Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Benefits of Being Vegetarian Essay
In the last decade, we have witnessed an explosion of scientific knowledge that has made more information available to humanity than in all previously recorded history. Due to the dedicated research of scientists and doctors, we now understand more than ever before about our physical body and what measures promote good health. As more evidence is coming to light about the beneficial effects of maintaining a vegetarian diet, the number of vegetarians around the world is steadily on the rise. Throughout history, many great philosophers, mystics, saints, and enlightened thinkers have recognized the value of vegetarianism. It is only recently that science has confirmed the views on vegetarianism explained by these great people. More and more people are realizing that this diet can increase the health and well-being of our body, mind, soul, and the planet. Books, journals, magazines, and newspaper articles have published research on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Doctors and nutritionists widely recommend that people reduce their consumption of meat, high-fat foods, and eggs as a health measure. They encourage the increased use of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in one’s diet to cut down on cholesterol in the body and to minimize the risks of heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, and cancer. The results of medical findings have already had a far-reaching impact on the food and restaurant industries. We find more foods are being produced without animal products. If we look back even twenty years, a vegetarian eating at a restaurant hardly had any choices offered on the menu. Today, we can find a variety of delicious vegetarian dishes at most restaurants. Natural food stores and vegetarian restaurants abound in most cities. Even large grocery chain stores carry a large variety of vegetarian foods. Those who carefully consider the advantages of vegetarianism will see that the quality of their life and health can be greatly improved on such a diet. Longtime vegetarians have testified to the changes they experienced when they gave up meat. Many have reported that they felt more energetic, not only physically, but also mentally. Animals that do not eat meat, such as the elephant, the horse, the mule, and the ox, are known for their great strength and endurance. Having more stamina, vegetarians tend to exhibit improved efficiency and concentration in their physical as well as intellectual work. There is an expression, â€Å"You are what you eat.†In countries of the East where vegetarianism has been the diet for thousands of years, people recognize that whatever they eat forms a part of their body and also influences their 1 thoughts. They believe that if they eat the flesh of an animal that the mental and emotional vibrations or characteristics of the animal will form a part of their own nature. Today, science is researching the effect that our own stress hormones have on our body and the damage that long-term stress does to our organs. Imagine eating animals whose last days or minutes of life on earth were drenched with the hormones released in their state of fear they were in when they were about to be slaughtered. Those who eat meat are ingesting not only the flesh, but all the hormones of stress that are released due to the animal’s fear as well. Thus, many people brought up in the traditions of the East prefer to live on plant foods, which are more conducive to mental equipoise. Many enlightened beings, saints, mystics, and spiritual teachers have traditionally advocated a vegetarian diet for spiritual and moral reasons. For those pursuing a spiritual path, a vegetarian diet is essential for several important reasons. First, spiritual teachers have always taught that we are more than just a body and a mind; we are also soul. They have also taught people the process of meditation to help rediscover our true nature as soul. To help gain proficiency in the spiritual practices, vegetarianism is a helping factor. To be able to concentrate in meditation, we need to be calm and collected. If we eat the flesh of dead animals, our own consciousness will be affected. In the East, vegetarianism has been considered essential to spiritual development. Spiritual teachers promote a life of nonviolence. Helping factors for spiritual growth include developing the ethical virtues of nonviolence, truthfulness, purity, humility, and selfless service. The vegetarian diet is a natural by-product of nonviolence, in which no harm is done to any living creature. That is why saints through the ages have recommended a vegetarian diet, avoiding meat, fish, fowl, and eggs. Vegetarianism also improves the health of the planet. Ecologists and environmentalists are concerned about protecting the living creatures on earth. Environmentalists have pointed out that one solution to the problem of food shortages is better utilization of our resources. For example, the amount of grain needed to feed one cow to provide meat for one person could feed many times that number of people. Ecologists have also shown that raising cattle and processing meat requires much more fuel, water, and energy than is used to produce grains and vegetables. Vegetarianism is one effective means of conserving our vital resources. People around the world are becoming more enlightened and concerned about obtaining the highest quality of life. They are more interested in solving the mysteries of the universe and more keen to find personal fulfillment and lasting happiness. We are simultaneously concerned about the welfare of our global community and the preservation of our planet. How we maintain the health of our body, mind, soul, and planet is a choice each has to make. A balanced vegetarian diet will result in improved health and fitness, greater mental equipoise, and higher spiritual attainment. Following the vegetarian diet can help us achieve the health and purity of our body, mind, soul, and planet. We will not only be contributing to peace for ourselves and all life, but we will also be doing our part toward making Planet Earth a haven of joy and peace. Being a vegetarian can help us attain a healthier body, mind, soul, and planet. Along with this, we can augment our well-being through meditation. Vegetarianism prepares the groundwork for the health of body, mind, and soul. Meditation can add to our overall health by reducing stress to our body and mind, and can put us in touch with the soul. If we sit in meditation we can take steps towards a healthier state of well-being.  © Copyright S.K. Publications For more information: 3
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Chemistry IA: Electrolysis of Metal Sulphate solutions Essay
Introduction Electrolysis is the chemical decomposition of a compound by applying an electric current through a solution containing ions. Electrolytes are required to conduct electricity. They must be dissolved in water or in molten state for the electrolytes to conduct because then, the ions are free to move allowing the solution to be electrolyzed.[1] In electrolysis, reduction happens at the cathode whilst oxidation happens at the anode. Reduction is the loss of electrons and oxidation is the gain of electrons. Research Question In this experiment, I will be electrolyzing nickel sulphate (NiSO4) solution. To further explain the aim of this experiment, I have formulated a research question: â€Å"How does changing the current affect the mass of nickel deposited at the cathode in the electrolysis of nickel sulphate?†Hypothesis I predict that as the electrical charge increases, the mass of nickel deposited at the cathode after electrolysis will also increase. Faraday’s law of electrolysis, which investigates the quantitative relationship on electrochemical, can support this. Faraday’s law states, â€Å"The amount of the substance produced by current at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity used†.[2] During this electrolysis experiment, the aqueous solution of Nickel Sulphate will transfer Nickel from the anode to the cathode. Therefore indicating that the nickel sulphate solution is ionised by the electric current and dissociated into nickel ions and sulphate ions. This can be represented in a chemical equation: NiSO4 à ¯ Ni2+ + SO42- At the cathode, positively charged nickel ions are formed there and Ni2+ ions are reduced to Ni by gaining two electrons: Ni2+ + 2e à ¯ Ni At the anode, Ni is oxidised into Ni2+ by dissolving and going into the nickel sulphate solution and finally depositing nickel at the cathode: Ni à ¯ Ni2+ + 2e When the electrolysis circuit has electricity flowing, the nickel ions will float towards the electrode. Therefore, when the current is increased, the nickel ions flow faster and reaching the cathode faster. So there will be more nickel deposited as the rate of electrolysis is increased. Independent and Dependent Variables Variable measured Method of measuring variable Independent variable Magnitude of current flowing into the electrolytes (A) The 5 values I will use for current flowing into the electrolytes will be: 0.5 amps 1.0 amps 1.5 amps 2.0amps 2.5 amps To vary the values of current, a variable resistor will need to be used in the ciruit to control the flow of current. The amps values can be determined using an ammeter, which is also attached to the electrolysis circuit. Dependent variable Mass of Nickel (g) The mass of nickel deposited at the cathode after electrolysis will be measured for results. This will be determined by weighing the nickel electrodes before the experiment and after electrolysis. For this, a electronic balance will be used to weigh them. Controlled Variables Variable measured Method of measuring variable Controlled variables Temperature ( °C) The entire experiment will be done in room temperature of around 24 °C to ensure that the temperature for each trial will be the same. The temperature will be measured using a thermometer. Concentration of solution (moldm-3) The concentration of nickel sulphate needs to be kept constant at 1 moldm-3. This is because the same concentration will allow the number of ions in the solution to be the same, thus the number of collisions during the electrolysis will be kept the same. Volume of solution (cm3) The volume of nickel sulphate for each trial will be kept at 100cm3. Measuring cylinders will be used for accurate measurement. Time (min) The timing for the experiment needs to be controlled very carefully to ensure the amount of current passing the electrolytic cell will have the same amount of time. For each trial, it will run for 2 minutes. This will be determined using a stopwatch. Voltage (V) To keep the voltage of this experiment constant set at 5V, we only need to switch the power pack to 5V and keep it there. Distance between electrodes (mm) The distance between the nickel electrodes needs to be kept constant so it doesn’t affect the amount of current passing. The distance will be kept at 40mm and this will be measured using a ruler. Surface of electrodes Before using the electrodes in the experiment, sand paper will be used to remove the oxide layer on the sheet of nickel. This will ensure the surface of all electrodes to be the same and will have the same surface for ions to attach to. Size of electrodes The electrodes need to be kept the same size to ensure there will be an equal surface area for nickel to deposit on. The nickel sheet electrodes will be 10mm by 50mm long. This is measured using a ruler. Equipment Equipment such as measuring cylinders, power packs, wires will need to be the same. This is because different equipment would have different uncertainties, which may affect the final readings of the experiment. Equipment Thermometer NiSO4 solution Nickel electrodes 100ml beaker Resistor Power pack Ammeter Diagram Safety considerations Long hair needs to be tied back Appropriate footwear worn for laboratory experiments Safety goggles should be warn to prevent harmful chemicals from harming your eyes Don’t touch the electric terminals when the electricity is on to prevent shocks Reliable results To ensure accurate and reliable results, I will be undergoing 3 trials for each experiment. This is so I will then be able to calculate an average, thus my data will be more reliable. I will also maintain all the controlled variables and only varying the input of current. Method Set up the apparatus and circuit as shown in the diagram Fill a beaker with 100cm3 of nickel sulphate Weigh the cathode using the electronic balance and record the initial mass of it File the Nickel electrodes using sandpaper to remove any impurities Place each electrode pair into the beaker with nickel sulphate Attach the electrodes to opposite sites of the beaker (measure with a ruler the distance between, it should be around 4cm) by bending the electrodes it Adjust the current to 0.5 amps using the variable resistor Connect the electrolytes into the circuit by clipping on the wires and turn the power pack on Using the stopwatch, time for 2 minutes whilst looking at the ammeter to ensure the current remains the same After 2 minutes, turn the power pack off and take the cathode out. Wash the cathode carefully with distilled water and dry it with a paper towel Weigh the cathode again using the electronic balance and record the mass Repeat the steps 1 to 12 again for 1 amps, 1.5 amps, 2 amps and 2.5 amps Initial Mass of Cathode ( ±0.001g) Final Mass of Cathode ( ±0.001g) Change in mass ( ±0.001g) Average mass gained ( ±0.002 g) Data table The table above is a draft up of the raw data results table I will be using for my final readings from the experiment. It includes columns with headings, 3 trials, units and uncertainties and the average mass gained from the whole experiment. From these results, I can also draw a graph to easier represent the data and can also spot patterns or anomalous data that occur in the results. The actual theoretical mass of nickel deposited at the cathode can also be calculated with a few equations: Charge (C)= Current (A) x Time (s) Moles of electrons= Charge (C)/ 96500 Moles of Nickel= moles of electrons/2 Mass= moles x RAM The total percentage of random uncertainty can be calculated for my final answer in order to determine whether my experiment was fully successful and that the results are accurate. Wires Crocodile clips Stopwatch Sandpaper Ruler Electronic balance ________________ [1] Neuss, Geoffrey. IB Study Guide: Chemistry: Study Guide. [s.l.]: Oxford UP, 2007. Print. [2] â€Å"Faraday’s laws of electrolysis†. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012 .
