are quoted and studied to this day Conclusion: Paul went from a manual labor job to being one of the most influential writers of this century and changed the way forever that Jesus Christ my Lord would be studied and taught the world over. Speech and Communcations
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Arts in Schools Essay
Arts in Schools Essay Arts in Schools Essay A child’s education cannot rely on reading and math alone. A wide range of educational opportunities need to be made available to a child to allow them to explore their talents and interests, whether it be through arts programs, athletics programs, or other activities outside of subjects on standardized tests. Not every student wants to be an engineer or scientist and those children should not be denied opportunities in their education. Creativity in the classroom plays a big role in how children involve themselves in their studies, social lives, and home lives. It is an important part of education and should be valued more. Many people believe that the arts are a waste of time and aren’t going to land you a stable job in the future. What they don’t realize is that having knowledge in different arts, benefits students in different parts of their lives. Including in the classroom where they learn math and science. Not only does having knowledge in the arts stimula te and develop the imagination and critical thinking, but it also refines cognitive and creative skills. Whilst other students might solve a problem based solely on logic, students with a knowledge in the arts can look at that same problem both logistically, and creatively providing them with more insight on the problem. Arts knowledge also has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child, and has proven to help level the learning field across socio-economic boundaries. It strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, adds to overall academic achievement and school success. When a student is involved in artistic thinking, it truly teaches them life skills, such as developing an informed perception, articulating a vision, learning to solve problems, and make decisions. Not only this, but it also aids in building self-confidence and self-discipline, developing the ability to imagine what might be, and accepting responsibility to complete tasks from start to finish. Being in any type of arts program, whether it’s acting, or dancing, film, or general art, self-confidence and self-discipline are strongly provided. With open arms, art programs accept any student that might be having a hard time in school, or at home, and gives them something to be proud of. Whether it be a painting they painted or performing in the school play, being in an art program lets you use your passion and soul to make or do something that you are proud of. By painting, training, or practicing hard, the student achieves their goal using self-discipline for in the arts, you can only be as good as you yourself try. Art programs throughout the world give any students the right to speak what is on their minds and in their hearts and to not be judged, but praised for it. Creativity, soul, heart, passion, hard-work are just some examples of what the arts can give back to you. Having art programs in schools is essential. A very intelligent man named Ken Robinso n made a delightful speech regarding art programs in schools on the website TED.com. Besides being British and hilarious, he makes substantial points and tells such wonderful funny stories! An influential quote from his speech is "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you're not going to come up with anything original." This is quite a true statement. He isn't saying that being creative necessarily means that you are wrong. He is just saying that when being creative, you're willing to take the chance and not care about the results, your answer will be genuine and unique. One extraordinary point he makes in the speech is that as we grow older we are being "educated out of our creativity†. As we go through school we quickly learn that mistakes are terrible, and strive for perfection. Memorizing facts, knowing systems and orders, but what happened to the creativity we had as kids? One last point that he makes, might not be completely true, but is funny and did make some sense. â₠¬Å"Public education is made for making
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Do innovations really make us lazier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Do innovations really make us lazier - Essay Example Certainly, vehicles and other means of transport are inevitable in the current world; however, their discovery has greatly contributed to laziness. Humans are too much dependent on vehicles and bicycles, they go to sporting events, go to work, shopping and market through vehicles. Because of the changes, innovation has led to lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure and obesity, hence a significant deterioration of the physical health (Anthony, 2012). In the education sector, students no longer get the full benefit and experience of expediting ignorance. Instead, computers, mobile phones and internet have replaced the role of students in learning. Computers have literally eliminated the ability of learners to spell words correctly and engage teachers in different subjects. Gradually, students are forgetting the role of hard work, but rely on the discretion of innovation to handle all problems. The on-going process seeks appliances that make hair, cook, wash, teach and facilitate security (Koschatzky, Kulicke & Zenker, 2001). Therefore, instead of technology making life easy and solving life challenges, it continues to make people
Monday, February 3, 2020
