Monday, September 30, 2019
Ethical Issues in Pharmacy Research
Ethical Issues in Pharmacy Research Reflection There is abundant evidence showing how easy it is to exploit individuals in the history of medical research in the twentieth century. It was not until the early 1960s when the public began to take notice of the ethical neglect that researchers had for their subjects.The exposure of gross abuses in medical research generated a public furor that was finally noticed by those who administered research funding which enabled changes to policy to begin to take place such as the Declaration of Helsinki which addressed the issue of independent review of research protocols by a committee not associated with the project. It is enough to make one sick when you look at the unethical medical research that has taken place in the United States alone. In the name of â€Å"research†there has taken place many clinical experiments that have been done unethically.In the 1940s several â€Å"research†studies where done using either patients fro m state insane asylums or from prisons. These studies ranged from injecting patients with experimental flu vaccines to malaria and hepatitis. All of these studies were federally funded. The â€Å"Nuremberg Code†was established as a set of international rules to protect human test subjects after the prosecution of Nazi doctors in 1947. However, many American doctors ignored them, arguing that they applied to Nazi atrocities, not to research they were doing.By the 1960s, more than half of the states allowed for prisoners to be used as human guinea pigs for medical research. However, two studies would come to light in the 1960s which would turn public attitude about the use of humans in research. The first study was done at Brooklyn’s Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in New York. 1 The researchers injected cancer cells into 19 old, debilitated patients to see if their bodies would reject them. The patients were not told what they were being injected with because the resea rchers believed the cells harmless.However, a lawyer who was on the hospital board was upset over the research which led to the state investigating. The second study was done over three years at Willowbrook State School where mentally retarded children were given hepatitis to see if they could then be cured. 2 Then in 1972, the Tuskegee experiment sparked extensive critical media coverage and public outrage. 3 The Tuskegee experiment took place from 1942 to 1972 in Macon County, Alabama. About 400 poor, black men were used under false pretentions by the U.S. Public Health Service. These men were illiterate sharecroppers that were never told what disease they were suffering from or where they give treatment for syphilis. They were deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of syphilis in the name of research. The public was very sensitive to this type of research due to the publicity that the crimes committed by the Nazi doctors had received. When awareness arose that our own government was capable of carrying out unethical experimentation, fear arose.This led to Federal regulations to express the social values and concerns of the people. The first regulation was the National Research Act in 1974 which established the research proposal with informed consent. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) was also established with this act. The purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects. This is an institution –specific board that is made up of at least 5 individuals of which one must be a nonscientist and one being a member from the public community.To be able to establish the safety and efficacy of a therapy it is necessary to do clinical research. So what is the correct pathway to obtain a patient’s consent in a clinical research project? The National Institute of Health (NIH) requires that clinical testing be done before a product license for that treatment can be given. However, the patient is being put at risk o f any unknown side-effects by taking part in a clinical trial. So how can we protect patients? The strongest protection for patients is his or her consent.According to the NIH website, â€Å"informed consent explains risks and potential benefits about a clinical trial before someone decides whether to participate. †4 When the researcher obtains consent they are respecting the patient and enabling them to self-governing plus upholding the principle of respect for persons. IRBs have been a good standard for ethical research; however with the advancing fields of research in genetics, reproduction, and neurology, it may be time to develop more regulations.There are four basic principles of medical bioethics. These are autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Autonomy comes from the Ancient Greek which means self-law. It is the ability of an individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. Justice means to give all persons what is due to them that can refer to tre atment and education. Beneficence refers taking actions that sever the best interests of the patient. And finally, but not least the principle of non-maleficence means to avoid causing harm to the patient.These four principles must be firmly ingrained into the medical research process for the safety and well-being of the patients. As Christians in the medical profession and involved in research we must ensure that we are upholding not only the NIH requirements but also what the Bible teaches us about the sanctity of life. Research is an important part of furthering the well-being of human life but we cannot let it be done at the expense of other humans.As upcoming professionals in the field we need to develop a firm Christian worldview and be not ashamed to stand up for what we know to be moral and ethical. We also need to educate our peers as such as when tainted unethical research is allowed to take place it reflects poorly on the entire medical profession. 1. http://www. columbia . edu/itc/history/rothman/COL476I5027. pdf 2. http://willowbrookstateschool. blogspot. com/p/history. html 3. â€Å"The Deadly Deception†http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=ofiOzzfKK84 4. http://www. nih. gov/health/clinicaltrials/glossary. htm
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The population of Australia is constantly changing
All communities in developed countries, such as Australia, are divisions that constantly change to suit their environment, the environment meaning the demographics of its citizens. A community is a group of people that share a common belief or interest. Over the last sixty years, Australian communities have changed due the varied population and migration policies now enforced. As time goes on, communities will change at an increasing rate. The demographics of a community often control the type of community that will exist: how it will operate. Generally, demographics show the age, status and education that exists within a community. For example, a less isolated, inner-city, urban area will have a generally high education, good job and high standard of living. Ofcourse, a community will attract people of the same background. Another important factor in a community is the technology that is available. The access to technology illustrates the type of background and plays a vital role in a community's development. The lack of technology in rural communities is what often makes them feel very isolated from the outside world. On the other hand, an urban community will have technology that will help them in everyday life and connect them with the rest of the globe. The population of Australia is constantly changing. Like many other countries, it is divided into rural and urban population. The nation has seen a devastating change in population density in rural areas. Residents of rural areas are involved in primary activities such as farming, fishing and mining. The existence of a drought has repelled people from rural areas, making them move to urban areas. This type of migration is called rural-urban migration. As a result, urban areas are experiencing a change in the make-up of communities. The indigenous people of Australia are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. After European settlement, the size of the indigenous population declined dramatically. However, this has all changed in the past 60 years. At the end of the 1960's, the indigenous population was at a steady 90, 000 – 100, 000. However, since 1971, the indigenous population has increased to over 400, 000. Migration is the movement of people from one location to another. Overtime, the number, countries of origin and reasons for migrating to Australia has changed. For example, a woman in the 1950's would have migrated to Australia perhaps to escape war, and could have been from a variety of countries. Nowadays, people migrate to Australia for family or job opportunities, and many come from Europe. In the past 60 years, the proportion of overseas born residents in Australia has increased by 12%. These changes started after World War II, when many Australians feared an invasion from countries to the North. One of these countries was Japan, whose navy proposed an invasion in 1942. In Australia, people are employed in 4 main work sectors: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary. In the middle of the twentieth century, service jobs in the tertiary and quaternary industries began to expand. By 1954, there were more workers providing services than there were providing goods. Employment patterns of men and women have changed over the last 25 years. Significantly, the proportion of women who were employed has increased over the period. Changing social attitudes and smaller families have contributed to these changes in women's employment. Greater proportions of women now have higher education qualifications. Education appears to draw women into the workforce by instilling in them more career related attitudes and by enhancing their potential wages in the labour market. Paid work may also provide women with opportunities for social interaction and job satisfaction. However, it is women who continue to carry the greater responsibility for caring and other unpaid work, effectively placing them under increased time pressures. Women's working patterns may impact on their ability to balance work with other responsibilities. Marriage trends in Australia have changed increasingly in the past few decades. Proportion of couples marrying in 2004 who lived together before the wedding: 75 per cent; in the 1970s: 16 per cent. The average age at marriage for men in Australia in 2001 was 31, compared to 26 years old in 1981. For women in Australia the average age at marriage in 2001 was 29, compared to the average age of 23 in 1981. Proportion of couples in Australia living together in 2004 who are married: 87.6 per cent. All in, all out, Australia can only go uphill from here. The Great Southern Land, The Land Down Under†¦Terra Australis is and continues to be the best place to live in, just after Paradise.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Internal Control inside the Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Internal Control inside the Company - Assignment Example Oakdale conducts these transactions via a computer link to a registered brokerage. Purchase and sales authorizations, along with broker’s advice, are maintained in an electronic file with authorized access by Oakdale’s treasurer. An electronic inventory list is kept perpetually. The transactions are keyed in by accounting personnel who receive a buy/sell transaction sheet from the treasurer. Deposits of checks for interest and dividends earned on investments are also recorded by the accounting department. Each month, the accounting manager and the treasurer prepare journal entries required to adjust the short-term investment account. The Solomon Auditor discovered that there was insufficient backup documentation attached to the journal entries reviewed to trace all transactions. 1- †¢Authorization of transactions is required to adequately safeguard assets against fraud and illegal transactions and provide a level of internal control. A formal system of transaction authorizations allows the commitment of company resources in accordance with management goals and objectives. Transactions must be executed according to the terms of their general or specific authorizations, by responsible personnel acting within the scope of their prescribed authority and responsibility. 2- Complete and accurate record keeping is necessary to assure that prompt, timely, and accurate recording of transactions or economic events occurs. Companies must make and keep books, records, and accounts that, in reasonable detail, accurately reflect the transactions and dispositions of assets. Furthermore, the recording of transactions is necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP. 4- Internal verification refers to the independent review of the accuracy and propriety of another party’s work, and the testing of the recorded accountability for assets as compared to existing assets at reasonable time intervals.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Faulkner, Absalom Absalom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Faulkner, Absalom Absalom - Essay Example Though this method allows the reader to see differing points of view, as well as examine the contribution of memory to the myth-making process as the story is told and retold, it raises the issue about how personal experience has a bending effect on memory and narrative. Speculation, guesswork, and alleged fact all play roles in the narrative process – with the accompanying contradictions in logic – leading us to wonder about a larger question – what is the actual truth, and whether truth can only be relative and selective, and never absolute. It also emphasizes how narrative is understood – often not by what is literally said, but by what is hinted at or implied, and often left unsaid. Faulkner does highlight the racial issues that plagued the South before and after the Civil War in this novel, and indeed race is a central theme in most of his work. However, it is disappointing to note that none of his works present an opportunity for black characters to speak in their own voices. The story is wholly from the white point of view, which is a one-sided approach to say the least. The downfall of the novel’s protagonist, Thomas Sutpen, can be traced back to his obsession with the founding of a dynasty. The single-minded pursuit of this goal precludes Sutpen from engaging emotionally with the people around him, be the family or townspeople, and this is the cause of his descent into alcoholism, ruin, and ultimately his murder by Wash Jones, a squatter on the Sutpen plantation. While Faulkner does not try to base his novel on research and factual data, such as dates and historical incidents, it is obvious his aim is to present an equally powerful history, â€Å"a few old mouth-to-mouth tales†, based on sentiment. (Faulkner 100). Thus what we see is an emotional history of the Civil War period contrasted with the factual history of the era. Faulkner’s epic novel mirrors the unsure feelings of love and hate, most Southerners, including