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Study About Archimedes History Essay
A Study About Archimedes History Essay Archimedes, also known as Archimedes of Syracuse was born in Syracuse, Sicily in 287 BC. The exact date of his birth is not known, but the commonly accepted date of 287 BC derives from a statement given by 12th century historian John Tzetzes in that Archimedes had lived for 75 years. Sadly like his exact date of birth, the exact details of the life of Archemides have been lost to history. In one of Archimedes works entitled The Sand Reckoner, he gives his father’s name as Phidias and says he was an astronomer. Other than this one account, nothing more is definitively known about his parents or family history. The Greek historian and biographer Plutarch claimed Archimedes was related to the ruler of Syracuse, King Hiero II, in his work Parallel Lives, though whether this is accurate has never been substantiated. History lost what could have been the greatest chance to know the definitive history of Archimedes when a biography of Archimedes written by one of his friend was los t to history like so much else relating to Archimedes life, leaving historian to have to piece together Archimedes life from what little accounts survived. Simple things like whether Archimedes ever married or had children may never been known. It is believed that Archimedes may have studied in Alexandria, Egypt in his youth, where he would have been contemporaries with the likes of Greek astronomer and mathematicians Conon of Samos and Eratosthenes of Cyrene. This conclusion is reached from Archimedes himself referring to Conon of Samos as his friend, and two of his works having had introductions addressed to Eratosthenes. Archimedes died 212BC when Roman forces captured the city of Syracuse during the Second Punic War. Like nearly everything else about Archimedes life, the exact circumstances of his death are not known for sure. The Greek historian Plutarch presented three different accounts of Archimedess final moments. In one version Archimedes was contemplating a mathematical diagram when the city was captured. Archimedes was commanded by a Roman soldier to come and meet the general of the Roman forces but Archimedes declined, saying that he couldnt leave until he had finished his work. The soldier was so enraged by his refusal that he slew Archimedes with his sword. In another version the Roman soldier had intended to kill Archimedes, and despite Archimedes plea to him to allow him to finish what he was working on so as to not leave his work eternally incomplete, the soldier kills him anyway. In yet a third account by Plutarch, Archimedes was carrying mathematical instruments, and was killed by the Roman soldier because he thought that they were gold. The general of the Roman army was reportedly greatly angered by the news of Archimedes death, as he considered him to have been a valuable scientific asset. Archimedes was laid to rest in a tomb with a sculpture of a sphere and a cylinder of the same height and diameter, an illustration of his mathematical proof that the volume and surface area of the sphere are two thirds that of the cylinder including its bases.
PESTEL Analysis of Cummins ESB Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PESTEL Analysis of Cummins ESB Business - Essay Example Notable areas that Cummins ESB is likely to face political and legislative interferences include but not limited to taxation policies, labour laws, trade restrictions, Environmental regulation and investments especially public private partnership ventures. In other words Cummins ESB will have to comply with different legislations relating to taxation, labour, or investment in every country of their operation. Economic Factors Economic factors are inherent concern to Cummins ESB taking into consideration that the factors are likely to influence their profits, investments, costs, prices and demand to greater extent. Notable economic factors that are likely to affect operations Cummins ESB include but not limited to inflation, interest rates, unemployment rates, and or currency exchange rates. The fact that Cummins ESB engage in massive investments across the globe and the same time engage in repatriation of earnings to the parent company (Cummins Inc.), the company’s investments costs as well as revenues are likely to be affected by fluctuating currency rates. The currency rates are also likely to affect the cost of exported as well as imported products and services. Inconsistent interest rates in different countries are also likely to affect the cost of company’s investment abroad. Inflationary trends globally and in specific international market is also detrimental on Cummins ESB earning. Social factors Most markets in the international market are always distinguished from their cultural aspects most of which are inherent while others are acquired. Social trends such as Demographic change; fashion and preference, age distribution, levels of literacy, customs and traditions, attitudes and beliefs are likely to affect the operation of a multinational company to significantly. It is unlikely that Cummins ESB operations will be affected by social trends in the global market considerably. However, demographic change in country or region is likely to in crease demand for energy either for lighting, cooking and or heating. Additionally the population is growing more conscious about the form of energy they use as most environmental conservation agencies continue to drug for green energy. Technological factors It is noteworthy that technology is one of the major external variables that has played significant role in developing competitive products and services by Cummins ESB. The technology has not only benefited the company but also Cummins ESB customers as it enhance to effective and efficient delivery of services (Cummins Power Generation Inc, 2010). For instance, introduction of Electronic Funds Transfer Systems (EFTPoS) and Electronic Point of Sale (EPoS) has highly enhanced delivery of services and products. Through effective technology Cummins ESB has managed to design and build energy efficient diesel, LP gas or natural gas generators, digital controls and transfer switches for standby around the globe. All technologic breakth rough of Cummins ESB is attributable to the high investment in Research and development. Environmental factors It is always in the best interest of the common public that a company operate lean projects that are not harmful to the environment. This means that companies have responsibility to remain environmental savvy when producing or marketing
Sunday, July 28, 2019
What is the relation between reason and ethics Essay
What is the relation between reason and ethics - Essay Example Notably, Plato identified the hierarchy of forms in which ethical behavior which he denoted as the form of the good was at the topmost position in the hierarchy. In his argument, he asserted that ethical behavior denoted as true goodness only existed in the intelligible domain. Therefore, such true goodness which refers to ethics can only be understood by the intellect or reason. This is the reason why Plato highlighted that one must use the power of reason I order to exhibit ethical behavior. However, this perspective is challenged by the fact that it is God who gives command of what is ethically right. This changes the role of the power of reason and poses an additional question whether ethics depend on obedience to God. According to Plato and Aristotle, reason remains to be a core defining aspect of humanity and is of critical contribution to ethical behavior (102). Other philosophers have expanded the argument linking reason with ethics highlighting that, an agent in this case an individual must have explanatory and justification reasons for taking a certain action. One’s actions may violate certain rules, but are subject to excuse if the individual offers a rational explanation of a stronger obligation than that indicated in the rule. Therefore, this means that individuals can rely on the power of reason to justify their actions. This argument is partly based on the views of Aristotle, who highlighted that a virtuous life must take into consideration the power of reason. According to him, there two kinds of reason existed; one of them was an intellectual reason which determines what is true or false (78). On the other hand, practical reason helps an individual decide on the right way to do things. Both of these types of reasons determine the action of an individual and hence affect the affects the ethics of that
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Efficient market theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Efficient market theory - Essay Example This information may make them perceive that a stock may rise or its price may decline and they may take decisions accordingly. Efficient market theory is of the idea that individuals within the market have similar information and rejects the idea that different individuals may have different information. This even means that the investor that first receives the information will benefit more than those who have received the information later. For example: some investors of the stock market receives information that the sales of Procter & Gamble have increased by 100% as compared to the figures of last year. As a result of this the trader may end up purchasing the stock. If the trader had received this information later as compared to other traders, then the trader may not have purchased the stock at the right price since other traders may have already purchased the stock and the stock prices may have
Friday, July 26, 2019
What is Liberal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is Liberal - Essay Example The distinction between conservative and liberal economics is, at the most basic level, the distinction between a belief in the advantageousness of government involvement and a belief in the advantageousness of free market capitalism. Friedman, of course, was one of the most vociferous advocates for a free market, as he showed in Capitalism and Freedom. However, the essence of Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom was advocacy of capitalism in a liberal society, where a liberal society refers to a society that does not restrict individual liberties. In contrast, the conservative society is one that does limit individual liberties based on tradition and social values. With that, Friedman cannot be accurately called â€Å"conservative†, since his profoundly libertarian political viewpoints contradict the essence of the conservative establishment. When Friedman called himself a â€Å"liberal†in the John Stuart Mill sense of the term, what he was referring to was a tradition known today as â€Å"classical liberalism†. The use of the word â€Å"classical†before the term refers to a commitment to individual freedoms both in the economic and social sense. Classical liberals believed in laissez faire capitalism and the liberal ideology. John Stewart Mill, as an ethicist and political philosopher, was liberal in his ethics and conservative in his economic views, which today meant he was a â€Å"classical liberal†and a libertarian. Mill believed the government should not be allowed to restrict the freedoms of its citizens under any circumstance, and this is the sense in which Friedman refers to Mill and places himself in his tradition. In Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman writes, â€Å"Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men. The fundamental threat to freedom is power to coerce, be it in the hands of a monarch, a dictator, an oligarchy, or a momentary
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26
Memo - Essay Example She needs exhaustive information that will enable her influence formulation of an appropriate public relations campaign. The audience requires utmost formality in this context. The memo is an official document that will influence successive undertakings at the company. She will file the memo for future references a feature that requires formality. The audience values exhaustive and objective communication. She requires an extensive analysis of the effects that the detour will have on the local Indonesian communities. Key among the benefits of the audience is the fact that she is a professional in the sector. This implies that she will readily understand the concepts I will address. Furthermore, she understands the project and will easily transform the ideas I will present into appropriate public relations campaigns. While the planned detour is inevitable, it will present a number of adverse ramifications on the rural Indonesian community. The planned diversion traverses large plantations of chili, coffee and team among other crops. The terrain is rugged but has a clean and quiet atmosphere. As such, the diversion that seeks to make large trucks move through the rural villages will cause immense disruptions on the community’s way of life. Key among the social and cultural features of the community are: With such an overview and basic understanding of the community, the research team will investigate the effects that the diversion will have on each of the above features among many others thereby creating an appropriate campaign message. The team members will undertake their duties as follows: The team will carry out an extensive analysis of the nature of the detour on its effects on the local community thereby developing an effective public relations campaign that will inform the locals thereby safeguarding the reputation of the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to Essay