Water Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Water - Research Paper Example of local divide administration on the quality and quantity of water resource to manipulation of climate change in participation outline on local and international scale (Mays & Larry, 49) Water is considered as an essential commodity in our day to day life. Water is usually found as ground water or even surface water (Moran, Edward & Devin, 19). In this paper I will examine more on ground water. I will also examine factors leading to shortages of water and ways to curb such incidences (Reston & Va, 206). In any given nation ground water comes out as really an essential component. Today, ground water resources, supply water to the surface and surface water sources. Ground water in its highest percentage of about 25% is usually stored as fresh water while only about 1% of the total fresh water is stored as surface water in rivers, dams, lakes and soil moisture (Moran, Edward & Devin, 29). The remaining percentage of fresh water about 74% is usually stored as polar ice and glaciers (Mays & Larry, 48). The fact that ground water is not stored means that this resource is usually not taken into consideration most of the time or even misunderstood. Its presence was appreciated after a research on ground water movement ‘secret’ and ‘occult’ was carried out by Ohio courts (Mays & Larry, 78) This resource is very important to public health, the ecology and more so to the economy at large. Often about 75% of the society’s water system depends on ground water. In addition, rural areas and metropolitan regions in the United States highly depend on the ground water system in all their operations and day to day activities (Moran, Edward & Devin, 48). It is through the availability of ground water that we have the surface water due to the fact that ground water supplies the rivers, streams, dams and lakes during drought seasons or even low flows (Reston & Va, 218). The agricultural sector cannot be left behind too as it plays a very significant role in its use
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Leadership and the art of encouraging people
Leadership and the art of encouraging people Leadership is the art of encouraging a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it (Dwight D. Eisenhower). Being a leader is an adventure because one can never be sure whether he will achieve the goal. Leadership is fun, excitement, adventure but more over it means responsibility. A good leader doesnt do different things, but he does the same things differently. The two important things that the leader should deal with are the job and the group. The job: what is to be done, it doesnt mean work but it could be getting innovative ideas. Thus its the leaders responsibility to get the work done at the right time. The group: The people who do the job thus the effective leader should be able to manage the team and make everyone work together in peace. In business, leadership is linked to performance. Active leaders are those who increase their companys bottom lines. Role of a Leader: Leader is the guy who makes the team go. Leader should be self-motivated as they have to help others to do the right things. Once the task has been assigned the leader must set direction, built a simulating idea and produce something unique. Leadership is all about plotting where you need to go to achieve victory as a team or an organization. It is inspiring, dynamic and vibrant. Leader should also use management skills to direct their team, to accomplish the target in a discipline and in an efficient way. Leader vs. Manager: Leaders are people who do the right things, Managers are people who do things right. (Professor Warren G. Bennis) If manager has got traits of leader in them then he can be a true manager. At every stage manager are expected to be the leader of the work group so that the team members willingly participate, accept guidance and carry instruction. As stated by John Kotter Leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary system of action. Both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex volatile business environment. The fact is that leadership and management are both important. They are two distinctive systems of action, both are necessary and each seeks to do different task. Thus one needs to be good in leading and then managing. Personal experience: Leadership is what I have been practicing since childhood. I was the captain of my school volley ball team. Effective communication with the team mates, inspiring them to achieve targets is what I was good at. Later in my higher secondary school I was elected the Students Secretary where I got to show more of my leadership skills. Organizing events, interacting with different people, getting things done in time were some of the skills which I was good at. Working in group helps you to be a good listener. I enjoyed working in team which helped me to become a good team member along with a good leader. Creativity was another quality which I learnt through various technical programmes which were organized, managed and hosted by me. I always think of the broader perspective while performing any task. I see to it that while working in teams, all the team members are willing to work with enthusiasm. Different leadership model: Leadership models are structured approaches to providing actual guidance and decision making within an organization. Various types of leadership theory have developed programs aimed at classifying different models, sometimes explaining when and where certain models are likely to work best for a given situation. Leadership Models: Functional, situational, transformational, inspirational, etc. based on Mullins (2010) Framework of Leadership. Why Situational Leadership Model: As a group we decided to select Situational Leadership model as it is easy to understand and use. Adaptability and versatility are two key requirements needed from a leader using the situational leadership method. Leadership is a skill. The ideal scenario is for a leader to have vast flexibility. The requirement to change ones leadership style according to the circumstances is one of the critical principles underlying standard models such as Situational Leadership (develop by Blanchard and Hersey in the late 1960s). The models examine the needs of the situation youre in, and then use the most suitable leadership style. Based on employees capabilities in their task areas and promise to their tasks, leadership style differs. Condition of situational leadership: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Leaders should adjust their style to follower maturity, based on how willing and ready the follower is to perform required tasks (competence and motivation). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There are 4 leadership styles that match the 4 combinations of high/low willingness and readiness. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The 4 styles suggest that leaders should put more or less focus on the task in question and/or the relationship between the follower and the leader. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Assumes that leadership based on how the boss makes judgments. Application of situational leadership: The Air Force professional military education (PME) schools rely completely on the Situational Leadership model to help teach military leadership and management. For more than 40 years, the Center for Leadership Studies (CLS) has trained individual, corporate leaders and trainers on Situational Leadership, the approach that produces todays most preferred, adaptable and strong leaders. Others opinion: After attending the Situational Leadership workshop, our managers are better equipped to lead their employees in taking on projects and/or responsibilities. (Kris Sakowicz, Motorola) Group Activity: A leadership style and quality Questionnaire will help to sort individual leadership style and map it against the leadership requirement of various sectors/ industries. In order to understand the leadership qualities well, we had a group discussion and came across with some good skills a good leader must hold. They are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Communication skills: Interaction, presenting ideas clearly and effectively, listening and explanation skills are also important. It also includes proper eye contact and body language. Good communication can be through thorough listening and commenting. It helps the leader to get connected to his fellow members with trust while boosting the moral while performing a specific task. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Empathy: To show empathy is to identify with anothers feelings. Leaders should have a perspective of the fellow team mates to take a wise decision. This is a quality which a leader should have to be able to judge his people for effective outputs. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Inspiration: Its about helping others to achieve their goal and boosting their confidence. Leaders should communicate this thorough action. An inspirational leader has many followers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Integrity: A person of integrity is the same on the inside and on the outside, such individual can be trusted, a leader must have the trust of followers. It can be gained by good behavior with the team members. Each team member should be treated with respect and the leader should be willing to listen to all the team members suggestions. This will eventually help to achieve the integrity of people and will help the leader to perform efficiently in the long run. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Magnanimity: Giving credit where it is due, thus magnanimity helps team member feel good about them and bind the team close together. Rewards should be given by leaders for outstanding performances. These rewards inspire people to perform efficiently. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creativity: Ability to think differently, its the ability to see things that others have not imagine thus this is how lead supporter in new direction. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sense of Humor: To relieve tension and boredom in order to energize follower. To provide some control over the work environment humor is essential. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Organizational awareness: Understand organizational culture and aims then apply different strategies to achieve the goal. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Team work: Treat all members equally, should be fair to each and every team member. Interact with them in order to gain loyalty, trust and keep positive spirit in the team. Feedback: My group members rated me in different leadership qualities. According to them my communication skills are good as I clearly listen to what other person has got to say and then put my view forth but they failed to observe that I have little stage fear no matter how confident I am. I was also rated as a good motivator as I inspired my team members to participate with zeal throughout the group discussion sessions. Creativity was what they think I am good at. I was rated on an average scale in terms of my sense of humor, it is little difficult for me to work on it. They also rated me good at magnanimity, as I appreciated the views and points put forth my team members. I have always been a good team member since childhood and this was rated as my best quality by my team mates, however sometime due to lack of patience I miss out some important points which might affect my efficiency and I often get irritated when things do not work out well but my team mates believe that I can overcome my weaknesses. Conclusion: Leadership is a quality by which you can drive people to achieve targets. It is a human science which helps you to communicate effectively, teaches you to be a good listener, be a good team player. Situational Leadership models to improve the decision making process. The feedback by my team members will help me to analyze my strengths and my weaknesses and finally will guide me how to work upon it. This Leadership capability was a truly learning session which helped me to improve my leadership skills.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Pros and Cons of Sending Parents to Elderly Nursing Homes Essay