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Press Release on Bhp Billiton Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Press Release on Bhp Billiton Issue - Essay Example He also hinted that Woodside has a current petroleum project in the pipeline which will greatly benefit from this take over during its current final stages. Woodside Chief Executive Peter Coleman readily agreed with the statement of Nasser. He explained to the gathered press people that the current project is currently on hold due to budget constraints. Continuing the project would entail another $900 million, an amount which Bhp readily agreed to produce in order to continue the project Nasser and Coleman detailed that the acquisition will start with the 24% holdings purchase of Royal Dutch Shell on Woodside. A move which shall ramp up into the full-blown take over of Woodside in the span of one year. Drawing on an example of a good merger, acquisition or takeover press release you have found on the internet, identify three elements you think are important in a press release of this type. (This is worth 25 % of this assignment and must be no more than half a page in length). A: The elements of a good press release commonly follow the 5 Ws. That is: Who, What, Where, When, Why. Answering these 5 basic questions will already make up the whole press release as these are the pieces of information that the readers are interested in finding out. Another element of a good press release would be the factual element. A press release is not a piece of advertising. Instead, it is all about accurate information dissemination. Finally, a press release must carry an aura of authority in its news.Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Problems Publlic Schools Face Across the Nation Annotated Bibliography
Problems Publlic Schools Face Across the Nation - Annotated Bibliography Example In the administration block, teachers are sitting in their desks waiting for students to turn up for classes but at the end of the day, no one shows up. This behavior should be blamed on most parents who do not orient their children on the importance of education. It is obvious that students would not act any differently when their parents are not motivating them to study. The teachers, parents, and administrators have totally lost control over their children. Apart from this, politicians and state legislators thwart teachers over their judgment and allocation of grades come graduation day. Teachers face many problems in schools in that they lack good training and teaching materials for their large classes. This poses a great challenge to the teachers because they cannot give assignments to students since some of them lack textbooks. Students, they have already given up studying because education among peers does not matter and of less value. Self-esteem and motivation is low and fragile that even students achievement of reading, learning or doing a simple algebra assignment is viewed as personal attack. The government enacted ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ to address the issues that public schools were facing, but unfortunately, instead of correcting the system, it has infringed it more. Under this policy, a lot of emphasis is laid on punitive actions and test scores. What destroys education system is that this law provides that students are forced to learn for NCLB tests versus offering education they need. NCLB policy is too stringent and it has failed to offer necessary financial incentives to enact the law. The problem with this educational reform is that it does not include all educational stakeholders in its programs when allocating funds. Everyone is a victim of a failed government policy including the government, teachers, society, parents, colleges, administrators, and society. It seems hopeless and irrelevant as no
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Care of Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Care of Creation - Essay Example This applies to my experience of that hour spent in God’s creation and my renewed appreciation for the Sabbath, an old practice that has gained a new modern dimension. This experience has given me a renewed vision of God, the purpose of my life and of those around me, more especially the people who depend on me for pastoral leadership, and of what I need to do to be more effective as a follower and pastor, of one who leads others to God’s kingdom and who is led by the hand by the Divine Master. My first lesson is that of having gained a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Sabbath, a weekly reminder that God blessed and made holy this day of rest (Bass 78). Being the perfect teacher he is, God laid down in scripture that on the Sabbath day, he rested, not so much to tell us that he got tired from all that creating stuff, because God by definition does not get tired. Rather, God rested to show us how important it is to spend time, slow down, experience moments of t ranquility and peace, and reflect on the important things in life. God in his divine wisdom foresaw how exciting the world would become, and how man and woman would be so caught up with the beauties and riches of this world that we forget why we are alive and how we ever get to be here at all; in a word, to â€Å"remember who we are and what is important†(Bass 88). Just looking around me and reflecting on what I witnessed that Sabbath hour, I remembered those words about Jesus looking at the people around him who went around like sheep without a shepherd, living lives devoid of meaning and purpose. We work so hard to earn money so they can enjoy life, but with the economic difficulties happening all around us, many realize that making both ends meet is not easy. Likewise, we experience that the world, limited and full of evil, only offers limited and imperfect happiness. The second series of lessons proceed from the renewed understanding of the Sabbath. Experiencing the Sabb ath with a deeper and more personal and spiritual meaning made me realize that I too have been engrossed with the worldly dimension of life and even of prayer and worship. I have focused on the means and not the ends, on the form, not the substance, and on the body of faith, not in its soul. Like the religious leaders of whom Jesus warned the people to do what they preach, but not do as they do, I realized that pastors who should lead their flocks to God are focusing too much on â€Å"preaching and teaching†instead of â€Å"leading and living by doing†. Sure, one needs to preach and teach, but the best way to learn is by doing, watching and learning from the example of Jesus himself, who taught by word and example. Like most pastors, I need to hone and develop that dual vision of which Scharen and Volf (97) wrote, of seeing material things and their relation to God, as source, creator, joy, good, gift, talent, the one to which everything leads, to see the invisible Go d in the visible things of the material universe. A more effective pastoral leadership must be characterized by a spiritual life grounded on God through prayer and the imitation of Jesus’ life of sacrifice and love for all souls, even those
Monday, September 23, 2019
Heart of Change with reference to Jack Welch and GE Case Study
Heart of Change with reference to Jack Welch and GE - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that with the help of the open and honest system, feedback should result in more and more people getting converted in favor of the change that is being introduced in the organization. In such case, the organization needs to help an employee to align his individual goals with the organizational ones. If we look at the result of the Best Practices Program in GE we can find out the impact it had on the thinking of the managers in the organization. It changed their fundamental approach to work. People who worked as corporate audit staff have admitted that they started looking at bigger scales and heights looking for more and more improvement areas. The effectiveness of the change can be enhanced through an individual or a group of individuals who make the change physically happen in front of others. It triggers the feeling of â€Å"I did it and you can do it too†. Canadian GE operations that observed and followed practices of a New Zealand shipping firm became an example to follow. The change was so evident that the other GE branches made it a point to visit this unit and implement the changes accordingly. The difficulties in implementing these steps would be 1. Any change that needs to be initiated at the management level has to be associated with the proper delegation of authority. Responsibility without adequate authority is of no use. It holds especially true at the managerial level. It is observed that managers or employees often generate ideas but fail to implement them as they do not have the power to implement nor the ideas are taken into consideration. In such a situation, the enthusiasm of an employee vanishes over a period of time. This becomes a point of danger and caution for an organization. Nongeneration of ideas leads to stagnation and eventual downfall. 2. Creation of a trustworthy environment takes a lot of time. Employee skepticism is usually the main ingredient which stops changes from getting imp lemented.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Law In Practice - University Level-3-CIVIL PROCEDURE Essay
Law In Practice - University Level-3-CIVIL PROCEDURE - Essay Example ct 2007, states that a solicitor cannot act for two or more clients where there is a conflict of interest between them or a significant risk of such a conflict arising. Conflict of interest would arise in case the firm is responsible for the case of both the parties that is Mr. Bragg or Mr. Johnson in relation to the RAT or any related matter. A check should therefore be carried out and assured that the firm is not representing Mr. Johnson either in this case or any other case as a matter of fact.1 But from the file it looks that there is no conflict of interest and a note to this extent will be made in the file. Section 24 A (2) of the Limitation Act lays down the limitation period for claims for damages for personal injuries arising out of negligence, nuisance or breach of duty. The limitation period is the later of: In this case the accident took place on 12th April 2007 and based on Section 11(4) Chapter 58 of the Limitation Act 1980 (as amended by the Latent damage Act 1986) the time for calculation of the limitation period began to run from the date the accident took place. The limitation period for this accident is 12th April 20102. Thus Mr.Bragg can be given an assurance that he still is within the limitation period to make the claim. After the file is studied properly it is clear that there is very little time on hand for the limitation period 3 within which the procedure has to be started. But there is no evidence in the file with regard to the fact that any application is made to the court4 for extension of the limitation period so that the documents and other evidences supporting the case can be accumulated. Also time is required to carry out the pre-action protocols with regard to the personal injury claim. In the event the claim is barred by the statute and refusal on the part of the court for extension of the limitation period then under such circumstances the client can sue the firm for negligence on its part. The driver Mr. B. Johnson was