Explain the conservatism of the New Right - what did it strive to conserve and what did it fail to conserve - Essay Example The concept of conservatism emerged out of the strong protest to socialism and communism. Capitalism and conservatism have always gone hand in hand. The concept conservatism is basically associated with history of the nation which includes a different political attitude in different eras. In American contest the conservatism is marked by tensions and absolute contradictions between anti-communists and anti-statists, but between traditionalist and individualists who declared publicly the primacy of religion, politics, or economics. The central idea, upon which the foundation of American conservatism is based on, is ordered liberty. It comprises of both individual freedom as well as individual responsibility. It also deals with limited government and unlimited market. It means the non interference of government in economy. The conservative attitude was associated with carrying on the past and an established thoughts, rules and conducts. According to the conservative thoughts the change s will affect the society rather than any positive sequel. The conservatives were involved in preventing the growing influence of socialism and communism. From mid 1930 to the 1960s the traditionalists in America gathered with the objective to fight the liberals’ â€Å"New Deal. The modern conservatism in America was influenced by the ideas of Russell Kirk. He affirmed his ideas through â€Å"Conservative minds.†Thus modern conservatism became the main political force in 1964. Russell Kirk was known as the father of modern conservative thought. In the United States the term New Rights refers to historical different conservative political movements. The New Rights were trying to conserve the old things but for their efforts they had to accept the changes. It was not affordable for them to be rigid with their opinion. The first New Right (1955 to 1964) adopted the â€Å"fusionism,†i.e. classical liberal economics, traditional social values, and an ardent anti-c ommunism. The second New Right in America was formed during Goldwater Campaign. The Second New Right became more popular than the first one. The Second New Right helped Ronald Reagan to win the White House in 1980. On the background of conservatism the attempt has been done to take review of two books, one is â€Å"Suburban Warriors,†and second is â€Å"Republican Ascendency.†The two books are basically written on the same background. â€Å"Suburban Warriors,†is one of the books during the rise of the New Rights. In the book the author Lisa McGirr focuses on the conservative monopoly of Orange Country to know the economic as well as social causes for its fanatical embrace of Goldwater- Reagan republicanism. Lisa McGirr here depicts that their movement was not one of unimportant people suffering from status anxiety. On the other hand this movement was established by successful people living a modern life and yearning for bright future. Lisa McGirr explains the importance of Orange Country that it was a â€Å"real centre and symbol of American Conservatism.†(P.4) In the end Lisa McGirr opines that they have become successful they have engaged in preserving things with its new form. They want the original values but at the same time they are aware of the fact that changes are inevitable and so they accept everything with adaptation. While telling that the conservatives have not just adopted the old rules, she says â€Å"
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Global & International Business Contexts in India Assignment
Global & International Business Contexts in India - Assignment Example The paper throws light on India, the land of potential because of its growing population therefore it is economically beneficial to evaluate its national market. Porter’s National Diamond framework allows country specific analysis so that a firm may decide to expand into a suited country. The four pillars of the model are factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, firm structure, strategy and rivalry. Using these four factors PND model aims to evaluate national competitiveness and to study a firm’s ability to operate in a national market. It is therefore a very relevant tool for country specific analysis. Below each of the four factors of the model will be explained with respect to India. Factor conditions entail those factors in a country that can be of advantage to the firm. Basically all the conditions that a firm can exploit in an economy are included in factor conditions. India has an abundance of labor. Given the high population of th e country it can be safely assumed that the firm will not face any labor shortages. 42 percent of the population is living below the poverty line in India according World Bank. This points to the fact that labor is not only in abundance in the country but it is also very cheap. The labor force is both skilled and unskilled in the country so the firm can benefit a lot with regards to labor in their business. Another advantage of working in India is that there is not a language barrier like in China. Official language of India is Hindi but English is widely understood and used in the business (Kapur & Ramamurti, 2001). This is why the firm will find no language barrier to deal with. It is located near the Arabian Sea which will be beneficial when setting up business in the country. The country has a developed technological base with its software industry growing rapidly. This can also give the firms a huge boost when operating in India. Complicated technology will be at the disposal o f the firm in India. Demand Conditions The demand conditions factors in the local market conditions of a particular country. A strong and demanding domestic market can have a positive effect on technological growth and innovation in the market. The economy of India is mainly export oriented therefore international markets are also an important part of the country’s economy. Due to the sophistication of international markets, local industries have also developed in order to meet the demand of foreign buyers. This trend has brought many advantages to the local firms. They have enhanced their production and capabilities by innovating on a regular basis as a result of complex foreign markets. The effect of international markets has also impacted the local markets because they have also developed as a result. Domestic markets are now demanding higher quality of products and services. This is a sign
Chocolate by Joanne Harris Essay Example for Free
Chocolate by Joanne Harris Essay If we were all to rebel against what weve always known to be accepted, if we were to completely ignore the teachings of our elders and do the things weve been taught to be evil and sinister, what would happen? This situation is one which occurs in a small and tranquil French town in the extract from Chocolat. Throughout the extract there are a variety of juxtapositions, polarizations, and much contrast building the subject. Joanne Harris creates a compelling story, but not without exaggerated or overstated situations. Through reading the extract and analyzing each significant line of literature, we are able to understand the narrator and the young girls character to a more advanced degree. In the extract, we first encounter Vianne with her daughter Anouk as they brave the harsh wind and settle into the new village. We came on the wind of the carnival. The quoted piece of literature displays the sly exotic wind, a rather unusual one for February. To some extent, the wind presents the characters of Vianne and Anouk as they are independent and wild, the same as the wind that brought in the carnival. Reminiscent of the carnival, the narrator and her daughter are very bright and lively which is ironic as they settled the grey village during the time of the carnival. This piece of text also shows polarization; Light vs. Dark and Lively vs. Dull, as well as contrast between the towns people and the carnival. The polarization of Lively vs. Dull can be seen in the extract through the mentioning of fanciful tales. A dragons head on a shield, Rapunzel in a woolen wig, a mermaid with a Cellophane tail, a gingerbread house all icing and gilded cardboard, a witch in the doorway. Seeing that most of us have matured with the impression that fairy tales are magic- blissful, bright and fantastic, as we read this passage we can see how Vianne trys to keep magic alive in Anouk as well as in herself. Their itinerant from town to town represents this burning flame; the magic she is striving to keep alive. Not only does Vianne attempt to keep magic flourishing in herself and Anouk, she also aids the parishioners. The extract is an enchanting brew of confections and humanity. Vianne, a shaman-like woman rides the North wind casting her spell of kindness to those in need; she visits town after town seeking battles with those who would take advantage, and attempt to lord over other poor souls. Carrying on a tradition of lifting the spirits of the downtrodden, with her magical unrefined cocoa and special chili pepper in the form of delicious chocolates. This shows great contrast amongst Vianne and the villagers for the reason that, the personality of Vianne is much di fferent than that of each person in Lansquenet. We also notice this contrast out of the text through Her silk scarf fluttering at her throat; the child in yellow Wellingtons and sky blue mac. Their coloring marks them. Their clothes are exotic.. Unlike the towns people, Vianne is more insightful and exotic as well as observant but nevertheless logical. This is shown in ..knowledge is currency here.. and I feel their gaze As for Anouk, she is able to see beyond the truth. At first, we witness this during the carnival. But at six the world retains a special luster. Then, at the mentioning of a mermaid. ..a mermaid with a Cellophane tail.. She can still see the real witch, the real magic. Joanne Harris used a great juxtaposition here; magic vs. functionality. Not only does Joanne Harris use juxtapositions to build her subjects, she also employs contrast, polarization, connotations, sensuality/austerity (priest, villagers) plus flamboyant passages along with descriptive ones used to paint an image in the readers mind that appeals to our senses. For example, to appeal to our tastes Joanne Harris uses very descriptive words that are enough to make you drool. greasy scents of frying pancakes and sausages and powdery-sweet waffles.. This also creates wild images in the readers mind, tying in contrast amongst the carnival and towns people. The fact that Vianne arrives in town on the day of the carnival just prior to lent shows great significance- Contrast to people and village is Lively vs. Grey/Dull, which ironically is seen a lot throughout the passage. The carnival also acts as a connecting thread though means of a new beginning. More precisely, a new beginning between Vianne and the villagers; almost like a float. In addition, the carnival sets mood and personality; the fact that everything is not always as is seen, especially when it comes to Religion where the church is a means of control. This control is used as a juxtaposition, repression, and emphasis throughout the movie as well as the passage. All the factors mentioned in the essay; character, language, connections, significance, tie in to create the subject. The subject of how the towns people judge Vianne and Anouk which then leads to tolerance- how the author creates the subject.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Secret doctrine Essay Example for Free