Many adults have elderly parents who could benefit from living in a retirement home. However, it’s hard to decide to send an elderly parent to a retirement home because there are several other care options available. Furthermore, this decision can be made more challenging because most retirement homes have several pros and cons that should be fully considered beforehand. Here is a brief look at some of the most important pros and cons to consider before finding an elderly parent the right retirement home. Perhaps it can help you make a more informed decision about entering a retirement home. On one hand, sending an elderly parent to a retirement home provides elderly people and their families several benefits that are hard to overlook. Many people think it’s a good idea to enter a retirement home because most retirement homes provide many benefits that are hard to pass-up. For example, the biggest benefits that retirement homes provide to residents include around the clock supervision, expert on-site medical care, and individualized help with daily needs. At first glance, these benefits can make a huge difference in the lives of elderly people because they can make their lives more enjoyable. However, many people tend to forget that retirement homes also offer other benefits that are often overlooked by people. Here are some of the most common benefits that retirement homes provide to residents and their loved ones. One of the most overlooked benefits retirement homes provide to residents is a structured environment. Elderly people often need a more structured environment as they grow older. This is especially true if they are mentally or physically disabled because it helps them lead a more normal and happy life. Furthermore, elderly people also tend to be more distracted by changes to their environment. Most retirement homes understand this. That’s why they try to set up a daily schedule that helps their residents lead a normal life. This structured schedule includes set meal times, scheduled activity times and other repetitive activities. Another overlooked benefit of retirement homes is a chance to remain as independent as possible. This benefit will be especially important to Baby Boomers because it will help them still lead the independent life style that their generation is so used to enjoying. This will help them still enjoy living to its fullest because it will allow them still do most of the things they enjoy doing. Finally, many people also tend to forget that retirement homes also help elderly people’s families deal with the logistics of caring with an elderly loved one. Many of us have elderly loved ones that need more help than what we can provide by ourselves. This is true because many of us have jobs and other responsibilities that make it difficult for people to take care of an elderly loved one who needs help with daily activities. As a result, retirement homes also provide several care options for families who need extra help helping their elderly loved ones. On the other hand, sending an elderly parent to a retirement home also poses several potential problems that also need to be considered. Here are some of the most common problems that people encounter: Paying for a retirement home’s services can be difficult for many people because most insurance policies and Medicare coverage plans generally deny covering the cost of living in a retirement home. This can make it difficult for many people to afford a retirement home’s services because many retirement homes charge high monthly fees to residents. In fact, many retirement homes charge â€Å"A la Carte†rates that tend to be expensive because they give consumers more freedom to buy only the services they need. These pricing plans are convenient. However, they also make it more difficult to afford living in a retirement home because many people cannot afford to play for services using these pricing plans. Many elderly people and their families also have problems finding retirement homes that provide top quality care because many retirement homes have difficulty finding qualified staff who can work with elderly people. Furthermore, many elderly people’s families have also had difficulty with staff members who are unwilling to work with clients’ families to resolve concerns. These problems can make it very frustrating to find the appropriate retirement home because it can be difficult to find a retirement home that has a staff that is willing to answer consumer’s questions about their services. Finally, many people also forget that some elderly people have trouble living in a retirement home. This is true for many reasons. For example, some elderly people are so independent that they have a hard time accepting help from others. Other elderly people have problems living in a retirement home because they have a hard time getting along with certain staff members because of personality differences. These problems can make it difficult for many elderly people to live in a retirement home because their personalities make it hard for them to live in some living situations. As you can see, there are many pros and cons to consider before entering a retirement home. This makes it important to research all of your care options before selecting the right option for your elderly loved one. Doing this will not only help you make a more informed decision for your loved one, it can also make a real difference in your elderly loved one’s overall quality of life. As a result, be sure to explore the pros of cons of entering a retirement home to see if retirement homes are your elderly loved one’s best care option.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Graduated Diplomas for Public School Students Essay
Receiving a high school diploma is a significant right of passage for public school students in the United States. The high school diploma represents the student’s academic accomplishments up to that time. In most cases, students cannot go to college without a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). The lack of a high school diploma places severe limits on the number of jobs that are available to an individual. However, despite the nearly universal recognition of the importance of obtaining a high school diploma, there is little agreement about what the standard diploma actually means in terms of academic achievement and the accumulation of important skills or knowledge. In order to clarify exactly what students have learned, 33 states have instituted multiple diploma options to high school graduates, including diplomas that indicate honors courses, vocational education, and other distinctions (Johnson, Thurlow, Stout, and Mavis, 63). Some states award different diplomas for students who are enrolled in special education, including honors diplomas, special education diplomas. (Johnson, Thurlow, Cosio, and Bremer 1). Uncertainty of the meaning of a high school diploma is also complicated by the lack of any standardized measurement of academic achievement in many states. In 2007, only 21 states required