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Artifact That Best Describes My Personality Essay Example for Free
The Artifact That Best Describes My Personality Essay The artifact that best describes my personality is my 1993 Nisson pickup truck. It is an automatic so it is a classic because they only made five hundred automatics that year. I have been told by everyone that has met me that I am a very classy lady. My truck is a 4-cyclinder engine that is very thrifty on gasoline. Put twenty dollars of gas in the tank and drive for two weeks. In fact, I am very thrifty with every item I buy. At home and at work I save money for the company I work for and for myself . Mechanics are surprised at what a good engine it has for as old as it is. My doctors are surprised at all the activities I do and that I am so healthy for my age. Most people think I am twenty years younger than I am. The same people think my truck is five years younger than it is. This year both my truck and I have aged. My trucks original paint has started to chip and rust has started to show by the tires. The visors have both broken off and the passenger mirror fell off. They say It will fall off again if it is reattached. I have been unemployed for a year so I am more stressed, gained some weight, and I do not sleep as well. This has made me age dramatically. My truck is very durable, it starts every day, blizzard, hot weather, or rain. I get something accomplished seven days a week, even when I am ill I will do something with my brain. Hopefully, I hope we both last a long time with less maintenance and repairs. I can get my truck repainted and I can lose some weight and get more exercise. Then we will both look better.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Review of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
Review of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes With the exceptions of Dorotea and Zoraida, the women in the First Part of Don Quixote are weak-willed, subservient creatures who rely on their husbands as masters. However, even Dorotea ingratiates and humiliates herself in order to win back Fernandos affection. Zoraida, on the other hand, at first stands out as the one seeming exception to this model, since she has the will to steal from her father in order to run away from home with the captive. Zoraida, or Maria if you prefer, is a female figure who is half Moor (the body) and half Christian (the soul) and enters into self-imposed exile from her home culture in order to actualize a hidden and purportedly European self (Garrett 141). Zoraida abandons her father on a deserted island in the process of actualizing her quest for the Christian world (Garrett 141). As a Moor, she can step outside the bounds of the conventional roles governing the lives of Cervantess women. However, Zoraida speaks only once, and then it is in animated revision of her name: No, Zoraida no: Maria, Maria! (Cervantes 353). Renamed Maria, Zoraidas Moorish identity would be replaced by a Christian ideal of feminine chastity, but her muteness symbolizes her lack of power. Therefore, even though her ethnicity and religious passion make her unusual and suggest that she might serve as the model for a new kind of woman in the novel, she remains as much an object as the other female characters. The Captives Tale highlights a womans role in modern Spain. From the first, Zoraida is represented as an object unable to demonstrate a sense of self. In contrast to the captive, who actively interacts with the inns guests and defines himself as part of their community, Zoraida is passive and mute and distanced. She becomes visible to her new companions only after the captive translates for her for a specifically Christian audience. The success of Zoraidas cross-cultural journey depends on the captive. (Garrett 142) Zoraida enters Cervantes text as a literal representation of a romantic damsel-in-distress. Her arrival follows Doroteas impersonation of Princess Micomicona, an imaginary construct devised by the priest and the barber to put an end to Don Quixotes misadventures (Garrett 142). A once great lady, the princess is said to require a knights service to restore her and her family from the tyrannous hold of an overgrown giant (Cervantes 274). In an interesting parallel, Zoraida, having become herself a reduced and vulnerable woman, provides a real-life mirror to the princess. A willing expatriate from her home culture, Zoraida enters the story after having been relieved by pirates of her bangles, pearls, and rubies, and appearing a materially impoverished Christian convert (Garrett 142). Her freedom depended on betrayal, and after that betrayal she lost her economic and discursive power. In the end, all that she retains is her allure as a Muslim woman seeking a new homeland. Where the imaginary Micomicona is protected by the madly romantic Don Quixote, Zoraida is protected by the Christian captive. Together, Zoraida and the captive arrive at the inn as realistic figures of a modern Christian knight and his chastely silent lady. Zoraida represents the potential for womens centrality at the same time she reveals the limits of womens access to power. Both in terms of economics and discourse, she is contained after offering herself up for exchange. In Cervantes and the Material World, Carroll Johnson suggests that Zoraida journeys from linguistic and economic empowerment in protocapitalistic Algiers to voicelessness and poverty in feudo-agrarian Spain, where the old order triumphs and Zoraida is promised, at best, a position as a second-class morisca citizen (126). Cervantes used masculinist literary models to shape his novel, but he engaged in an entirely new kind of literary activity that reached out to a growing reading population by positioning Zoraida at the center of the discussion of race, class, and difference in early modern Spain (Vollendorf 322). Zoraida cannot upset any genre, for hers is the quintessential historical narrative of conversion, displacement, and silence.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Characterization Of Uncle Henry :: essays research papers
Characterization of Uncle Henry This characterization of Uncle Henry focuses on the two main ways that he is portrayed in "Luke Baldwin's Vow." These two ways are: what Morley Callaghan, the author, reveals through the narrator and what other characters say about Henry. In this short story, Henry is usual referred to as Uncle Henry because he is Luke's uncle. The narrator of this story portrays Henry in many physical and psychological descriptions. He is the manager of a sawmill, where he employs four men. When working in his sawmill or anywhere else for that matter, he never wastes anything, big or small. Henry is very organized when it comes to the business of running his sawmill. He even keeps a little black book to record every single transaction of the sawmill. Henry is big and burly, weighing in at more than two hundred and thirty pounds. He has a black, rough- skinned face. Luke's uncle is said to look like a powerful man, but his health is not good. Henry has aches and pains in his back and shoulders, which his doctor cannot explain. He is respected by his family and friends, and no one ever disobeys him. Uncle Henry thinks that everything has to have a specific purpose. For example, he thinks that his old dog, Dan, is ". . . not much good even for a watchdog now," and is ". . . no good for hunting either." The narrator's description of Henry is so well done that one can picture him in one's mind or even compare him to someone in one's day to day life. The second main way that Henry is portrayed throughout "Luke Baldwin's Vow" is what other characters say about Henry. In this story Henry has a wife named Helena. She says that her husband is "wonderfully practical." Helena also says that Henry takes care of everything in a sensible and easy way; therefore, that
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Multicultural Education Essay -- Schooling Teaching Learning Papers
Multicultural Education The inclusion of multiculturalism into schools has become an increasingly hot topic as of late. Being a future teacher I have taken a natural interest in the topic as well. It seems that most of the push to incorporate the multicultural issue into the school system has been a reaction to the thought that the American â€Å"melting-pot†metaphor is on the decline. Knowing that the demographics of the United States is changing continuously, the main issue about the inclusion of multiculturalism is not whether to place it into the schools, but rather how to position this controversial topic into the curriculum. Many people think that the incorporation of multiculturalism must begin with the teacher education students while they are still in college. Advocates claim that college curricula must institute multicultural studies because as of now there are no requirements of students to seriously study the culturally diverse societies in which they will be teaching. Throug hout the paper I will mainly discuss the responsibility of the school systems to include the multicultural aspect into their various curricula. I will also show how teachers must change and continue to change as the student demographics vary. Finally, I will give evidence of how racism is a large problem in schools when discussing everything from the racial percentages of educators to the segregation of students in various ways. â€Å" The inclusion of multiculturalism in the dominant curriculum in higher education was originally a response to minority student demands of the ‘Sixties and Seventies’†(Kailin, 1998, p.1). This is direct evidence that the topic has been continually pushed aside as time has gone on. Originally b... ...k that this racism would disappear just through teacher communication. In all, school reform for a society full of multiculturalism has to mean sharing power and collectively making decisions. If this is not done, the issue of how to incorporate multiculturalism into schools will never be solved. Works Cited Farris, Pamela J. (1999). Teaching, Bearing the Torch. Boston: McGraw- Hill. Kailin, Julie. (1998). Preparing Teachers For Schools and Communities: An Anti- Racist Perspective. High School Journal, 82, 1-9. Munroe, Maurice E. R. (2000). Unamerican Tail: of segregation and multicultural education. Albany Law Review, 64, 7-63. Sleeter, Christine E. (2000). Multicultural Education And the Standards Movement- A Report from the Field. Phi Delta Kappan, 82, 156-162. Tucker, Michelle. (1998). Multiculturalism’s Five Dimensions. NEA Today, 17, 17-19.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Various Roles of the US President
The US President is the head of state of the United States, the chief executive of the federal government, as well as the commander in chief of the US armed forces. As such he is probably the most powerful person in the world who wields considerable powers derived from the US constitution, the super-power status of the US, and the influence and prestige of his office. The office of the US Presidency has evolved over the years and is no more the same as envisaged by the country's founding fathers; the powers of the President now depend as much on the constitutional provisions as on historical precedents, the nature of the times, and the qualities of the president himself. This essay briefly describes the various roles of the US President with specific reference to the presidency of George W. Bush. 1.Expanded Role of the Presidency: From the time of the first US President (George Washington) to the end of the 19th century, the presidency had a limited role restricted mainly to the execution of policies made by the Congress. As the US became a world and industrial power in the 20th century, a stronger presidency was required for managing the country's foreign policy and its growing domestic economy. The Great Depression of the 1930s and the Second World War saw a further expansion of the President's role-a role that persists to date. Apart from the force of circumstances-industrialization, war, depression, terrorist attacks etc., certain strong presidents, e.g., Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt helped to expand the powers of the office by the force of their personalities and decisive actions at appropriate times. (Greenberg and Page, 355-359) 2.Ceremonial Role: The President of the United States is the head of the government as well as the head of state, unlike in most other democracies in which the two duties are usually shared by a monarch and a prime minister or a president and a prime minister. Hence the US president also fulfills a ceremonial role such as attending funerals, celebrating anniversaries etc. otherwise reserved for the head of state. (Ibid. 360) 3.Executive Role As chief executive of the federal government, the US President is invested with broad executive powers to run the day-to-day affairs and working of the government. He does so mainly by issuing executive orders that carry the force of law, to the heads of federal agencies for directing their operations. Other types of executive orders may be national or homeland security directives issued by the President. Under the executive powers, the President nominates, and the Senate confirms, the heads of all executive departments and agencies, together with hundreds of other high-ranking federal officials. For example, one of the first executive orders of President G.W. Bush was the nomination of John Ashcroft as the Attorney General in December 2000.1 Other types of executive orders issued by the US President include implementation of important policy matters, especially in times of national emergencies. For example, Franklin Roosevelt ordered the internment of japanese-Americans during WW2 through an executive order; Presidents Johnson and Nixon used executive orders to lauch the affirmative action programs, and President Bush established the Office of Homeland Security in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. (Ibid., 371) 4.Legislative Role: Although the US Constitution gives the powers of legislation exclusively to the Congress, the President has come to play an important role in this sphere too. Much of the legislation is drafted by the Congress at the initiative of the President who gives his proposals through his annual State of the Union Address, or through special messages to the Congress. The President's powers of persuasion, plus his ability to influence public opinion are critical in getting his proposed legislation passed by the Congress. In addition, his veto powers-he can veto any act of the Congress that stands unless the two-thirds majority of both houses over-ride the veto- is also gives a substantial say in the making of laws. (â€Å"Powers of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) If the same Party as the President's controls the Congress, as at present, the requirement of veto seldom arises as the Congress endorses most of his proposed legislations.2 For example, President Bush has been able to get the PATRIOTS Act passed comfortably despite its controversial curtailment of the American citizens' civil liberties. 