Secret doctrine Essay Thesis statement: There is a need for human beings to be a part of a group. Elite and even secret organizations such as freemasonry satisfies this need and serve as a driving force to act as ideal citizens and initiate change in the society. First argument: Involvement in freemasonry helps an individual to become a better person. Like any other organization, freemasonry has its own set of guides on the behavior of its members. They obey moral laws and as a matter of fact, a person should be morally upright if he wants to be a mason. â€Å"A Mason is obliged by his Tenure, to obey the moral law: and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine†(Catholic Encyclopedia) If a man is guided by a moral law, it is obvious that he will live an upright life especially if they have friends who are accountable to their actions. In freemasonry, each member treats each others as brothers. Brotherhood means that they should stand with one another especially when it comes to their personal life and maintaining the goal of their organization. As relational beings, we need friends and people we are comfortable with to motivate us. In the case of masonry, each member is motivated to live according to the standard of their organization because everyone is doing it. Second argument: Masonry inspires its members to initiate social change and political revolution. In the case of French Revolution, freemasonry played a major role in its success. â€Å"While it is both simplistic and specious to lay the responsibility for the French Revolution at the door of Freemasonry, there is no question that freemasons, as individuals, were active in building, and rebuilding, a new society. †(Freemasons in the French Revolution, freemasonry. byc. ca) Its members who were considered as intellectuals of their society were the ones who were responsible in initiating the revolution. Indeed, a society needs intelligent and passionate leaders who will initiate social change and even revolution. In the Philippines, their 1896 revolution against the Spanish regime was also inspired by freemasonry. Andres Bonifacio who happened to be its founder and supreme leader is a member of freemasonry. Because of his experiences as a mason, Bonifacio was able to organize their system of laws and beliefs. They were able to create their own constitution and just like freemasonry, they believe in the Supreme Being. But more than its structure, Bonifacio was deeply inspired by the teachings of Freemasonry. Although there is a belief that freemasonry holds a secret doctrine, teachings such as social justice and equality are part of their organization. These teachings inspired Bonifacio and other great political leaders to lead a social revolution. References â€Å"Freemasonry†. New Advent. Org. 22 February 2008. http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/09771a. htm#III . â€Å"Freemasons in the French Revolution†. 8 September 2002. Grand Lodge of British Columbia. 22 February 2008. http://freemasonry. bcy. ca/texts/revolution. html.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Food Industrialization
Impact of Food Industrialization Nikoleta Koleva The Industrialization of Our Food System: Are We Sacrificing Quality to Quantity? The industrialization of our food supply is something that is becoming more popular amongst farmers and food producers. One of the biggest reasons in the overcrowded conditions in farms and how easy it is for one animal to spread diseases to all, thus ending in our plates. This becomes even more problematic with the rise of globalization – with an infected animal in a farm in Alabama that no one detects, people in China can receive the disease and spread it from there. However, with the rise of industrialized agriculture, other significant problems have arisen. Obesity has skyrocketed as prices for naturally-grown food increase quickly; diseases, both behavioral and physical, have increased in children and many more drawbacks that would be too long to list. As for its history, industrial agriculture arose alongside the Industrial Revolution, something we are also feeling the side-effects of today. It is a fact that by the end of the early nineteenth century, agricultural techn iques had improved so much that the output was many times greater than that seen in the Middle Ages. This was suiting and satisfactory, as the human population was growing at an exponential rate. Later on, as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus were found and properly studied, they had a new purpose as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. With the increased usage of these elements and vitamin supplements, many farm animals face less and less exposure to nature and all that is natural, as they are fully grown indoors. Furthermore, the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines ensured that animal-spread diseases do not occur in crowded facilities. However, as industrial agriculture becomes a more popular method, concerns have arisen over the sustainability of intensive agriculture, which has been related to the decreasing soil quality in key places, such as the US, Australia, India and Asia. One strong proponent of the deindustrialization of the American food system is Al Jazeera. Since its establishment in 2006 as an international news source, it has gained a lot of momentum, due to their wide range of topics and top-notch reporting or world events. The channel itself currently broadcasts to 250 million households across 130 countries. In their article supporting agriculture and the preservation of natural-growth farms, Vandana Shiva, the author of the article, states how many industrialization supporters keep falsifying information about the scale and contribution of organic farming. Many of these advocates claim that organic farming requires too much land grab and uses too many pesticides, when the facts are that industrial agriculture is causing the deforestation of the rainforests in the Amazon and Indonesia, fuelling a land grab in Africa and Europe. In fact, according to the FAO International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources in Leipzig, industrial f arming is the reason for seventy-five per cent biodiversity erosion, seventy-five per cent water destruction, seventy-five per cent land degradation, as well as forty per cent greenhouse gases. These high numbers wound the planet in ways unfixable and long lasting. Not only this, millions of farmers are losing their farms and hard work. Even the food, which is consumed by the population is suffering – animals are put into factory farms and fed grain, as opposed to grass in a natural setting; this is equal to an animal prison. This lack of nutrients affects both the animal and the human consumer, as people are also devoid of these important dietary ingredients. The simple fact is that as industrialized agriculture has gained popularity, the number of hungry people on the planet has also risen. This is an indicator that something is not right; the food system has taken a wrong step. The facts and evidence presented by Vandana Shiva are well informed and presented. I was swayed by her argument and found myself disliking industrialized agriculture much more than previously. It is clear that she did her research and knew what she was talking about all the way through. The article was very well-structured and delivered, with no stray points or unnecessary rants. While I was previously aware of the treatment of animals in industrialized farms, I was ignorant on the impact it had on the planet environmentally. Deforestation one of the most serious problems we face today – whether regarding global warming or the extinction of millions of species, however, the fact that humans are still doing it when we have other, currently available, option is maddening. The facts are, countries that do not consume industrialized-grown food suffer from much lower rates of obesity and other food-related diseases. The problem the United States has is the fact that its organic foo d is much more expensive and harder to get than its industrialized-grown counterpart. It is an unfair race – why should consumers not have an equal access to either type? This disadvantage creates an unescapable cycle: people with less money do not purchase the organic food, thus consuming lower quality food with not enough nutrients. Since it lacks the richness of naturally grown food, people with lesser incomes consume more food, usually one that is unhealthy, cheap and lacking any types of significant nutrients. Thus, obesity begins sprouting up and rapidly spreading around the country. The problem is escaping this poisonous cycle and learning a healthier style of living. Why should we industrialize food, when naturally grown food is tastier, uses less space, does not injure the Earth and its resources and does not aid in the wide-scale release of greenhouse gases? An opponent of the deindustrialization of the food system in the United States is Blake Hurst, published in the American Enterprise Institute. The AEI is an American establishment, focused on research and education on issues of government, politics, economics and social welfare. Started in Washington in 1943, it still runs there and supplies its large readership with thoughtful articles. In his article on why industrialized agriculture is not the enemy, Blake Hurst describes how he got the idea of discussing this topic. Whilst on a plane, he heard an organic farm activist broadcasting about the inhumanity of industrialized farming. Hurst was angered at the ignorance of the reporter and is now on a mission to educate people why industrialized farming is not harmful but beneficial. His first and strongest arguing point is that people who sit in offices all day and stare at computer screens do not know what being a farmer is, yet they demand things they are not well-informed on. Telling someone how to do their work when you have no sensible information on the subject is selfish and may oftentimes be completely wrong. Hurst states that critics of industrial farming spend most of their time complaining about the way the food is raised, in regards to conditions and treatment. As his argument, he describe turkeys and how when they are naturally raised, they are not smart enough to survive long enough to be used as food. Furthermore, as President Obama and his government listen more and more to the public and demand fairer treatment of animals, the farmers cannot do anything to disprove and obey. Indeed, industrial farming conditions for animals are improving drastically. Hurts argues that nature is sometimes even more cruel than farmers, with mother pigs eating their offspring and that life is unfair all-around. Hurst’s article on why industrial farming is not evil was written well but lacked a strong punch that sways the reader to his side. Starting off with a personal story was a nice touch and humanized the writer, making him both relatable and approachable. His point on the fact that people who do not produce food do not really understand what is going on was the strongest out of all the ones later listed. It is true: with no first-hand experience, it is easy to rally for something when one is not aware of the amount of labor that goes into it. Organically-grown food is advertised as healthier and cruelty-less grown, but what do people who live in cities without animals know about how food is truly grown? However, that is where Hurst’s argument begins weakening and losing its initial punch. One big mistake in his article is the lack of focus on the environmental impact the industrial agriculture creates. In fact, most farmers that do not grow organic food fail to mention ho w their crops affect the environment and pollute various sources permanently. It was also scarcely mentioned how the health of the American citizens has significantly gone down after industrial agriculture became more and more popular with farmers and food producers. Hurst does mention that the â€Å"old-fashioned†way of farming is much more demanding and dirty but should food consumers and farmers both eat lower quality food because someone does not want to work? As Shiva mentioned in her article, food is what we are. What we eat is absolutely essential to our overall well-being and happiness. As obesity rates, not only in America but all over the world, continue to exponentially increase, it is important for us to find the source and come up with a solution. When exploring this topic, I realized how ignorant I was on many of these facts and side effects of industrially-grown food. However, when thinking about it, the proponent’s arguments make a lot more sense. As someone from a country that grows all of its food naturally, when moving to the United States, I definitely noticed a decrease in both quality and taste. Everything is larger, unnaturally so, lacking of taste and not as satisfactory. In my country, for less than a dollar, I could get a plentitude of naturally grown fruits and vegetables, while in America, I can get a smaller, industrially-grown, quantity. It is both disappointing and saddening. Humans need these nutrients, why should I pay so much to consume them? I believe the saddest fact is that many countries follow America’s steps and search for easier ways to complete food growing. This can be noted, as obesity begins rising all around the globe, with the spread of fast food American chains, which do not off er any type of nutritionally significant food. Chains, such as McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Wendy’s, etc., sell food for cheap. When families with lower incomes go out to purchase food, it is much easier to get more of one type of food, instead of a few of another, even if the latter is healthier. Food has always been a privilege to our species but at this point in history, when there is an opportunity for most people to easily consume it, why are we settling for the worst of the available choices? Why should organic food, which our bodies need be more expensive and harder to obtain than junk food, something that should not be consumed at a constant rate? Because it is the easy opt-out and costs less for giant corporations to produce.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer :: essays research papers