students to pass a state examination before graduation; 27 states did not have any type of exit exams at all (Johnson, Thurlow, Stout, and Mavis, 63). Consequently, while the standard high school diploma signifies that the student has completed at least the minimum requirements of an academic curriculum, the diploma does gives little indication of what the student has actually learned or any degree of proficiency in the subjects that were taken. States that do not use multiple diplomas could eliminate some of the uncertainty surrounding their graduation requirements by adopting a system of graduated diplomas. When properly constructed, graduated diplomas provide a more accurate reflection of the course work that the student has completed as well as the level of proficiency that the student was able to achieve in those courses. This information could then be used by colleges and employers to determine which applicants are most likely to succeed in their chosen endeavors and which graduates may require additional remediation beyond their high school years. It is true that grades and course work are included in the student’s academic transcript; however, a graduated diploma would convey a greater and more formal recognition of the student’s accomplishments in a way that would not require an employer or university admission’s board to study a detailed transcript and portfolio of student work. Finally, graduated diplomas would encourage those students who are most likely to succeed to push beyond the minimum academic requirements of a standard diploma and to work towards a more challenging academic curriculum for which they would receive appropriate recognition and rewards. Public schools should adopt graduated diplomas which better reflect actual student achievement. Standard high school diplomas are such poor indicators of an applicant’s potential for success that they mean little to many potential employers beyond a confirmation that the applicant was able to complete high school (Hartwig and Sitlington 11). Even this slight distinction, however, is still important to employers. Hartwig and Sitlington (12) found that employers who were considering hiring applicants who were enrolled in special education programs prior to their graduation were more likely to consider applicants who received a standard diploma than they were to consider applicants who received a certificate of attendance or an certificate of completion. These employers were also more likely to consider hiring applicants who had received an occupational diploma, a special diploma for students with special needs which indicated specific occupational training, than they were to hire those who had received certificates of attendance or those who had received a GED. Above all, the employers in this study were most likely to hire applicants who received a high school standard diploma. The research by Hartwig and Sitlington showed that although employers may claim that they do not place a great deal of faith in high school diplomas, they recognize and respond to different educational distinctions among job applicants. Although not designated as such, these academic distinctions – the certificate of attendance, the occupational diploma, and the standard diploma – functioned as a graduated diploma system, with each category indicating a different degree of educational achievement. These employers indicated that they used this information when making hiring decisions. Colleges face similar difficulties when trying to predict which high school graduates will be adequately prepared when they arrive at the university. Standard high school diplomas make no distinction between students who perform poorly and students who exceed their schools’ academic expectations. Consequently, although all college freshmen have a high school diploma or a GED, 30 percent of first year students in 2- and 4-year institutions lack the necessary basic skills and are required to take remedial courses in math, writing, and reading (Cohen 22). Graduated diplomas may not reduce the need for remedial classes for high school graduates; however, graduated diplomas would provide another indication of the type of curriculum that the student studied and the level of success that the student experienced. Colleges could be better prepared to meet the needs of lower-achieving students and to provide greater challenges for students who had already experienced academic success. In addition to providing a way to recognize the accomplishment of high-achieving students, graduated diplomas may also provide a safety net for students who are at risk of dropping out. The standard diploma, with its set requirements for credits, is an all or nothing proposition. Students who do not meet these requirements have nothing to show for their efforts. A graduated plan would provide an alternative that could eliminate some of these obstacles to graduation so they may obtain enough education to find a job or go to a two-year college (Viadero 12). This obviously helps students. Keeping students in school through an alternative diploma program could also help schools meet the attendance requirements of No Child Left Behind, the federal education law (Shannon and Bylsma). Care must be taken, however, to ensure that alternative diplomas do not become an alternative to a receiving a diploma. Erickson, Kleinhammer-Tramill, and Thurlow found that alternative exit strategies such as certificates of attendance and other alternatives to diplomas resulted in fewer special education students completing the requirements for a diploma. Conclusion Graduated diplomas reduce the uncertainty about what the student has actually learned and the level of proficiency he or she has achieved. For high-achieving students, the graduated diploma provides a certification of a higher level curriculum and greater academic accomplishment. Students who have special education requirements or who might otherwise drop out of school benefit from having the opportunity to receive a legitimate diploma that recognizes their efforts. In short, graduated diplomas provide benefits for students, for schools, for colleges, and for employers. States that have not done so should implement graduated diplomas. Works Cited
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