5.Foreign Policy Leader and Commander-in-Chief: Article II of the US Constitution grants a lead role to the President in the foreign policy domain and his position as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces further consolidates that role. US Presidents have complete powers to formulate the country's foreign policy and do not require endorsement of the Congress in the area. For example, Roosevelt and Nixon did not need any permission, for recognizing the governments of communist Soviet Union and China respectively, even though their acts were reversal of long-standing US policies (Greenberg & Page, 364). Similarly, President Bush has introduced a policy of ‘pre-emption' as opposed to the long-standing US foreign policy of containment without the need of endorsement from any other agency. 6.Economy One of the key responsibilities of the President in the domestic area is the management of the country's economy. Such a role has become obligatory for the President since the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the government started to play a greater role in the regulation of the economy. President Bush's policy of major tax cuts and increased defense expenditure has resulted in record budget deficits but inflation still remains low. 7.Judicial Role The US President has the constitutionsl powers of nominating federal judges including those of the Supreme Court, subject to confirmation by the Senate. He can also grant pardon to anyone breaking a federal law. Most Presidents have used these powers to appoint judges of like political thinking, e.g., conservative/ Republican Presidents appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court while liberal/ Democrat Presidents do the opposite. For example, President George W. Bush has nominated John Roberts Jr. as Chief Justice to the Supreme Court and Samuel Alito as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. (â€Å"George W. Bush†Wikipedia)
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Culling – Creative Writing
‘Dear God†¦' the mayor screamed, as he crawled out from under his desk and pulled open the draw to reveal a steel dagger point, ‘†¦forgive me,' he cried as he charged at the beast's stomach. The only spectator, a smartly dressed Indian who sat like a statue in the shadows at the back of the hall. The hideous beast knocked the weapon from his attacker's hand and leapt onto the mayor's back. Though well built, the mayor's struggles were no match for the beast, and he soon crashed to the floor under the immense weight. ‘I had a wife and child,' He begged for mercy as the snarling beast rammed his face into the blood-smeared floor, snapping his jaw in two. ‘So did my father, sir.' The Indian reminded the dying man, still there at the back of the hall but with a voice that boomed. ‘But†¦' the mayor begged for help from the Indian one last time, though his plea was unheard mainly because of the fact the mayor had a mouthful of blood and broken teeth. The mayor stared at the severed head of a pretty young female; whose body still sat upright over in the line of chairs. Mirrored in her eyes he could see the destruction of all those who he had known. The pretty girl had been the first to die, and he would be the last. Something punctured the side of the mayor's neck; he felt like he was drowning as his lungs filled with blood. He was left to watch the girl's face sink into blackness as his light was snuffed out in the bloodiest of ways. The Indian sat emotionless, his white suit unmarked despite the destruction which had unfolded in front of him. He watched the beast play with the dead mayor like a rag doll, and listened to its screams of pleasure, he had watched the carnage without any remorse. These people had driven his ancestors off their land and murdered his family, this was the only way in which their souls would be put at rest. When the beast ripped out the still warm heart of the Mayors did he allow a smile of satisfaction, then a command for the organ to be crushed. From his pocket, the Indian pulled out a charm which was small, black, and made from some sort of stone it was also in the rough shape of the beast itself. ‘Fugue Santen†¦' He began to chant in his ancient tongue, the beast stood still. The Indian rose from his chair and made his way through the bodies towards the beast. ‘Lasa imenzes†¦' his voice filled the hall as he worked the ancient magic with his chants. He held the amulet in front of him, staring up into the eyes of the beast, which then turned to walk toward the Indian, towering head and shoulders above the Indian, unable to avoid the Indians hypnotic stare. The Indian had finished his spell. The town hall was silent once again but suddenly, a blinding flash of the most immense light came from the charm the indian had in his hand. The light blinded the beast with its beauty. The beast raised its arms in front of its face in defence, and then slowly the beast dropped onto its knees and began to walk on all fours back toward the wooden carving from which it had sprung to life. The Indian sighed and knew he had to work fast to collect the souls of his victims, which hovered in the attic above him. Until the last soul had been captured the Indians quest for vengeance would not be over. He left the mayors soul till last for the Mayor had been his main target. The Mayor had been the instrument of the death from which the order for his family's death had come. The charm warm in his palm, soon grew uncomfortably hot as he used its powers to collect the souls of his victims, he needed to avenge his family who had been murdered by the hand of the settlers less than half a century ago. So called men of God, who had slain his family and left him to starve in the mountains. He would have starved, had it not been for the witch who had found him and looked after him as her own, while also teaching him the ancient native Indian magic needed to avenge his family's death. Now the act of revenge was complete, the Indian had no purpose in life, his goal had been accomplished. The Indian knelt down on the steps leading up to the town hall, pulled out the sacrificial knife which his ancestors had once used and gave up his life in the hope he would once again be reunited with the souls of his ancestors. As the Indians blood dripped down the steps, his spirit soared as it was reunited with his brothers and sisters. Earlier†¦ The Mayor waited for quiet, noting the next number on the item list. As the labourer wheeled the small wooden crate into the crowded village hall the crowd fell silent. â€Å"the vengeful guardian.†he introduced the item to the bidders as the man opened the hinged crate to reveal the impressive carving within. ‘A fine example of a early Native American Indian carvings.' The Mayor paused to read the description of the item; ‘Hand carved from forest Cedar.' An amused look came upon the mayors face, ‘I wouldn't want to wake him with insults, so we'll start the bidding at five hundred dollars. Do I see five hundred and ten?' the mayor asked, he scanned the faces of the townsfolk, their eyes still fixed on the carving. The Mayor noticed that a crack had appeared on the carving it ran straight down the middle. Suddenly a beam shot out of the crack, splitting the carving straight in two. Women began to scream people ran for the exits, but the doors were locked. Meanwhile, at the back of the hall an Indian man in a suit finished his pipe, then quietly moved in to the shadows behind him. His whispered chants going unnoticed as he began to rub at an object inside his jacket pocket. The first victim of the beast was the girl nearest, a beautiful young girl. She was in shock unable to move as the beast swung its razor sharp claws and severed the girl's head in one deadly accurate blow. The Indian was amused when watching the townsfolk and their feeble efforts to escape their inevitable doom†¦
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 3
Orange Fire Enters My Skull Yes, I really do believe in silver linings, mostly because I've been seeing them almost every day when I emerge from the basement, push my head and arms through a trash bag – so my torso will be wrapped in plastic and I will sweat more – and then go running. I always try to coordinate the ten-mile running portion of my ten-hour exercise routine with sunset, so I can finish by running west past the playing fields of Knight's Park, where, as a kid, I played baseball and soccer. As I run through the park, I look up and see what the day has to offer in the way of divination. If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying, because I know that while things might seem dark now, my wife is coming back to me soon. Seeing the light outline those fluffy puffs of white and gray is electrifying. (And you can even re-create the effect by holding your hand a few inches away from a naked lightbulb and tracing your handprint with your eyes until you go temporarily blind.) It hurts to look at the clouds, but it also helps, like most things that cause pain. So I need to run, and as my lungs burn and my back rebels with that stabbing knife feeling and my leg muscles harden and the half inch of loose skin around my waist jiggles, I feel as though my penance for the day is being done and that maybe God will be pleased enough to lend me some help, which I think is why He has been showing me interesting clouds for the past week. Since my wife asked for some time apart, I've lost more than fifty pounds, and my mother says that soon I'll be at the weight I was when I played varsity soccer in high school, which is also the weight I was when I met Nikki, and I'm thinking maybe she was upset by the weight I gained during the five years we were married. Won't she be surprised to see me looking so muscular when apart time is over! If there are no clouds at sunset – which happened yesterday – when I look up toward the sky, orange fire enters my skull, blinds me, and that's almost as good, because it burns too and makes everything look divine. When I run, I always pretend I am running toward Nikki, and it makes me feel like I am decreasing the amount of time I have to wait until I see her again.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Interventions and Organizations