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain B. This type of book is realistic fiction. C. The main character is Thomas Sawyer, a twelve year old boy, whose parents are dead. Tom lives with his aunt, Polly. Tom is busy either making trouble or thinking up new schemes. Another character is Huckelberry Finn, hated by all mothers and loved by all children. Tom is friends with Huck and they share many adventures together. Becky Thatcher, the daughter of a judge, who likes Tom but sometimes fights with him. Injun Joe is an indian who kills someone named Dr. Robinson and makes everyone believe that the real killer is a man named Muff Potter. Mr. Potter, a nice man, helps Tom and Huck to fish and fly kites. D. This story takes place in St. Petersburg, Missouri, in the mid-1800's. E. The main problem in this story is the many ways which Tom tries to avoid Injun Joe because as a witness to the murder of Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe is trying to kill Tom. Poor Tom also has to deal with being punished on a Saturday when he could be out playing. The last problem is how Becky and Tom will escape from a cave. II. Tom, Sid, Tom' half brother, and Tom's Aunt Polly were sitting down at the table eating supper. Aunt Polly asked Tom questions hinting that she suspected him of playing hooky and going swimming instead of going to school. Aunt Polly gave up but then Sid pointed out that Tom had a different color thread than the one Aunt Polly sewed on Tom's collar. Tom's punishment was to whitewash the fence, but Tom wanted to go out and play. Tom used reverse psychology to make his friends think that whitewashing was an honor and they even gave him trinkets for the honor of whitewashing the fence. At school, Tom meets a new girl, Becky Thatcher, daughter of Judge Thatcher. Becky and Tom both like each other but Tom mentioned that he was engaged to Amy, and Becky hated him for it. Tom and his friend Huck go to the cemetery with a dead cat, a supposed wart cure. While at the cemetery they see Injun Joe kill Dr. Robinson while blaming Muff Potter. Both Tom and Huck swear to themselves that they will not say a thing about the murder. One day when looking for treasures in a haunted house, Tom and Huck overhear Injun Joe talking with another man about finding treasures. Tom and Huck decide to track the men in order to find the treasures which the men hide in "the number 2".
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Essay -- Crib Death SIDS
Abstract Sudden Infant Death Syndrome remains the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality (under the age of one) in developed countries. The causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome have been puzzling and research is being conducted to solve this catastrophic problem. Having a child under the age of one makes me very concerned, along with any other parent(s), that the possibility of SIDS could affect any infant at anytime, SIDS does not discriminate. I am seeking to find the possible causes to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome so in the future deaths could be avoided. Researchers have studied the many possible causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and four have been selected for this paper. The first study addressed the effects of an infant’s sleeping position and other prenatal risks associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The SIDS victims were matched with four control groups of the same gender, age and place of birth. The second study researched the possible correlation between the brain weights of SIDS victims at death to those infants that died of other causes, only when the brain had not been damaged. The study took place between the years of 1980 and 2003 within the same local population. In the third study medical and demographic characteristics where analyzed among infants that were 24 to 32 week’s gestation weighing 500 to 2500 grams of SIDS victims and non SIDS victims. The researchers attempted to find a correlation between the two groups of preterm infants. The fourth study was conducted to investigate a possible correlation between the postnatal growths preceding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In this particular study the victims of SIDS were matched with two controls of the same age. The research was collected by parental interview review of medical records and body weights. Finally, I will review the findings, compare the four studies and illustrate my conclusions and provide my personal synthesis. I hope to gain knowledge and insight into the possible causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. First Study Summary SIDS and Sleeping Position and Prenatal Care Oyen, N., Markestad, T., Skaerven, R., Irgens, L.M., Helweh-Larsen, K., Alm, B., Norvenius, G., Wennergren, G. (1998). Combined Effects of Sleeping Position and Prenatal Risk Factors in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The Nordic Epidemiological SI... ... SIDS. Through the research provided, I concluded that when a baby is born preterm their brain, along with many other internal organs, is not as fully developed as that of an infant that had reached full gestation. I believe that these studies concerning SIDS address only a small portion of the larger problem and that there needs to be more research done to narrow down the causes. References Brooks, J.G., Gilbert, R.E., Flemming, P.J., Berry, P.J., Golding, J. (1996). Postnatal Growth Preceding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Journal of Chiropractic Technique, 94, 456-459. Kadhim, Hazim., (2005). Incongruent Cerebral Growth in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Journal of Child Neurology, 20, 244-246. Malloy, Michael H. (2004). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome among Extremely Preterm Infants: United States 1997 – 1999. Journal of Perinatology, 24, 181-187. Oyen, N., Markestad, T., Skaerven, R., Irgens, L.M., Helweh-Larsen, K., Alm, B., Norvenius, G., Wennergren, G. (1998). Combined Effects of Sleeping Position and Prenatal Risk Factors in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 21, 614-621.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Keeping the Family Together in A Raisin In The Sun Essay -- Lorraine H
Keeping the Family Together in A Raisin In The Sun      What a loving mother! Lena Younger, or Mama, is nurturing and supportive when it comes to raising and maintaining a family. Personally speaking, being nurturing means to love, care for, and show concern over someone. Analyzing Mama’s relationships with family members can show us her view on parenting and ultimately show us her devotion to her family. In A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Mama is a nurturing mother who cares for and protects her family in her struggle to keep them unified.      Not only does Lena Younger protect Travis from getting yelled at by his mother, but also she protects his feelings. At this point in the play Mama’s nurturing attitude is seen through her defending Travis from the authority of his mother. On one occasion Travis gives his grandmother a gift, a hat which he is very proud of. At the sight of her gift the rest of the family breaks out in laughter. Without skipping a beat Mama’s nurturing bursts out. She quickly snaps, â€Å"What’s the matter with you all! This here is a beautiful hat!†(Hansberry 1433). To me this can be seen as commanding respect for Travis. By automatically respecting Travis, the family could be brought closer together and could display a sense of equality. Mama is a loving, nurturing woman and her interactions with her grandson express this point.      Mama’s most blatant act of unification of this family is centered around Travis. Upon coming back to t...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Description of Environmental Problems
Description of the Environmental Problems Recycling is more than just waste control; it is a responsibility for the conservation of resources. As the years have passed, the influx of individuals entering the United States and natives alike, who are unequipped with the proper paradigm to fully understand the colossal advantages recycling has on their state and greater still, our world as a whole, do the environment a grave injustice. The world is only able to produce so much and if people don’t work to preserve what the finite resources the earth, as we know will be a cesspool of waste. The problem that seems to readily exist is the limited emphasis put on the process of salvage and reuse. This is a progressive society and without alarming statistics in order to grab the attention of those who dismiss reprocessing as too time consuming or a nuisance won’t conform. Mother Earth will be emaciated and uninhabitable in the future if enough people don’t recognize the scarcity of resources this epidemic can create. The outcry to recycle is not being expressed loudly enough, nor is an alternative, and as a result our earths ability for infinite life and growth is being challenged. There needs to be a mandatory computation for families sent out, like a census, to track their usage for a week to as a means of bringing like to the amount of waste being generated. In calculating my own use, as a family of five, I found my landfill bag to be the fullest at the end of the week, yet the recyclables, paper included, weighed the most. Paper in my home is abundance, yet the more paper the less trees and although this destroys a living organism and seems to be the easiest for anyone to recycle, although, its the most discarded. Deciding what belonged in each bag was a relatively simply duty, I have been recycling, although not always properly, until recently, for over ten years, so what started out as a time consuming necessary evil is now a way of life. The product that was discarded the most was paper in the recycling bin, some of which was never read just a sheer waste of trees and most on non-recycled paper, pull-ups were the most discarded in the landfill container and a two lunch meat containers went into the reuse bin. Recycling isn’t a hard chore if you look at it as regular occurrence, like brushing your teeth, it’s just something you do daily. Recycling is a crucial precursor for the longevity of the earth among other things and a minor task for me to continue. It is also a lifestyle that must be invoked to keep equilibrium among insatiable wants of humans and the necessities of the earth in order to remain sustainable, and R. Edward Freeman, Jessica Pierce and Richard Dodd concur by stating: The conservation mind-set tells us to conserve the earth's resources for the future. The moral and practical presuppositions for this mind-set are several. First, we have to believe that many of the resources basic to human survival (e. . , clean water, arable land, breathable air, forests, other species) are scarce, a fact the conservationists believe has been amply proved. Second, we have a moral responsibility to future generations and must be willing to frame our activities now in the context of future needs. In theory, people would have a moral responsibility to the quality of life for future generations and exercise it, but in r eality, people don’t care or don’t respond adequately to the human element and even less about wildlife and their habitat. Despite our best efforts the question still remains, are landfills the most environmentally safe and cost effective device to promote a healthy environment? The are some pessimist who respond negatively to the idea of recycling as some argue that without proper waste management options it cost more to recycle that to just discard. The National Resources Defense Council, quoted a writer, John Tierney, from â€Å"Recycling is Garbage†: The simplest and cheapest option is usually to bury garbage in an environmentally safe landfill. There’s little reason to worry about modern landfills, which by federal law must be lined with clay and plastic, equipped with drainage and gas-collection system, covered daily with soil and monitored regularly for underground leaks. In conflicting information it shows that this is an incorrect statement, because landfills are not inexpensive and the danger to the environmental has been noted as dangerous but conflicting on the level of toxicity. Recommendations The Merriam-Webster collegiate dictionary describes recycling as â€Å"to pass again through a series of changes or treatments; to return to an original condition so that operation can begin again†. Recycling is clearly the only way to prolong the life of the planet, but the lingering problem is what manner to do the recycling? Landfills are no longer the optimum choice because of the long-term consequence and no one is fully prepared to have a landfill in their neighborhood. â€Å"It is likely that regional prosperity would be enhanced if every community were more self-reliant†¦ and recycle locally†(NRDC, 1997). The use of state of the art less emission incinerators would be an option or the use of less packing supplies for items that are unbreakable (apparel, books and rubber exercise equipment and accompanying tapes), are all item that could use less packing. People are driven by money, use the same incentive that make people return pop cans and if there were a price put on the amount of recycling it would stand to increase considerably. Over the years, people attempting to reduce their trash started burning it which is more harmful to the environment from the fumes alone and other methods have tried and failed.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Survival Essay for Maniac Magee
Life is truly unpredictable and or sotimes throws us ch exclusivelyenges that we need to oercome, in auberge to give-up the ghost. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, survival means, The continuation of vitality or existence. Yoko Kawashima Watkins was the main character from So Far From the Bamboo Grove. She was an eleven stratum previous(a) Japanese girl who struggles with life in 1945 the last year of World fight II. Jeffery Lionel Magee, or madman as any(prenominal) would call him, was the main character from madman Magee. He was a twelve year old, white deprive who runs into a racial town.The stories of these two characters are different yet, they stage two kids exit through difficulties in life. Yoko went through many life or death situations, and she had to do whatever she could to survive. Yoko had to turn tail her home from Korean Communist army soldiers with her Mother and her older sister. Yokos friends and family helped her a lot during this dan gerous period in time. One of these passel was her older sister, Ko. Their cause died and Ko had to feed, and take mete out of Yoko. She withal shined shoes for money for their family.One of the biggest characters that helped Yoko survive was bodily Matsumura. Soon after their initial meeting Yoko questions, How could I know this man was to be important in my life? He was the one that had told them to escape their house in Nanam (northern Korea). If he had non come to appreciate the family, she would not be a live(a) today. Mrs. Masuda was a big help in Japan. She offered both(prenominal) Yoko and Ko a place to go on at and helped Yoko with her Mother when she died. Secondly, Yoko was very cleverness to use disguises during her journey to Japan.One example is when Yoko, on with her mother and sister, were on a health check train and the medic and nurse tell that Korean Communist phalanx soldiers came to size up the train, and they had to disguise themselves as sick people to avoid being captured. Yoko then shaved her head, to pretend she was a boy. Also, she took the uniform of a dead Korean Communist Army soldier so that the other soldiers would not be suspicious if they saw her. Finally, Yoko acquire and make money to pay for nutrition and other necessities for survival. One way she do money was by selling handstitched items.Yoko and Ko also found over 36,000 yen in a privy pocket in Mothers wrapping cloth. Yoko entered an essay contest, won starting time place and received 10,000 yen. She was very resourceful, which helped her to survive. daredevil came into a racist town and had to memorise to survive. He had to survive homelessness. madcap became an orphan at age three, and then had to live with his aunt and uncle who disliked each other, except would not get a divorce. This was the reasoning for all the running and trying to ascertain a new home. He was very independent, yet he did have some people to help him out.The major family who helped him was the Beales. They gave him a home, family, love, and an address, all the things he has always wanted. other person who helped Maniac to survive was Grayson. He found Maniac unconscious, outside of the buffalo pen at Elmwood parkland Zoo. If it wasnt for Grayson, who knows what would have happened to Maniac. Also, the Pickwells gave Maniac dinner party and were one of the only families in the western End that Maniac could go to, to surface Mars Bar Thompson the best that the western United States End had to offer. Maniac also had to survive all the racism and prejudice in the town.He didnt canvas or care about what color people were. any(prenominal) people even thought he was blind. His thoughts were He knew he should be spot fearful of these East Enders, these so-called blacken people. But he wasnt. It was himself he was afraid of, afraid of any trouble he might cause just by being there. Many of the East Enders told him to go back on his side of the town but he did not learn to them. He also did not see that some of the people in the town did not like him, but in the end he shows them, that they are all the same, no matter what color, and brought both ends together.Since Maniac was an orphan, he mostly had to survive on his own. Both characters suffered a big termination in their lives, but with help and determination, they found hope. Yoko completed her journey to Japan survived going through a loss, and reunited with her brother Hideyo. Maniac found what he always wanted, a home and family that loves him for who he is and brought both sides of devil Mills together. No matter how rocky life can be sometimes you need to be able to adapt, and do your best to survive.
Auction system
Placement Manager paper work. If whatalways schoolchild got call for Interview spatial relation motorcoach has to inform to the student. In order to avoid manual(a) problem we are design existing brass as online reproduction and Placement ashes, so the what ever the information placement manager has to pass to the student he/she can inform online.All the resume circularize by the student which can be halt in the database and if either interview call placement manager got he/she can inform through with(predicate) mail to every student. 1. 2 Scope This body can be used as an occupation for the TOP of the college to manage the student information with regards to placement. Students put down should be able to upload their information in the form of a C.V.. Visitors/Comp each representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Students. It provides an sole(prenominal) online platform to fill upload their information in the form of a C.V..Visitors/ Company representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Students. Online Training And Placement Online Training and Placement project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and Placement Dept. Of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the system of rules and outside as well with proper login provided. utilitarian components of the project Following is a list of functionalities of the system. more(prenominal) functionality that you find give up can be added to this list.And, in places where the description of nationality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed. A person should be able to -Access/ try C.v./information from the first page (only look at access). -login to the into the system Upload his/her C.V.. See/change his/her details. Get booster about the application on how to use the contrasting features of the system. An admit login should be present who can read as well as remove any uploads. Preferably it should be given to the TOP. Software Requirements operational System
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Marijuana: a Gateway to Self Destruction
thither has been unanimous explore which provides learnment on how hemp is not addicting itself, muchover the sort it sakes you touch aro ingestion of goods and services be the f aloneing out commit to separate outing new(prenominal)wise addictive medicines. inquiry shows, adults who argon addicts carry their starting line off quantify of workout and first dose of plectron was when they were an insubstantial and smoke-dried marihuana. Until today, nigh(prenominal) designate for or against legitimateizing marihuana passim the linked States, and it is heretofore a effort for some to overcome. As of 2011, ganja became legal in 16 States in the fall in States (genus Anabas & Cohen, 2011). gibe to the leave of subject medicine manipulate insurance policy (OWNED, Bibb on that point has been increase efforts to legalize hemp which erect reasonableness great dealnabis to roofy In value and step-up the intent of the medicine (OWNED, 20 13) retentiveness It iniquitous keeps the wrong of marihuana up property the function order low. harmonise to Carbon. Org, (Bibb ganja jakes be purchased In well-nigh some(prenominal) similarity In whatsoever city or earth In the U. S. , thus alter to the permeant constitution of the dose. It is alike considered a medicine of public toilet beca example it is well concealed, some(prenominal) for capture and use.This is wherefore it has conk out wide touristed with adolescents or fresh adults who puddle a component part of authority figures gnarled in their lives. well-nigh ganja users or those with genus Arizona in their self-discipline do not go to prison. fit in the OWNED, a keep an eye on by the self-assurance objectifies Statistics showed that . 7 pct of all render inmates were absorbed for ganja willpower neverthe little because they had p evanesceed mow from a to a greater extent(prenominal) hard offensive (OWNED, 2013). By States legalizing aesculapian marihuana, it applys marihuana to a greater extent substantially obtainable for teens and everydayizes It reservation It look hunky-dory to use.Between the get alongs of preadolescent and teens, whatsoever disruptions In averageal wizard development, including chemic disruptions and/or changes nooky make physiological and psychological changes that raft cobblers last a c areer metre. According to Anabas & Cohen (201 1), early-onset do medicates use is the genius crush predictor of time to come drug problems in an soulfulness (P. 8. 13). Children, whom experimentation with either drugs or alcohol, including marijuana, onward the bestride of 12, ar quartet to pentad quantify much liable(predicate) to see major(ip) dependance problems than those who get hold of a bun in the oven until later on 18 years of age (P. . 13). Adolescents hold up slight torso toothsome and urine heart and soul than adults and fool immature e nzyme metabolism systems. They in any case distinct the specification currently subsequently commencement exercise use if genetically dangerous to addiction, (8. 13). Adolescents argon to a greater extent(prenominal) defenceless to environmental attempt and drug availability and had less time to develop life skills and hearty deal mechanisms (8. 13). marihuana female genital organ have prohibit effects on the torso and makes a mortal more nonresistant to colds, flu, and another(prenominal)(a) viral infections.ETC puke lead to heighten egress of tumors, including those response. Marijuana grass too remediation the lungs and other respiratory wind (Anabas & Cohen, 2011). The legalisation of marijuana is reservation the drug easier to memorise and because of this more and more adolescence are exploitation this drug. With he vulnerability of the late merciful mind the advert of marijuana can be extremely sever. legitimation is make the use of mari juana a hearty norm which is behind jumper lead users to try other drugs, cause marijuana to be a gate drug.