When it comes to changing an organization it begins for every department and every situation of the business. However, according to our text book Cummings (2013) Ninth Edition, a planned change is directed by the leader and has everything to do with the members, (teamwork). The entire corporation has to be planned and very ready for change. This involves the very structure of the company. This will take many different task and the co-operations of all employed or involved. In order for the process to be successfully developed organizations need to address certain issues to operate effectively.We need to follow the four interrelated issues that are the key targets of the Organizational Development interventions. Now this assignment is too compare and contrast these four interventions, the first intervention is the Human Process Interventions: According to the text it is the human process interventions which are aimed at assisting the members of the organization to enhance their produc tivity as well as improve the way they work together at individual and group levels, (Cummings, T. G. 2013). My input is very similar; I believe the human aspects are â€Å"Teamwork†.People will be working together for the greater good of each other and the needs of the organization. This helps to change or realign conflicting problems that may occur within the organization that needs to change the way it runs. The first interventions are the Strategies issues: These types of interventions are designed to change various characteristics of organization settings. This is where the organizations will decide what type of markets they are competing with. When using this step it can be the most critical. In strategic issues you have to be aware of the methods of the environment.In other words you have to develop who you competitions are and how to keep up with the environment. Some of the types of interventions are applied mostly in cultural change and strategic planning et cetera, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 154). The second intervention is the Techno-structural issues: This involves breaking the works into various departments using strategic directions, changing program focuses on technology and structure of organizations. In other word, the aims of techno-structural interventions are to improve the overall performance of the organization by changing the procedures, technology, operations, structures and roles.This may also involve downsizing. These involve the design and employee involvements, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 155). The third intervention is the Human Resource Management issues: These issues are concerned with attracting competent people to the organization, setting goals for them, appraising and rewarding their performance and ensuring that they develop their careers and manage stress. This change relates to individual, interpersonal relations, and group dynamics.In other words, the aims of human resource management interventions are to improve the organizational performance by improving the performance of individuals and groups within the organization. The purpose is to set objectives or goals, monitor people by collecting feedback to ensure effective implementation, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 155). The fourth is Human Resources Management: These interventions are change programs that relates to individuals, interpersonal relationships, and group dynamics. They attempt to improve individual or group performance as well as people’s working relationships with one another in organizational settings.In other words, the aims of human resource management interventions are to improve the organizational performance by improving the performance of individuals and groups within the organization. The purpose is to set objectives or goals, monitor them for feedback to ensure effective implementation. These types of interventions are designed to change various characteristics of employees, technologies, products among others by foc using on the organization’s interaction with the external environment, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 421). Basically, the entire process takes an entire team of individuals support.This task takes a chain of planned actions from top leadership with full support of its employees to accomplish. Thus, interventions are designed for organization development and effectiveness. When comparing the four steps I believe that all four all great, but when it comes to my opinion of the OD intervention the techno structural would be my favorite step, because it involves breaking down the organization into parts and it involves the help of the all the employees. As oppose to the first step the Strategic issues I really like this step too because it involves some detective work on observing your environment.This involves knowing what your competitors are doing, their hours of operation, they discounts and so much more. However when it comes to both of the human issues it involves people our fav orite species. This issue involves everyone being a part of the same program and all on one accord. My motto is, â€Å"People using people†. The success of any intervention for organization development therefore depends on the capability (skills and knowledge) of the leadership and support of the employees participating in the process. Motivating and making all involved truly happy, doing their jobs.
Morality in war Essay
Is war ever moral? I feel that War is a necessary part of life. Sometimes force is the only way to defend yourself or others. We are all equals, and It is immoral to take the life of anyone, but it is also immoral to let the life of anyone be taken. We have a responsibility to help each other because cooperation is the only way the human race can survive; we also have a right to defend ourselves. This means that if someone else is threatening you or anothers life, and you are capable of helping, you have an obligation to protect yourself or them. Lethal force will never be moral, but what if it’s the only way to protect someone? Let’s say that an attacker has broken into your house and is holding a gun to you and your family. You also have a gun pointed at the assailant. In this hypothetical situation we must assume that the only way to save your family is to kill the attacker. You must make a choice to kill the attacker or let the attacker kill you and your family. Both options are immoral, so one has to ask if it’s more immoral to kill the attacker, or to let the attacker kill your family? The obvious choice to me is to kill the assailant. I feel this is the right choice because of two reasons. One, our responsibility to protect ourselves and our family is larger than the responsibility to not do harm to another. The second reason has to do with the proportion of damage. The attacker would be doing more harm in killing my family and me then I would be doing in killing him. This example allows us to see, on a small scale, when lethal force is necessary. Things get more complicated when we look at entire countries rather than just one family, but my view point remains the same. Lethal force is only permitted when it is the only option to defend yourself or others. War is necessary because people sometimes make immoral decisions that put others in a position where there is no other option, but is war ever moral? Killing is always immoral, and killing is part of war, so parts of war are immoral, but does this mean war is inherently immoral? Sometimes it is the least immoral choice; this makes it the most moral choice, so it is sometime moral. I believe that many of the wars we have had have been immoral. I don’t think that the United States has been justified in it’s actions every time. â€Å"It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. †– Vladimir Putin. I feel that it is in part due to the classical â€Å"male†approach to ethics which focuses on â€Å"independence, autonomy, intellect, will, wariness, hierarchy, domination, culture, transcendence, product, asceticism, war, and death,†Jaggar, â€Å"Feminist Ethics,†1992 One can see that these characteristics would allow for war to be more often morally acceptable. A â€Å"feminist†approach to ethics would focus more on â€Å"interdependence, community, connection, sharing, emotion, body, trust, absence of hierarchy, nature, immanence, process, joy, peace, and life. †Jaggar, â€Å"Feminist Ethics,†1992 These characteristics allow for a more peaceful world. The Syrian regime was accused of using chemical weapons against it’s own people in september of 2013. The weapon of mass destruction â€Å"Sarin†may have been used, and this action is against international law. The United states felt obligated to step in and punish the Syrian Government for this because they felt it was in the worlds best interest to not let these atrocities go unpunished. It could be more dangerous to let them get away with it because international law could fall apart and the world could turn to anarchy if nothing is done to punish wrong behavior. This being said, what is the best course of action to punish the Syrian government if they did infact use this weapon? Military action was debated, and President Obama was willing to attack if necessary, but I feel this is very dangerous. If the United States were to attack the Syrian government without UN approval It could have the same effect as doing nothing. This is because the united states would also be breaking international law, and this could also cause the UN to fall apart. If strong countries like the US bypass UN approval on military actions then International law means nothing. â€Å"The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. †-Vladimir Putin. In addition, military action would not be morally acceptable in this situation because it would not be in self defense; it would be an act of aggression causing more harm than good. A diplomatic approach would be a step in the right direction for this particular situation. This real life situation allows us to see how we can judge the morality of an action on a larger scale. In conclusion, war can be moral, but it is only a strategy to attain peace and safety for a group. All other options should be explored before war can be considered; this is because war involves some of the most immoral actions possible; the killing of others. â€Å"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. †- Ernest Hemingway http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/e/ernesthemi108407. html#zB7XwPTRbCpbv7my. 99 http://www. nytimes. com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria. html? _r=0.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Current Recalls and Alerts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Current Recalls and Alerts - Research Paper Example The public health alert is due to infectious outbreak from the seven Salmonella strains. The FSIS illustrates that the illness due to Salmonella Heidelberg strains are related to the raw chicken products of Foster Farms in the three California facilities. The products were majorly distributed to the Washington, California and Oregon state outlets. The alert has been issued due to the approximately 278 illnesses identified in the 18 states with a huge concentration in California. There are several key facts and also similarity in the two recall scenarios. In both cases, the public health alerts were issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, through the Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS). The agency is responsible for ensuring that all food products distributed in the United States are fit for consumption. There is a common factor in the outbreak of the health hazard. The common cause is the Salmonella strain outbreak. Nutrion LLC was uncooperative in efforts to ensure healthy egg products. The business allegedly illustrated forged the laboratory results to illustrate a negative lab test for Salmonella. The company also explained that sampling took place; however, it was proven that no microbial test took place. Foster Farms was linked to the Salmonella Heidelberg outbreak through the epidemiologic and laboratory analysis done by the state and the federal staffs. The FSIS policy is not too restrictive on the processed egg products produced by Nutriom LLC and the chicken products from the Three Foster farms. This is because it is the sole responsibility of the agency to safeguard public health in the entire United States. Thus, the restrictions in the food processing sector should be adequate to ensure strict compliance of public health standards. The agency should engage in periodic monitoring and inspection activities on all food processing plants, to minimize the outbreak of health infections
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ODiscussion Board reply Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
ODiscussion Board reply - Coursework Example Even though an increase in minimum wage produces positive effects on businesses in the form of increased demand, conventional macroeconomic modeling indicates that it is likely to reduce GDP and eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs. Therefore, Equal Pay Act of 1963 is the best tool to increase the level of gender equality. The government must ensure that women are motivated to pursue highly rewarding careers by offering them sufficient incentives. This is done by ensuring fairness to the hardworking Americans particularly women. We must constantly work hard to help the weak and the poor by making sure the Equal pay Act of 1963 is adhered to because helps in availing certain positions to the less disadvantaged. For instance, it has had important effects on the nature of the US human resource due to the fact that women nowadays hold positions that they never held (Reskin & Bielby, 2005). On the other hand, the Paycheck Fairness Act should be implemented to help reduce the huge wage differences across gender in the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
NFL Personnel Hiring for market plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