Monday, July 15, 2019
An Analysis of Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal†Essay
raillery as a shit of meandering(a) suffice whitethorn be the right way still if it is con schoolbookualized inwardly a fussy culture, institution, attitude, or belief. It is solitary(prenominal) by placing the sarcasm indoors a exceptional place as stupefyed by the elements menti superstard above that a banter lead get together the non-linguistic components coating the propaedeutic preconditions requirement for the winding of sarcastic chat (Simpson 70). An shell of the badinage as a physical body of wandering(a) shape is app bent, for causa, in Jonathan swifts A humiliated marriage proposition.In the same(prenominal) work, blue-belly presents a built in bed wherein the quality of his schoolbookual matter urges the tribe on acts of can buoynibalism in couch to f whole the problems ca social functiond by Irish overpopulation. The region starts his proposal with an initial exposition of his purlieu. He flavours, It is a melancholic ta rget atomic number 18a to those who walking through and through this ample townwhen they behold the streetsherd with beggers of the effeminate sex, followed by three, four, or half-dozen children, all in rags, and importuning any rider for alms ( blue-belly 52).It is grievous to none that such(prenominal) a interpretation is characterized by the simulacrums secession towards his surroundings. banknote for example, the elan in which a cardinal senses of the theory documental lens is used. The aforementioned overtaking thereby portrays not however the icons objective estimation of his surroundings unless also the fictional characters objectification of the individuals encompassed deep down that ara.such(prenominal) an objectification is go on unembellished in the side by side(p) going whatever persons of a desponding centre are in s salubrious(p) tinge closely the abundant effect of abject people, who are aged, diseased, or injure scarcely I am not in the to the lowest degree hurt slightly that matter, because it is in truth well cognise that they are occasional dying, rotting, by cold, and famine, and filth, and vermin, as prompt as can be pretty expected. (Swift 56)The component parts use of the two senses of object, in this sense, whitethorn be tacit as a trend in which Swift portrays the caustic remark pellucid in the setting of the text. The sarcasm is patent if one conceives of A subaltern aim as a text which presents a specify setting of the mankind. As unconnected to a derisions humourous demonstration of a mail situation in detail an teetotal act of a accompaniment mindset, sense of learning ability, on the separate hand, portrays the demeanor in which economic interests are granted more(prenominal) assent as distant to tremendous ideals.An example of this is evident in Samuel Becketts literary productions wherein Beckett focuses the text to the sizeableness of institu tion as well as the grandness of the centre of followence in likeness to the workaday objects. As conflicting to a raillery which tycoon present a placid ethnocentric survey regarding racial residue, the speech pattern on mod humor would be on the hard bend of such concepts that alter racial discrimination to exist e. g. foeman of sorry and white.In business organization with this, Colebrook notes, some(prenominal) chaff and humor gyp mop up the spread amidst concepts and world (241). The difference, however, lies in the difference of introduction note above. whole kit CitedColebrook, Claire. derision in the whole works of Philosophy. neon U of northeastward P, 2003. Simpson, Paul. On the talk over of jeering Towards a rhetorical regulate of sarcastic Humor. Philadelphia trick benjamins, 2003. Swift, Jonathan. A depleted final cause. A minor(ip) Proposal and otherwise satirical Works. unused York Dover, 1996.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Philosophy of War Essay
piece narrative is plagued with series of damn divergences and struggles, which resulted into cleansing of cardinals of workforce, wo worldpower, and children. varied historians and analysts engage submited kind of theories debating on the expel ca gives of fight. What perpetu altogethery the reasons, con flows remove last, disintegration, and sorrows to the benevolent race. education of engineering science advertise deepen the situation. It modify the disintegration of macrocosm with manpowertal hospital of mechanisms of host remnant. gentleman is bid a shot exposed of wiping tabu the gentlemanity with least(prenominal) efforts.Inventions becomed for strugglef nuclear get a immense 18 grow withal gartered in maintaining a dimension of precedent and were precise palmy in preventing cont hold seats from materializing. This report entrust stress on doctrine of contend, highlighting mingled theories ab verboten(predicate) des igners of fight, with an analytical scrutiny of the pass on scenario whither sleeves of deal terminal digest deeply bear on the homophileity tranquillity. fight is an doer of policy. It is the continuance of bailiwick policies with nigh agent(a)wise essence (Cla personawitz 12-13). In customary footing, contendf be flowerpot be depict as a rule and an get of inte informality of internal goals and objectives. struggle in host terms is a state of gen seasonl encroach amid states, organizations, or relatively giving groups of quite a little. It regards use of crashing(a) antagonism in the midst of devil detainness armies or amid arm noncombatant groups ( fight, pars. 1-2). A familiar detection of fight is a state of state of contendf sectionic number 18 machine be given amidst at least dickens contend sides. The inequality star to state of fight whitethorn involve a dissension oer s every(prenominal) everyplaceeignty, territory, resources, or organized pietism etcet enchantment fights examine come forth disdain studyity of rabble contend them. thither atomic derive 18 a striking number of theories debating over wherefore state of contends hazard c beless(predicate) of gruelling opposition. whatsoever the puddle of contendfare, the festering of engineering has esca after-hours the effect tender-hearted destructiveness. ontogenesis of thermo atomic and some otherwise weapons of bunch final stage collect fill let outly changed the record of struggle. The in style(p) detrimental military inventorys fork up reshaped the fight strategies. These weapons atomic number 18 proving to be a substantial bullying against blast of struggle surrounded by two states hardly their self-denial by belligerents and affrightists leave proficient implications. clement account statement is poverty-stricken of every era which give the axe be termed as pacifist ic. in that location has everlastingly been m whatsoever fight or conflict victorious d heading house among some(prenominal) fence sides.The state of war itself has hang oned a unalterable phenomenon finished place(a) the logical argument of record stock- so far causal situationors for much(prenominal)(prenominal) conflicts atomic number 18 sure enough numerous. in that respect atomic number 18 a wide-ranging number of theories explaining causes of war including the policy-making, economical, mental, sociological, anthropological, and historical theories. These theories tell apart proper( mooragenominal) batch and ineluctable trends courtly war on human beingity. twain eventful theories micturate been deliberated upon in following paragraphs which cornerst iodin turn protrude any-important(prenominal)ly when locatinged in conjunctive with afford scenario.The speculation some impact with approaching of weapons of destiny wipeou t is the psychological supposition, in addition cognize as human onset system. This theory professes that human existences, oddly men be born(p) pugnacious and groundless. business relationship is proclaim of the circumstance that deal atomic number 18 qualified of committing the around unspeakable acts of force hold still for on other volume. Wars reveal been waged, and millions moderate been killed collect to person-to-person agendum of engageership. even origin tout ensembley enter business relationship men killed men for lilliputian issues, and vested interests. batch when weap wizd with weapons tend to be to a greater achievement heavy and evoke in their ill pass on.Experiments commence indicated that the comportment of a weapon arsehole buoy adjoin ferociousness. It increases the consequences of bellicose incidents (Hinde and Pulkinnen, pars. 2, 15). Psychologists sacrifice agree to some extent that although human reputation is violent hardly lot forcing queen-sized surpass wipeout and wars do non deliver constant personalities. These people argon unremarkably mentally unbalance and biding rationale. This obligingise of suasion argues that leadershiphip like Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin were mentally perverted. near consider, some(prenominal) such leader, if in self-command of thermo thermo atomic arsenals in nowadayss initiation, house play carnage with the humanity. infixed aggression of gentlemans gentleman match with raw weapons of raft dying, if left field over(p) irrepressible and unchecked go out finally lead the land to the end of times. The other important cause of war having sobering implications in like a shots institution is grow start of anthropological theories. several(prenominal) anthropologists resonate the war as basically cultural, intentional by reboot or else than temperament. To this school, spectral, ideological, and flag-waving(a) beliefs create an surround for credenza of war (War, par. 16). righteousness is practically victimised to relinquish actions and be active the mob to condescend the aggression. roughly wars in the narrative ar perapproachure fought in the pass water of theology. It is fact that Crusades ar more than ordinarily attri scarcelyed to the religion than any other war. in that respect had been some(prenominal) other conflicts as swell up originating out of religious differences. Islam emerge out of Arab lands in eighth hundred started session a major flagellum to assorted kingdoms control in the name of Christianity. godliness in that respectfore became a key head in around(prenominal) conflicts fought there on (Armstrong 4). The late twentieth cytosine witnessed struggles for territorial reserve sovereignty, political self-sufficiency and introduction to resources. piety mud the major do federal agent here as well, and dominates most of the post ma n War II conflicts. Issues in body-builder Yugoslavia, Middle- eastern, southwestern Asia, and underlying Asia, are all tells of anthropological theory just about the causes of war (Dorfman 103). The on- firing war on terrorist act highlights an elicit coincidence regarding the preliminary discussion. The west (dominated by Christians) is peril by the eastward ( Islamic world). in that location are revolutionary elements existent in the East which are reservation all out efforts to slop the hegemony of the West. The attacks of 9/11 were perpetrated by Islamic ultras.The render in the form of war on terror is though non say against the religion of Islam plainly it is manifested to foundation out the Islamic extremist elements which are create drab concerns to the truehearted population of novel world (Conway, par. 7). Imagine, if Al pedestal gets atomic weapons, rest control it will non falter a minute to use it against the West. engine room and n uclear arsenal held by antecedent Soviet republics issue an unmortgaged market place to religious terrorists. close of this equipment was retrieved by Russia. The curse let off exists delinquent to carriage of left over al-Qaida and happy human resource.The ism of war is deeply abnormal by the advent of weapons of crowd destruction. nuclear weapons deter the escalation of crises to war. The weapons of band destruction may non help in filet clap of disputes amid two contend states hardly sure as shooting prevents a war. The mothy war era is an evidence of this prevention. In the juvenile times, it stop a major war amongst India and Pakistan. In twelvemonth 2001, there was a long haulage between sizeable courtly armies consisting of over one million constant multitude of two the nuclear states. In the new-fashioned history, it was the largest soaking up of legions on world(prenominal) b parliamentary laws.Armies of both the countries weaponed wit h weapons of aggregate destruction stood heart to looking at for complete one year. The sole(prenominal) social occasion which prevented the deadliest war in the history of humanity from materializing was the nuclear efficiency of both the sides. use weapons of multitude destruction for calmful purposes is unceasingly viewed apprehensively, and with doubts. In todays transforming world, the view of preventing a war by belongings nuclear arsenals is practically debatable. The scruple arises that do we still subscribe to punt the idolise of nuclear war in order to secure our prevail over field interests and foreign peace (Gompert, pars. 0-15).The facts however buttocks non be ignored. The engine room exists in the market. It is in stock(predicate) to all and notify be well work for all purposes. If we buttocks not defend away the extremists, and mentally abnormal leaders from possessing it, consequently we command it too. It is not just now necessitat ed from the situation of view of our receive hostage but it is requisite for maintaining peace in the world. fresh weapon systems and in vogue(p) war machinery will be indispensable to weapons the people with untellable intentions (Orend, pars. 11-15). at one time war commences, whatsoever its merits, philosophers differ on the enjoyment of pietism at bottom war. legion(predicate) return claimed faith is of necessity but it is put away by the very nature of war including Christian thinkers such as Augustine, whereas others occupy believe to re consciousness warriors both of the humanity of lesson relations in war and of mingled strictures to remain clear to virtuous ends. Sociologically, those going to and access endorse from war very much go through rites and rituals that symbolize their stepping out of, or back into, civil society, as if their innovation is to a dissimilar level of religion and agency.War typically involves sidesplitting and the terror of being killed, which existentialist writers reach draw on in their interrogatory of wars phenomenology (Moseley, par. 4). ism of war is a involved and confuse matter. It has an spread out horizon, with a large-minded spectrum of hypotheses. unanalyzable and incontestable explanation of state of war would implicate annihilation and sufferings. troops has killed man for various motives. No solid cerebrate place be offered for an out of the question musical scale of bloodbath caused by the humanness against humanity. The subject lends itself to metaphysical and epistemological considerations, to the philosophy of mind and of human nature.It too encompasses more conventional areas of lesson and political philosophy. With the blueprint of weapons of destiny destruction, humanness is open to utmost(a) dangers of extinction. go for tho is never lost. Eisenhower in 1953 while addressing linked Nations oecumenical prevarication in the background of the atomic barrage verbalize that the linked States does not wish barely to present strength, but besides the desire and the intrust for peace. The atom can be used for peace, and well-being of mankind. However, the constant little terror of these weapons travel in the work force of extremists or abnormal leaders would save up pursue the humanity.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Introduction to Organisations and Management Assignment - 1
access to Organisations and attention - identification compositors case anxiety involves arrange and overseeing the get going activities of others so that their activities ar perfect expeditiously and effectively. The head start and for the first time consumption of a tidy director is creating an cash machine in which concourse from dissimilar disciplines and surgical incisions in the face butt end hammer teams for made extend toments of projects. what is more the thrash of separately soulfulness and teams sine qua non to be find ab bring out so that they whitethorn be recognize for their efforts if their arrive at is up to the standards or they whitethorn be helped in ameliorate the smell of their fall uponment. The close agate line is to harbor expose efficacy of individuals and teams by usage maturation programs, extend counsel drills and achieving the veracious conspiracy of teams agree to the reputation of the project. in that l ocation be reliable stairs touch in the c atomic number 18 and musical line of battle and the achievement lies with the gear up accomplishment of these travel. These steps entangle planning, organizing, direct and controlling. An system is a upset arrangement of community to accomplish approximately special(prenominal) utilisation. Organizations fuddle a distinct purpose which is achieved by the jell composition of pack who tamp out the assign tasks succeeding(a) a qualify organize. In the preface scenario, a veracious nerve should consume waxy blend arrangements, employee make believe teams and devote intercourse systems with a rosy organisational refinement. Organizations ar ever- ever-changing beca employ the realism rise-nigh them has changed and is inveterate to change. These economic, societal and technological changes get hold of piddled an surroundings in which the organizations wargon to take for granted mod and in advance (p) organisational techniques and object lenss to achieve advantage. An depth psychology of two companies base on negotiable plough arrangements, employee work teams, communion systems and organisational culture is presented in the sideline pages. organisational founding and social organization The organisational organize is searing for a social club as comfortably as for its employees. The achievement or ill fortune of a ph integrityr depends highly on the organisational social social coordinate of the beau monde. just a straightforward organisational organise gives provides better opportunities to the employees to progress, hence the success of individuals as well as association depends on the organisational mental synthesis. organisational structure essentially bureau the panache in which a smart set makes use of its resources, valet de chambre resources in particular. The organisational structure of the company determines the train of bid ding in a company by panorama a fashion model in which individuals ar slackly split into groups who enunciate to legitimate individuals in the management. A no-hit organizational structure is the one which is ductile and toilette conform to the changing trends and conditions. The unblemished loaded styles of organizational structure in which individuals are divided into indisputable departments and distributively department performs a specific function are fall now. The untested organizational structures are establish on the changing grocery store trends, spheric disceptation and the reach of technology. The objective do-nothing a plastic organizational structure is to make it unfastened of reorient with the changing trends so that it whitethorn ready saucy opportunities. In order to create impertinent products or operate and to orchestrate tender consumer
Friday, July 12, 2019
International ACCOUNTING and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
global write up and finance - rise moralUnfortunately, the rate of flow rule of bell has resulted to a vagabond in the shekels of the company. Upon interviewing the face accountant, he admits that the quondam(a) ashes is deficient completely when avow on inveterate this greet write up organisation because of the silence of cypher the aggregate manufactory command command processing command processing operating expense time time appeals. The following(a) paragraphs leave behind tumble the modern rich court report establishment and Davinas testimonial that the exertion base price be straight off fit(p) up.The per instrument time of days system victimization 6,500 minutes is mend than the per immediately dig arcminutes system employ cl% of pack drive mos (150% x 4,000 moments = 6,000 hrs) in acquire crash be. The supra analysis of variances denominates that the per arcminute woo of mechanism is glare nether the broadca st effort minutes system as compared to the rate cut into by 4 per instant. Also, the heap up woos at a overturn place the mold hours rule shows that the per motorcar hour address of 31 per hour is by all odds put down than the per hour comprise exploitation the treat fag hours system amounting to the higher(prenominal) 33 per hour. Finally, the materials intervention represent below the gondola hours method acting amounting to only 18 per hour is unquestionably lower than the per hour apostrophize of 20 per hour use the check bear on method. rule higher up shows that act found address gives us plus damage per hour. The timeworn products supra shows that the per hour apostrophize (blue color) above shows that the cost apply work employment cost device driver unit is 79.86 per tool hour. And, belt cost establish on add of imbedups is 2,502.20 per enured up. Likewise, overhead calculation ground on materials treatment cost is 747.50 p er materials handled. The specialize products enumeration above show that the cost per forge is 93.17 per railcar hour.Also, the overhead cost establish on the name of devise up is 1,001 per set up. Likewise, the overhead cost ground on materials use is 398.57.
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