NFL Personnel Hiring for market plan - Essay Example This was done in order to guarantee a large audience-not everyone can make it to the stadiums. Some of the television stations include NFL network, ESPN, FOX and NBC. Some of the radio stations owned by the NFL include Westwood one, Sports USA and the United Stations Radio Networks. (Green Berg, 2007) Players in the NFL all belong to a union called the NFLPA. This union has the mandate to negotiate contracts for players. The players are governed by a contract called the CBA. Players are only allowed to play for teams that endorse them. Other older players are allowed to negotiate their contracts with other teams after a certain number of years. The contract signed by the players and the NFL has regulations regarding salary packages and it stipulates what are the minimum and maximum amounts to be paid to players. The NFL has a peculiar way of picking out its players. It normally uses the NFL draft. Teams usually endorse a player and earn the right to keep him. However, trades can be made for players from other teams upon agreement by the first team that chose him. The NFL requires that the Franchise owners pay an amount of fifty dollars when they appear for drafting. This is normally done annually in the month of April. There are specific amounts given to those who get first, second and third place. Franchise owners are allowed to make moves as soon as the draft is complete. They also have to pay a small amount for every interchange made in order to finance an award at the season's end. (Sands, 2002) Once these players have been selected by their teams, they are allowed to play in any position within the team that chose them. Franchise owners are supposed to choose players from six categories that include quarterbacks, kickers, defenders, running backs, tight ends and wide receivers. Each category has a maximum number allowed by the league. Franchise owners should submit in names of players that will participate in the expected week's game from all the categories listed above. Trade offs between franchise-owners for players are permitted only after notifying the commissioner. In addition, there must both agree to the terms of the deal. This can only be done within a stipulated amount of time. Franchise owners must make sure they do not exceed the deadline. Waivers can be done all through the season after payment of a specified fee. In addition, there must be a notification to the franchise owners that a player has been waived. (Ed Gruver, 1997) The League can overrule a player trade off that has been done unfairly. This could be possible when a team has taken a player in order to weaken a certain team and to strengthen itself unfairly. Franchise owners can also conduct a vote that overrules decisions by the commissioner. Names chosen by Franchise owners must be free of offence. This is especially in regard to players' wives. The commissioner can also reject names that are deregulatory or stupid. As franchise owners enter the league, they ought to submit their logos. Lastly, there is a provision for a modification of the rules after the end of the season. Here, there must be a unanimous vote by franchise owners. How the last Franchise expansion was done There are a number of franchise expansions that have characterized the National Football League. A good example is the Houston Texans Team. This expansion was done in the year 1997 by franchise owner Bob McNair. He wanted to bring
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Letter to Law Client Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Letter to Law Client - Personal Statement Example Incorporating does have other benefits as well, including many tax benefits. For instance, some sole proprietors are required to pay the federal tax rate and a self-employment tax, meaning you are being taxed twice; corporations are never allowed to do this. In response to your questions regarding Bubba, there are a few causes for concern here, but a few issues that may still keep you in the clear. First, Bubba is not a regular employee; as you stated, he came down to help out with some extra work. Second, you did not tell Bubba to do this; you gave him different directions. If Bubba is willing to admit to this, then you may safe and the responsibility may fall on him. However, the medical bills are truly an issue-if one person injures another person it is generally required that the person that caused the injury pay for the medical bills of the other. Next, these individuals were clearly blocking the entrance to your place of business, which is very close to trespassing. It sounds like they were still on public property, however, and the actions of Bubba are still an issue-had he asked them and they refused, calling the police would have been a better alternative. Still, the situation does not mean you necessarily have to go bankrupt or lose everything, or even lose the business itself. If these individuals have health insurance, they may only be asking for their deductibles to be paid. Therefore, this may amount to only a few thousand dollars. Also, it depends on the extent of their injuries. If any type of surgery is involved, this will certainly be expensive. However, if it is just a few bruises and broken bones we are concerned about, the issue should not cost as much. If Bubba is not willing to take the blame on his own, because he was there on your accord, the liability very well could fall onto the restaurant, and again, some kind of payment will probably be expected. There are a few things that you can do in this issue in order to prepare yourself. First, I would suggest incorporating as quickly as possible to protect all of your personal assets. This way, only the business, and not everything else, is at risk in this case. Second, I suggest talking to Bubba and seeing how far he is willing to go to assist you with the situation. Third, it may be wise to talk to the people or their attorney, and find out what kinds of medical issues and bills are being considered. It may be easier and less costly to simply settle with the people and pay for their deductibles rather than going to court and possibly spending much more money. Also, if this is done, it is very unlikely that these individuals will have any reason to take the business away. Therefore, my suggestion is to reach out to start the incorporation process, and then to reach out to these individuals to see what can be done to resolve this issue. Taking these steps will probably save you from losing your business, or losing anything else at the expense of Bubba. Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need
Monday, September 9, 2019
Business Policy & Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11500 words
Business Policy & Strategy - Essay Example Established companies are already in the industry and dedicated to maintaining their clientele. Initially, such disruptive technologies have no market. During the ‘tug-of-war’ for expansion, ventures aimed at the explicit requirements of existing clientele or on the wants of current consumers that a dealer has not yet been capable to get in touch with will always influence schemes to extend goods for markets that are not present (Christensen, 2003, p. 77). A huge business may not think about a fresh, undersized market as a lucrative option. It might think that a million-dollar deal is not something to be worried about. The extent of the business must be proportionate with the extent of the market. From time to time, established companies have done well within small and simple product markets by starting ‘spin-offs’, or independent divisions to manage the fresh product. A well-known example is the division IBM in Florida, which created the Personal Computer d uring 1980. The head of the company seriously wanted the PC. He struggled against the interfering conflict as well as institutional disinterest for a number of years to obtain one. At last, he funded the venture with unrestricted finances, with project supervisor reporting to him directly without anyone’s interference. This initiates one of the most magnificent achievements in the history. The IBM PC was invented within record time, sales go up rapidly, and in a couple of years, IBM was the unbeaten leader of the industry. However, during the year 1984, sales of PC turn out to be vital to IBM's revenues, so executives in corporate headquarters regained power on the business. They suppressed improvement, decreased IBM's market share to below 5 percent, and from 1984, the company has persistently lost funds. In the meantime, the competitors such as Hewlett Packard, Compaq, and Dell have earned billions (Dastur, 2011, p. 139). Entering market for simpler, cheaper products may be inexpensive, but it is also less lucrative, sluggish, less consistent, and/or less resourceful.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Employee benefits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employee benefits - Assignment Example include, vacation and sick leave, health insurance, pension plans and proper remuneration according to the local standards on minimum wages and working duration. The organization executes annual health and safety day where health consultants and safety experts advise the employees and carry out health assessments on employees. Besides, the employees are informed on safety compliance and health as well as compliance to environmental protection. The blood pressure of employees is measured and fresh up massages. The company allows a maximum of 6 months of sick leave for its employees but with no pay. The company has a policy of not forcing its employees to work; the only remedy for this is to deduct salaries. The directors are paid compensation in terms of pension plans, stock option plan at market price among other related benefits. The employees are offered an employee Benefit Plan 401(k) as well as single employer plan, health insurance cover which is deductable from their basic pay (Finance Week 23). The health insurance for employees is compulsory for all permanent employees. The temporary or contract employees are required to organize for their own personal health insurance prior to signing their employment contracts. The executive employees have other benefits which tied onto performance but majorly linked to the stock options plans. The executive employees receive the highest compensation in the company depending on the extent of output of the organization and its investments. Richemont Swiss offers life insurance to its employees, which is optional and deductable from the basic pay of employees. This comes after an agreement with the employees from the deduction on their pay. Besides, the organization has other health benefits such as dental benefits, long term disability for the employees in line of duty, temporary disability benefits such as accident and sickness, death benefits which comprise of travel accidents with exclusion of life assurance. The
Saturday, September 7, 2019
CHOOSING A DELIVERY CARE MODEL AND STAFFING PATTERN - Essay Example ealth care delivery is usually determined by a number of factors ranging from issues of economics to the beliefs of the organization leaders and even the power and ability to select and retain addition, effectiveness of the care models in terms of offering quality and patient safety would also play a big role in decision making process. Ideally there are a number of care models that dominates the organization of the inpatient care nursing for example: functional and team care nursing which is a model that is task-oriented and it mainly rely on the usage of registered nurses (RNs) to provide the healthcare services (Nafarrate, Fowler, & Wu, 2009). Following the fact that this care model uses a mix of only licenced nursing personnel, it the most appropriate for the patients that are suffering from chronic diseases. This care model also does not exclusively pertains to only the organization of the nursing care or the inpatient setting but also take care of the examination of t he medical house staffs, social works and even pharmacy services. It is considered mainly for the ambulatory healthcare services, home care health services and nursing homes for the staffs (Towill & Christopher, 2005). This care model also work with the specific populations of the patients like the elderly patients and those patients that are under chronic health care conditions through the use of the disease management models that incorporates technology in its operations. Irrespective of the interest of the varied needs of the health care models, it is not very easy to discern the effective performance of the models. Both the traditional and non-traditional care units have been adversely affected by the limited number of the working staffs and even the essential health care resources (Noon, Hankins, Cote, & Lieb, 2003). To evaluate the effectiveness of the care models and to ensure that the patients return home with proper ability to do their daily activities when they are physically
Friday, September 6, 2019
International Organizations Essay Example for Free
International Organizations Essay International organizations have been noted to be around since the mid- 19th century and such organizations do not operate for profit. An international organization is defined by the United Nations as an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. The main objective of all the international organizations they say ,have usually been welfare and the improvement of member countries through cooperation. Karns and Mingst identify the two main types of international organizations as IGOs and INGOs which they also refer to as international and transnational structures who are actors in global governance. Global governance, they say, are the cooperative problem-solving arrangements and activities that states and other actors have put into place to deal with various issues and problems. Firstly, Intergovernmental Organizations; herein referred to as IGOs will be discussed. IGOs are organizations that include at least three states among their membership, that have activities in several states, and that are created through a formal intergovernmental agreement such as a treaty, charter, or statute. These organizations range in size from 3 members (North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA]) to more than 190 members Universal Postal Union [UPU]. Within these IGOs, members can be limited to one geographic region, for example the Organization of American States (OAS), the European Union (EU) or even the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) or they may come from all geographic regions such as members of the World Bank and IMF. Some IGOs are designed for solitary purposes such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC]), whilst others have been developed for multilateral purposes, for example the United Nations [UN]. Most IGOs though, are not global in membership but are in fact regional, wherein a commonality of interest motivates states to cooperate on issues directly affecting them. Most are small in membership and designed to address specific functions. It must also be noted that IGOs are recognized subjects of international law with separate standing from their member states. According to Karns and Mingst, IGOs function for purposes of gathering, analyzing, and disseminating data, providing a place for negotiations, creating norms and defining standards of behavior through legally binding treaties, monitoring compliance with rules, adjudicating disputes and also taking enforcement measures and for allocating resources, providing technical assistance and relief and deploying forces. Kenneth Abbott and Duncan Snidal (1998) suggest that IGOs â€Å"allow for the centralization of collective activities through a concrete and stable organizational structure and a supportive administrative apparatus. This increases the efficiency of collective activities and enhance the organization’s ability to affect the understandings, environment, and interests of states. †In their book on International Organization Karns and Mingst say that â€Å"IGOs do not only create opportunities for their member states, but also exercise influence and impose constraints on their member states’ policies and processes†which aids in forcing governments to take positions on international or domestic issues of concern. They also facilitate the creation of principles, norms, and rules of behavior with which states must align their policies if they wish to benefit from reciprocity. For example, China’s admission to the World Trade Organization and how this has affected its national policies and required extensive governmental reforms. Secondly, International Non Governmental Organizations; herein referred to as INGOs will be discussed. INGOs are institutions that are established by non-state actors or at least one side of these organizations is not states. They can generally be defined as private, voluntary, non-profit, self-governing, professional organizations with a distinctive legal character concerned with public welfare aims. INGOs unlike IGOs are not created by treaties or states but rather private people and organizations and usual encompass more than three states and therefore cannot be bilateral. They employ limited resources to make rules, set standards, procreate principles and broadly represent more ‘humanity’ than states and other actors do. There are many kinds of NGOs such as transnational, government organized, government-regulated and initiated, business and industry, donor-organized, donor-dominated, peoples organizations, operational, advocacy, transnational social movements, quasi, and anti-governmental NGOs. Their number increased (more than 23,000 in the early 1990s) and their effectiveness for transnational politics became more relevant in recent decades. They have become crucial participants in the international policy process says Brown (1995). Some INGOs are formed to dvocate a particular cause such as human rights, peace, or environmental protection. While others are established to provide services such as disaster relief, humanitarian aid in war-torn societies, or development assistance. Many INGOs are transnational federations involving formal, long-term links among national groups. Examples include the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World Wildlife Fund, Transparency International, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Save the Children. INGOs’ governance functions parallel many functions provided by IGOs and, like IGOs, they can be analyzed as both pieces of and actors in global governance. As pieces of governance, INGOs function to provide processes at many levels to pressure or persuade individuals, governments, IGOs, corporations, and other actors to improve human rights records, protect the environment, tackle corruption, create a ban on landmines, or intervene in conflicts such as that in the Darfur region of Sudan. Some IGOs, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), World Tourism Organization, and the UN Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), provide for INGOs roles in their governance. As a result of global trends to privatize activities previously controlled by governments, services once provided by governments or IGOs are now often contracted out to INGOs. INGOs are important pieces of global governance because of the ways they enable individuals to act publicly through creating networks, and volunteering and this makes them useful links between the domestic and international communities and institutions. In this sense, they function as communicators among multiple levels of governance. Both Intergovernmental Organisations and International Non-governmental Organizations are of growing significance in the international community. The proliferation of non-state actors has recently led some observers of international relations to conclude that states are declining in importance and that non-state actors are gaining status and influence. New theories of international relations such as the complex interdependence of Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye (1989) were formed in order to explain new developments. Kegley and Wittkoph (1995) accurately point out that as the world grown smaller, the mutual dependence of nation-states and other transnational political actors on one another has grown Their significance can be noted not only through their international presence but also through their voice and ability to hold governments accountable for not abiding by the standards set forth through their organizations. The benefits of these two types of all the international organizations has usually been seen through its welfare improvement of member countries and its importance lies in the following: 1. International organizations, such as International Trade Centre and World Trade Organization, assist member countries in promoting fair trade with each other. 2. The aim of the international organizations, such as Natural Capitalism and International Development Research Centre, is to enhance sustainable economic development in the world. 3. The World Bank and Institute of International Finance are international organizations that provide monetary help to member countries. 4. The purpose of the incorporation of international organizations, such as Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Food Programme, is to provide food security to member nations. 5. The endeavor of international organizations, such as Global Environment Facility and United Nations Environment Programme, is to ensure environmental protection. 6. The protection of human rights is ensured by international organizations, such as the ICJ and Amnesty International. 7. Emergency/disaster relief is taken care of by several international organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and ReliefWeb. 8. The WHO helps member countries promote health care and facilities. Most countries though, perceive that there are benefits to participating in IGOs and international regimes even when it is costly. South Africa never withdrew from the UN over the long years when it was repeatedly condemned for its policies of apartheid. Iraq did not withdraw from the UN when it was subject to more than a decade of stringent sanctions. China spent fourteen years negotiating the terms of its entry into the international trade system and undertaking changes in laws and policies required to bring itself into compliance with WTO rules. Additionally , INGOs too are increasingly active today at all levels of human society and governance, from local or grassroots communities to national and international politics. Many national-level groups, often called interest or pressure groups, are now linked to counterpart groups in other countries through networks or federations. International NGOs, like IGOs, may draw their members from more than one country, and they may have very specific functions or be multifunctional. IGOs have been proven to decrease the cost of information gathering which is more important for poor and small countries. Without the UN, many states are unable to obtain information about the international society and politics. Activities of IGOs, such as the UN and the IMF, are decisive for most small countries. They may impose their principles on them more easily than on big powers. Most governments; especially in less developed countries face serious resource constraints limiting their ability to apply the provisions of regimes to areas and activities under their jurisdiction. And in spite of the fact that international organizations are utilized by powerful nation-states, these states do not hold full power over IGOs. IGOs however do have notable influence in international and on the most powerful state, the United States (Karns and Mingst). IGOs have been especially successful in their effectiveness in economic issue areas is also considerably high. For example, the IMF and the World Bank are very effective in money flowing, debt management and financing debt issues between the rich and poor countries. Though still effective, IGOs are less influential in issues of high politics such as political and security issues. INGOs too play an increasingly important role in world politics through agencies, such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International who draw attention to issues of world-wide concern, promote international co-operation and they have a significant impact on the global dissemination of ideas, values and knowledge. One of the major challenges being faced by international organizations however is integrating developing countries on various measures. Health related issues, such as infant mortality in developing countries are also of great challenge. Some other challenges that international organizations are facing are in the filed of intellectual property rights, trade in services and investment measures in relation to trade. Also seen as future difficulties in the international system is the issue of multilateral liberalization due to growing regionalism and the reformation of world trade.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
The rapid growth of Chinas GDP
The rapid growth of Chinas GDP The Chinese economy has undergone a rapid growth at an annual rate of around 9% for the past three decades. As a result, China is emerging as a new economic superpower. According to the statistics published by the World Bank, Chinas total GDP is on the way to replace that of Germany and is becoming the third largest economy in the world in 2008, after overtaking the United Kingdom in 2006. Some economists further suggest that if current trends continue, China may replace the United States as the largest economy in the world at some time in the middle of the century. Present your view on the possibility of this scenario. Discuss the possible implications for such a development for: a) the world trading system, b) the world monetary system, c) the business strategy of todays New Zealand firms, and d) global commodity prices. Over the past few decades, the importance of international trade and investment has been increased major matter for growth of countrys economy. According to Hodgetts and Luthans, that international trade and investment rates have been growing significantly larger and larger than domestic trade and investment (2003). Additionally, Czinkota, Ronkainen Moffetts believes international business has provided more opportunities ever before (2002). During the last decades, Asian business market place is developing dynamically and economic growth is increasing significantly. Especially, China has become as major role in a growth of the world economy. The reason of this is china has finally opened their door of economy to other countries for international trade and investment. As the result of that, China has become as one of the worlds fastest growing economies and it still grows dramatically because of their totalitarian system which the Chinese government based on (Hill, 2007). Since China has joined into the World Trade Organization in 2001, many Western firms have been attracted to enter into Chinese market as their investment and trading partners. China has been considered as the ideal destination by them (International Monetary Fund, 2004). Even more, many economists forecast, China can be the world biggest economy by 2050 if current trend continue (Hill, 2007). According to this, It shows a possibility that China would play a major role in world trade and monetary system in the future. This essay will examine the possible implications of Chinas growth in the world trade system and monetary system. Also it will briefly suggest the business strategy for todays New Zealand firms. Finally, this essay will discuss on global commodity price. The world trading system According to many economists, China has been expected to be the world biggest economic country in the future and ranks in international trade market are essential to be indentified where China is positioned. WTO says that China merchandise trade in world has ranked as 3rd position and commercial services trade in world has ranked as export 9th position and import 7th position in 2005 (World Trade Organization, 2007). Furthermore, trade amount of china with the world market has been increased remarkably from year 2001 to year 2006. Chinese trading increased 245% more in this period. Foreign direct investment also has been jumped up about 60% in this period too (Chinas Economy, 2007). The main reason for this change of Chinese economy in the world market is believed by economists due to their agreement with WTO in 2001. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated, Many of the expected benefits of Chinas WTO membership relate to the modernization into the world system (Ministry of Fore ign Affairs and Trade, 2001). Subsequently, China has successfully adapted in world economy and trading system. Additionally, their successful achievement towards international competition and global business opportunities will drive China to chase to more widely opened market economy system and to enter the world market for national products (Yuntin, 2004). During the past decades, Chinese exports have tended to reallocate its market system from traditional manufacturing sectors to value-added sectors. This has been resulted from their role of trading with major economies of other countries. For example, electrical machinery manufactured in china has become their largest export area at 34% of Chinese total export in 2003. It shows that a possibility of China can be greater its part in the international export market. And now, this competitive change of China is threatening other countries for their export market shares. A number of economists cautiously say that Chinese market powe r for skill-and-technology products would increase rapidly while competition against Chinese market for unskilled-labour-intensive manufactures is dropping. Recently, China has one third of global petroleum demand as world second largest oil consumer. And their petroleum demand is still increasing fast. This will be caused as increase in importing petroleum into China. However, the prices of petroleum and raw materials have been increasing and this has made some countries to be rich from benefit of containing/trading petroleum and raw materials in their land such as countries in Middle East and North Africa region. Those countries are large suppliers of oil and raw materials to the world, and they are predicting that China would be increased in further oil demand (International Monetary Fund, 2004). Furthermore, not only Middle East and North Africa, but also the most regions are likely to gain benefit from Chinese economic activities. However, some countries in Asia which run their economy similar to China seems to have huge disadvantage from compete with China, due to their low costs for labour intensive products. For example, the worl d market going to be tougher to South East Asian countries from Chinese development of manufacturing and trading. In contrast, countries such as South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan will get advantages from trade with China due to their market for export and import is relied heavily by China. Foreign direct investment into China is another reason for its huge economic growth. Since China became a member of WTO in 2001, foreign direct investment has in-flowed at a rate of roughly $1 billion every week. In 2002, as the result, China has become the world largest foreign direct investment in-flowed with ranked at the top by foreign investors. Chinese 1.5 billion population helped to attract foreign investors too. This fact obviously made foreign investors to concern China as more interesting and more promising market (Hill, 2007). However, this need to be concerned as serious problem to other country located in Asia. The reason of this is possibly the meaning of reduce in foreign direct investment flowing into their countries because of increasing foreign direct investment in China. At the moment, the Chinese government tries to emphasize its market attraction to foreign investors and this would be promoting Chinese market to boost foreign direct investment inflow into there. China is still rarely doubted about their country will be the most attractive and tasty target for foreign investors and this will be remain same for next few decades (Kotabe Helsen, 2004). The world monetary system According to Hill, International monetary system refers to the institutional arrangements that govern exchange rate (2007, p.368). The worlds four major currencies U.S dollar, the European Unions euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound are all free to float against each other. Therefore, is can have an effect on swing of exchange rate. There are two main exchange rate systems exist in system, floating exchange rate and fixed exchange rate, are these. First of all, according to Kotabe and Helsen, floating exchange rate is the closest approximation to perfect competition because there is no government intervention and because billions of units of currency are being traded by buyers and sellers (2004). The currency in country also can become strong or weak depend on buyers and sellers sides change due to inflation, interest rate, rumor and income from international trade. If the country is shortage in international trades, and it is also not necessary to keep foreign currency fo r balance of country own currency globally, this regime gives benefit (International Monetary Fund, 2004). For example, when the foreign exchange market determines the relative of a currency, the country is regarded as adopt floating exchange rate regime (Hill, 2007). Second, fixed exchange rate is that A managed float allows for a limited amount of government intervention to soften sudden swings in the value of a currency. This is for the purpose of maintaining an orderly, less volatile foreign exchange market (Kotabe Helsen, 2004, p. 2004). Hill has stated that under a pegged exchange rate regime, a country will peg the value of its currency to that of a major currency so that, for example, as the U.S. dollar rises in value, its own currency rises too (2007, p.380). China is using fixed exchange rate regime while the most of countries are using floating exchange rate. Fixed exchange rate regime gives advantage that government can manage its exchange rate easily when inflation ra te increased, on the other hand, there is disadvantage of that economy can be depressed when their currency was overestimated. The difference between those two exchange rate regimes is whether the government has some degree of control over exchange rate in the foreign exchange market to hang on to the value of its own currency. Kotabe and Helsen believe that a country rather to adopt monetary system which has a large degree of exchange rate flexibility which best suits own economic circumstance (2004). During the past decade, China has maintained the value of Yuan at 8.3 of a U.S. dollar in order to make currency would fluctuate within a narrow band. However, recent issue for the China is necessary of reconsidering value of Yuan currency at a high level against U.S. dollar. Even China has this controversial issue, Chandler believes Chinas peg seems likely to remain status quo since the other Asian economies that are Chinas trading partners and competitors also have their currency li nkages to the dollar (2004, p.52). Asian Development bank suggested China should consider a more flexible exchange rate, while its capital is under control, and it is best to loosen the reins on a currency when growth is strong and the external account is in surplus (2004, p.10). The business strategy of todays New Zealand firms In China, there are three main business strategies for foreign investment is existing, joint venture, cooperative venture, and wholly-owned enterprise (Beamaish Spiess, 1993). Among of those business strategies in China, the most admired strategy is joint venture. More than majority, approximately 70% of venture business succeeded in Chinese market and made profit over the few years. More over, their profitability was relatively high compared to any figures from elsewhere (Asian Development Bank, 2004). Even if joint venture is the oldest fashioned way of business strategy for foreign investment, it seems that there is more chance to make profit with this strategy than other strategies. Thus, it would be suitable and safe strategy for New Zealand firms which want to enter into Chinese market. The nine Ps required being aware as necessary factors by foreign investor in order to success in Chinese market. The nine Ps include planning, persistence on the part of the non-Chinese partner, Partner, Product which is really necessary in China and government could be allow in, patrons, patience, people, problem solving attitude, and public relations. All these factors play significant roles for success of foreign investment. On the other hand, Beamish and Spiess believe that patience is given a great deal of weight on foreign investment. Patience indicates that fully adapt to Chinese culture and history is required with patient (1993). Todays New Zealand firms are required to consider China as the world largest economy and their big potential for investment in 21st century. Global commodity prices Due to demand from the big, rapidly growing economies of China, energy value is risen up significantly. Rising energy values mean more entries in the record books, as global commodity prices hit fresh highs. Meanwhile, China extends export duty on fertilizers to the global. Edward stated briefly about relationship with world commodity price and Chinese economy as Its not often that investors have cause to celebrate when their money goes up in smoke. But owners of commodity funds may feel differently. After all, many have acquired positions in the belief that commodities will act as a hedge against a fall in the stock market. That proved the case early this year. When global equities rallied in the week ended March 21, commodities gave back some of their gains, thus demonstrating their negative beta credentials. Yet for all the sophisticated spin about alternative assets, commodity investors are really making a big bet on China (2008, p. 146). Therefore, an investment in a commodity i ndex will increase overall price of all commodities. Nevertheless, the studied theory on the balance of supply and demand strongly suggests that the price of commodities should come down for production improvements and substitution efficiencies which designed to minimize impact on global economy while it wobbles brutally. It is not easy to predict the trend or effects of commodity inflation in the trading market. However, one thing is clear, the world commodity price is gradually increased and that is because the increase international demand, which means it could continue to rising in the future. In conclusion, China could achieve the remarkable economic growth since the Chinese government had decided to shift on market-driven economy system. This is remarkable change impacted to global economy. Besides, being a member of the WTO has been motivation to China could be ranked in top five countries for international trade, foreign direct investment as well as economic growth. The eyes of world are focused on Chinas economic growth. Therefore China has become significant trade partner to the global. However, some countries may suffer from rising of Chinese economy as its competitor in international trade market and some countries will compete harder with china. Nevertheless, China will still be the focus of attention by foreign investors as hot market. In addition, it probably is the time to New Zealand firms to consider about entering into Chinese market by using joint venture strategy. Finally, the price of global commodity seems continue to increase. However, solving the commo dity price problem and resource shortcoming are the key issues of China to be successful in transition to the world market economy.
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